Starting a Travel Blog with WordPress – Tips and Tricks!

So you want to start a travel blog. That’s pretty cool. A lot of people go to beautiful destinations all the time, and they think to themselves “hey, why not showcase these destinations to people?”.
A lot of these blogs come in the form of a WordPress site. Why WordPress? It’s all all-around reliable and practical website builder. But starting that blog? That’s a bit more tricky. We’ve got some tips for you though, so don’t worry!
Keep it Casual
Here’s the thing – if someone wants to go and read up on a destination, and get a full set of facts in a monotone, they’ll go to somewhere like Wikipedia. Travel blogs are a favourite because they’re very casual and chatty. There’s often a friendly tone and a very loose, relaxed narrative. Usually, there’s a personal anecdote and an honest opinion about a particular part of the trip. That’s your advantage. The CEO of Santiagoways is a fan of this tone and mentions that “a friendly travel blog that focuses on establishing a relationship with the reader is often more influential than dry facts and figures. Personality is critical for your writing”.
Make Use of Social Media
If you’re trying to build a travel blog and you want to amp up your traffic for the site, you have to use social media to your advantage. There are so many platforms that you can use to promote your new blog, and they’re all free. If you learn algorithms for social media and get a real grip on how it all works, you can establish a considerable audience and gain an increased volume of traffic.
Update Frequently
The worst thing that a growing travel blog can do is to have an inconsistent update schedule. Now some of you might argue that “I don’t travel enough to have a regular schedule of fresh content”, and we recognise that it can be a challenge. But one trip can easily be three or four blogs worth of material. And in the meantime, you can create relevant guides and content like tips and tricks or recommend places you visited. Whatever you go for, be sure that you’re regularly updating – it’ll help to keep people engaged.
Keep Security Up
Just as a side note – look after your WordPress site. Check it from time to time. You don’t want the site to be breached or to have a huge security risk, so you need to be confident that you’re going to have constant protection running. It helps visitors to have confidence in the site and gives you valuable peace of mind.
All in all, these are just some of the tips and tricks we’ve come up with to help you start a travel blog with WordPress. It’s so important to remember that you have the potential to create an incredible site, but you have to take the appropriate steps to look after it. It’s also important to connect with your audience – it’s what separates you from the faceless companies.