4 Tips for Working with Your Web Designer
It may not seem like it, but choosing a web designer can be one of the most important decisions you make for your business. Why? Because a website can make or break a business. From aesthetic choices to SEO and analytics, your web designer sets the tone and terms for success.
With all this in mind, be sure to consider these 4 factors as you enter into the decision making process. You want your relationship with your web designer to be innovative and exciting but also transparent, and it takes preparation and careful consideration to make that happen.
Start With Portfolios
The first step to finding the right web designer is looking at portfolios – lots of portfolios. Don’t just look for sites you like, but look for sites that share design elements you’d like to see implemented for your business. If you choose a web design company that makes great websites but that are very different from anything you’d ever want, you won’t get results you like. A well-designed site and a site that’s right for your business aren’t the same thing.
Think Service
There are many different kinds of web designers out there. Some will build a site and upgrade as needed, but they won’t provide any other services, such as content writing or analytics. Other design companies do it all. If you’re new to the business world, you’ll want a company that provides content writing services and other add-ons, not just a bare bones site design. Those undertaking the process with a lot of marketing experience under their belt, on the other hand, might want to cut that expense and take on those tasks independently.
Have A Plan
Clients constantly complain that designers don’t know what they want – and that’s because the clients don’t know what they want. Before you contact a web designer, make sure you have a clear sense of what you want out of your website.
If you give designers a very brief description or use vague terms to describe your aims, you’re unlikely to get results that match what’s in your head. What does it mean to say you want a site “like Huffington Post?” Do you mean layout, color scheme, or purpose? While your designer may ask guiding questions in order to get a better sense of your site goals, there’s only so much they can do if you think of yourself as a “blank slate”.
Trust Their Expertise
If you want to frustrate your web designer, ignore all of their suggestions. They work in the industry for a reason – they’re passionate and knowledgeable about the subject. Acknowledge their expertise; when they tell you something won’t work or will hurt your conversion rate, believe them. Given the chance, your web designer can help you boost sales and increase customer loyalty, but too often clients stand in the way of their own success.
You don’t have to break the bank to create a great website, you just have to find a designer who’s a good match for your brand and aesthetic concept. In fact, despite the push to be original, to stand out from the pack, a simple, appealing design is often for the best. This isn’t a competition to be a one-of-a-kind website or to do something no one has ever seen before. It’s just about doing business. Let your web designer do their job so you can do yours.