How to Use Instagram Bots to Get Real Result?
Ingramer hashtag generator
Not everybody uses all the Instagram capability wholly and utterly. Sad but true. Instagram (IG) offers endless possibilities for self-realization, for business promotion, for creation of your own personal brand, to become influencer and motivator for other people. All you need to do is to know how to promote your account, grow your Instagram audience, and communicate with it. Do not panic, I’ll tell you how.
First, you need to have a clear vision of where do you go, what do you want to achieve. Then, based on defined aims, you need to make up a strategy. Let me warn you in advance – you won’t promote your account fast without resorting to Instagram automation tool. It will help you during the entire promotion. Let’s look at what you can do and how!
But first, let’s clear up what is Instagram automation tools or bots.
IG bot is service for automation of activity aimed at the increase of account visibility, audience attraction, and enhancement of quality of communication with new supporters. So how to use it to get real results?
Work with hashtags
A hashtag is a driving force of your promotion on Instagram. If adequately picked up, it can bring tons of likes from real users and new followers. There are specific rules which should be followed if you want to maximize the success of your promo campaign.
- First, you can use all 30 permitted hashtags whatever people say but put them in the first comment under the post. That you won’t spam your captions with tags and leave more space for the stunning text.
- Second, do not deceive yourself with popular hashtags. If you put down all 30 popular tags, you will lose a race – 2-3 hashtags is enough. Cause using only high-frequency tags, you put at risk your post be lost among millions of similar posts. That’s why it’s better to use more tags of lower frequency.
- Third, use a tag generator to find the optimal hashtags. Ingramer hashtag generator is one of such tools. It’s capable of making up 3 lists of hashtags: related hashtags, niche hashtags, non-niche hashtags. You need to enter the keyword or URL, upload a photo, and the tool generates hashtags relevant to it.
Like your TA
You need to stay active to draw new people to your account. One of the actions that you can take is to like other accounts to attract their attention and provoke their interest. Mass-liking, in this case, is an integral part of your strategy.
To optimize the process of mass-liking, use an Instagram bot, which will automate that process. Using it, you reach more people than you can do it on your own. Consequently, your audience increases much faster.
Follow TA
Mass-following is an efficient tool which can advance your account promotion. Using IG bot, you make it twice more effective. You follow more users, more users follow you. That’s how it works – attention drives attention.
Unfollow your TA
During the mass-following campaign, the number of users in the list of you Followings will be huge, maybe higher than the number of your followers. That will drive away new potential followers. If you do not want that happens to your account, use bot’s feature of automatic unfollowing. It can unfollow all your Followings, or it can unfollow only not mutual ones. It’s up to you.
Leave comments
Leaving a pleasant comment under the posts of your TA, you leave a favorable impression on it. That’s naturally that people will be interested in you, maybe they’ll leave their comment under your post. It will increase the ER of your audience on Instagram.
Use IG bot to leave them automatically. It will send them out in vast numbers.
Send Direct Messages
Messages in Direct is more private and personal communication. When you reach your followers through DMs, it increases your chances to get a hearing.
With IG bot, you can send out greetings to your new followers, or it can be the notification about your updates. Well, it can be everything that comes to your mind. Just write beautiful messages in advance and set the auto DMs.
Schedule your posts
When you build up your strategy, you should think of how often you will publish your content. It’s better to post once a day at least. Thus, your followers won’t forget about you. With Instagram bot, you can schedule your posts fixing the most appropriate time for posting. How to find this most appropriate time? Just analyze your target audience. At what time of the day they are free enough to open their IG app? Remember, there is no universal best time for that. Each case is unique.
Do not forget to watch stats
Watching stats is the final step, which is obligatory to make, it’s better on an ongoing basis. This way, you will see the results of your promotion. Automation tools allow access to advanced statistics and analyses of your account activity. It will show not only the number of likes and follows, but it will measure the engagement rate and loyalty of your audience.
Tracking statistics you can find the weak point of your strategy and upgrade it accordingly.
So, if you doubted if you can achieve great results using Instagram automation tools, it’s high time to follow my advice and to check that for yourself. Maybe you will become the next Kylie Jenner.

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