In What Ways Technology Impacts Your Sleep Pattern
We all work hard the whole day and wish to have a sound sleep at night. Sound sleep is very important to get the best mental and physical peace. However, do you think that having sound sleep is easy with the mobile and other gadgets on your side? No! These gadgets are disturbing your sleeping pattern.
Gadgets like smartphones, laptops, and tablet PCs have totally influenced our lives, like we had never imagined before. Even while lying on our beds, we feel the urge to check our social media accounts, read the news, watch videos, listen to music, etc. You can easily spend an hour or 2 on social media websites, without even realizing it.
What we don’t realize is that we end up depriving ourselves from the much deserved sleep. Many analysts even warn about the health related consequences and adverse effects that can be caused due to the overusing of portable gadgets.
Electronic Gadgets
Your mobile phones, tablets, PCs and other electronic devices have turned out to be such important gadgets of our lives that most of the people find it difficult to put them down, even at sleep time.
The production of the hormone melatonin is restrained because of the blue light that is emitted by the screens of TV, computers and mobiles. Reduction of this hormone makes it difficult to stay or fall asleep. When you don’t get proper sleep at night, you will feel sleepier the next day.
So, it is important to keep these electronic gadgets outside your bedroom. To begin with you can stop using your mobiles, iPads, etc. half an hour before going to bed and gradually you can increase the number of hours. You will find that it is easier to fall asleep and you will feel more rested.
It might appear to be safe to send out a couple of messages before sleeping or relax watching your favorite movie. However, by keeping your mind busy, your brains gets a signal that it has to be alert and you need to remain awake. Also, in case you’re surfing the web, seeing something energizing on Facebook, or perusing a negative email can make it difficult to unwind and subside into sleep. After a hectic day at work, it is important for your mind to relax and for that you need to get good sleep.
Studies have shown that the use of late-night technology has more impact on a person’s sleep quality than previously thought. Research has also revealed that about 72% of children aged 6 – 17 years have at least one gadget in their bedroom. These kids have less sleep as compared to others. So, parents must restrict their children from using any of these electronic devices, but before doing that they must set an example by doing it.
So, if you experience sound sleep, then it is very important to keep away the gadgets. To get the best and sound sleeping experience, you can get the right mattress by reading Sleep Junkie’s guide.