effective components management tips
Effective components management enables electronics designers to work on projects using the right tools that are widely used by electronics manufacturers. Design teams work with better clarity because a thorough analysis exposes overlooked areas such as factoring in the costs of consumables in a project. This process also assists electronic designers in identifying suitable alternatives for unavailable components.

In order to effectively tune your components’ library, you need to learn the right approaches. These 5 tips will help you keep track of the latest components’ updates, price changes, and, suitable alternatives.

1. Go for components with extended life cycles

Expert electrical engineers prefer working with components that have existed for decades because they provide stability. Components with extended life cycles cost more than generic parts but the benefits gained are worth the price. It’s easier for a manufacturer to accept your design and commence with full-scale production when your design consists of high-quality components.

Components with extended life cycles are easier to find in the market because their high reliability makes them quite popular.

2. Use unique components sparingly

It’s advisable to use well known and easily available components because it’s easier to replace them whenever their life cycles come to an end. Another advantage of using conventional components is that one can use templates which contain reference designators for the respective components.

In some cases, you may feel obliged to use a unique component due to the unavailability of suitable components. The best approach is using just a few of these components. This way, you won’t waste a lot of time looking for replacements and suitable alternatives whenever the unique component is unavailable in your city.

3. Stick to using durable components

durable electronic components
Do you normally confuse life cycle with durability? A component’s life cycle refers to the various stages a component undergoes before its ultimate withdrawal from the market. Durability, on the other hand, focuses on the duration of use. The obvious advantage of using durable components is that you won’t have to burn holes through your pocket due to recurring repair costs.

Read also: how to build a durable electronic devices

When you are unsure about a component’s durability, you can consult with electronics manufacturers or seasoned electronics designers in various online forums. Avoid using cheap components because they can damage other components attached to the design’s circuit board.

4. Always compare prices

Reliable components are characterized by their high prices compared to generic parts. However, due to the existence of numerous electronics components manufacturers, it’s possible to obtain high-quality parts for less. You can spend less on electronic components by comparing prices in various online stores and local components dealers.

5. Take advantage of online based components selection tools

Rapid advancement in BOM management has made it possible for electrical engineers and circuit designers to update their BOM with Industry-recognized components. These online tools enable electronics designers to get rid of obsolete components much easier than doing manual cross-checking.

Do you need an updated list of components to create a perfect BOM? Visit electronics design today.


The five tips highlighted above will help you create the best BOM for small size and multi-level projects. Feel free to post your comments or questions in the Comments section.