A Guide for Hiring a Competent E-Commerce Platform Developer
If you are looking to work with the best contractors in a new field, you will have to do some homework on your end. Hiring can be a tricky business especially when you have no idea what to look for in a good employee or contractor.
One of the most popular open source ecommerce platforms in the market is the Magento community platform. When it comes to moving your business to this platform, the size of your business will play a big role. For example, you can’t go for a Magento Enterprise if you are starting a small business; same way, you can’t use a basic account for a big business. When looking for Magento developers to work with, you need to be very keen. There are so many developers out there and it’s up to you to find the one who best suits your project from start to finish. However, it’s not that hard to find developers who will handle your project professionally. Use the following tips to help get some who are qualified for the job:
One of the key factors to look for in Magento developers is their experience on developing ecommerce sites. You want to work with someone who has worked on similar sites before to ensure that the process runs smoothly. Once you have given him or her instructions, they should be able to complete their project without constant supervision.
However, this does not mean you should dismiss the fresh and new ecommerce site developers. Some of the new developers come with trendy angles that could make your site unique and more desirable to consumers. It’s therefore quite important that you get some samples from a new developer before ignoring them.
Job Quality
Any professional ecommerce sit developers will have sample work or a portfolio that they use to showcase their work. When looking to work with some Magento developers, you need to make sure that the ones you choose have great work quality. Quality is way more important even when it comes at an added cost.
You should never let cost be a hindering factor when it comes to good quality work. On the other hand, look at the quality provided before hand will help you avoid paying extravagantly for work of poor quality. You can base the quality of work based on the needs of your own site, or the success of previous clients who worked with the same developers.
Developers Attitude
Unlike other jobs where you only work with a contractor once, when it comes to developing an ecommerce site you will be in constant communication. Even though there are thousands of Magento developers, you will still need to contact the one you worked with whenever you have a problem with your system.
The attitude and respect that a developer shows is very vital for hiring. You don’t want to hire someone who you can’t stand being in the same room with. To find out just how respective and responsive your developer is, contact some of his or her previous customers and ask. You can also have some basic questions to determine whether you can or can’t work with him or her.
Though Magento developers are all over the place, it would be unwise to just hire the very first that you came across. Doing some research and background searches will save you a lot of pain in the future. It’s better to spend some extra time and money doing some thorough background search, than to be stranded with a developer who is not well qualified for the job.