about-mpMagPress.com was developed and maintained by three brothers from Asia. MagPress.com started as a Free WordPress Theme download site back in 2005 and now becoming one of the largest Free WordPress Themes Directory with over one million downloads worldwide.

According to Alexa history stats, MagPress is visited by users from the United States, India, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and Russia. We have helped over 100,000 web admins and bloggers start a beautiful and easy-to-use WordPress Template for their new sites.

Today, MagPress provides Simple, Free Themes for WordPress CMS Platform and Free Responsive and Clean Modern HTML5 WordPress Themes for users without any knowledge of HTML and CSS. MagPress also allowed users to purchase a developer version of any of our themes to remove our credit links and rereceive00% free yet premium support via our support forums or by priority emails.

MagPress developers are constantly following recent design trends and web coding standards so users using our free themes can have the most ideal and up-to-date HTML CSS Markup to use on their website. We have more than 30+ mobile-friendly WordPress Themes that work perfectly on mobile devices such as iPhones, iPad, or any Android phone.

With the demanding request for mobile friendly WordPress Theme, we always release a ‘responsive’ theme so any users using our articles will not lose their viewers in mobile space, which may or may not cover 30% of average device usage visits.

MagPress always welcome new members and visitors from around the globe, so we can help them start their site without worrying about site designs or new theme development. A simple install of our WordPress Theme can easily be customized via theme options if the theme supports these functions.

Ronald KSY
CEO and Founder of MagPress.com