Fresh New WordPress Themes in August for Small Business Website
Good web design is just as important as SEO for keeping your readers coming back to your site and increasing your number of readers. A crisp, uncluttered design is more visually appealing to readers’ eyes. Web users will stay longer and go back more frequently to a site that they find attractive. With so many WordPress sites out there, you want yours to stand out and one way to do that is to use the newest themes. Here are some of the fresh new WordPress themes that came out in August that you can use on your small business or other site.
The theme Radcliffe came out at the beginning of the month that is well reviewed. It has a white background with a one column layout. This theme is good for bloggers that want their content to be the central focus. The Radcliffe theme has a responsive layout, so it will be good for all types of screens. It also has retina-ready assets and full width header images. The theme offers support for a custom logo and accent color. It has three widget areas.
Indigos is another WordPress theme from August. It has a fully responsive design that is also very clean and easy to use. This theme has a white background with a blue header at the top and a grey admin panel with advanced options at the bottom of the page. The theme supports all popular plugins, such as Contact Form 7, social plugins, Advanced Custom Field, and Google Fonts. There are WordPress plugins that can improve your SEO.
Museum is a new theme meant to showcase your images and leaves ample room for them. The theme is inspired by actual museums in its choice of typography and its box design for post listings, which look like the information cards by works of art in museums. This theme gives extra attention to category and media pages to help sort your collections. The theme has a white background with two columns of black blocks for post links. The footer is in red and so are the boxes for the post headings.
Floki is a new minimal theme with a white background. The font colors can be changed and Google fonts can be used. When the user first sees the text and images of the site as they scroll down, they fly in at an angle and settle down in their places. These 3D animations can be configured. The theme has 2 menus, social icons, and a logo. The top bar is configurable.
Bitter Sweet
Bitter Sweet is a responsive, modern, and clean theme for WordPress. It has a two column layout with a light grey background and the sidebar on the right. The posts and header have white backgrounds, while the headings are in blue font. The theme has a search function and a recent posts widget built in. This web design theme was built with Bootstrap 3, so it is optimized for all devices with different screen sizes.

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