10 Old SEO Methods You Need to Stop!
SEO is not at all a new concept to be considered in any way and has been heard by the people in the field of blogging and having websites on a daily basis. When it comes to the SEO, business benefits of SEO marketing strategies have always been much and in this regard keeping an eye on what’s new and what’s old is also a matter of fact. The California SEO expert always state to eliminate the old techniques of SEO from your blogs and work with the new strategies if you really want to improve your rankings in any possible way. Below we have suggested a few of the old SEO techniques which are now outdated and shall be eliminated in every way.
Focusing on Directory Submission
Many bloggers believe that by way of submitting their articles on the different directories with a link to their page will let them grab the audience and rankings are completely at a mistake. This trend was no doubt functional in the past but now people have moved towards social attention on the majority of the side. On the other hand guest blogging has also taken place of directories and people have been benefiting from it.
Keeping Quality over Quantity
Another problem which has been observed to be followed by way of the old SEO practice is the problem of giving quantity an upper hand as compared to the quality. They pile up a series of articles and blog on the websites and none of them is worth reading, what’s the point then as it will never help anyone attain the best rankings in any way.
Focusing on Short Articles
Another practice which was a very commonly observed SEO practice of the past was the focus being on short articles ranging to about 300 words. These days the rankings are more inclined towards the longer articles which may range up to 2000 words and this gives a success to the SEO marketing business in a certainly authentic way.
Adding Links in the Content
The approach to add links of previously posted articles in the content is also an obsolete approach that takes you nowhere, in fact it’s a distracter for the readers who might be busy gaining some essential information and the link may disrupt them. This way people might end up leaving your page and plan to never come back.
Keyword Stuffing
There were times when the rankings used to get improved when one adds about ten to twenty percent of the keywords. However, nowadays the maximum requirement and inclusion of the keyword on the article shall not be more than two to three percent or else it will appear awkward to the reader.
Making Content Keyword Focused
Another factor which is more or less an old SEO mistake is making your content inclined towards the keyword; however the approach shall be making the keyword adjusted in a versatile nature of content. This makes the keyword only the subject and is a down rated approach of SEO.
Posting Irrelevant Comments
Many bloggers in the past used to add numerous comments under their content in order to grab the attention of the audience. This approach has now been a bogus one and calls for nothing impressive at all instead is disliked by Google as well as the readers.
Ignoring the Website Design
Website design always plays a significant role to either give your business a boost or to lower it down. SEO is not something associated with the content only in fact it has been associated with the design as well, the better is the deign the higher could be the rankings.
Eliminating the Social Touch
The best blogs and websites are rich in social association as those buttons on the ends state, this approach was never taken into account by the old SEO concepts and strategies but now these factors have taken a significant importance to add them and introduce a social association.
Inadequate Content
In case if the website owner has outsourced the task of writing the content the analysis of the quality of the content as well as that of writer is always very important. You must know what and who is writing your content and how well it has been written. In the past people never paid attention to the content but you should since your audience does.
All these approaches were far alright in the past but now with the increasing trends and demands one needs to avoid all the obsolete approaches for a better future in order to enjoy website loading speed tips & business benefits of SEO marketing strategies.