Three Steps to Effective Brand Management
Effective brand management will keep your website from landing in the graveyard of search, also known as the third page of search results. With all the sweeping changes made daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly to search engine algorithms, that bit of code search engines use to catalogue web content, the best identifier moving forward won’t be SEO, it will be effective online brand management.
Effective brand management isn’t just getting the right website, the right content, and the right advertising, it is also about keeping private stuff about your company off the internet and positive stuff about your company in never-ending supply onto the internet. To manage your brand effectively you need to build trust and have that trust associated both with your product (or service) and your brand name and logo. What makes this process even tougher is that someone else with the same or similar name or brand name can also affect your brand rank within search and the public eye. Before you go to a brand management company, like to fix brand reputation issues, it’s a better idea to begin the process of building or rebuilding a positive online and offline brand image. Here are three tips to get you started.
Three Steps to Effective Positive Brand Management
Before you go and hire services to fix your or your company’s brand it would be wise to show initiative in positive brand management by taking steps to clean up your online reputation. This way, when you hire someone to fix the things you can’t, they will be more effective and you will have given the search engines more incentive to provide you with better press in the search results.
1. Do a Daily Search
Every day search for your name and your company’s name on Google. Also, set up a Google Alert to keep track of any new content related to your personal name and business and send you an email once per day of this content. Take any offending content links or sites that link to your brand or website and use Google’s Disavow Tool to disavow results that can negatively impact your branding.
2. Buy Related Domains
In addition to your company’s URL, which should be your company’s name, you should also buy up all domains in any misspelling or alternate spelling of both your name (or the CEO’s name) and the company’s name. This way would-be spammers and thieves can’t bring down your brand’s reputation to make a profit off you. While you are at it, make them redirect to your main website or an alternate webpage or site to keep the traffic rolling in.
3. Keep to One Website
In the early days of building websites for business, many businesses held separate accounts for their website, blog, newsletters, employees, sales pages, and other random marketing attempts. Keep your stuff all to one URL and one site. A strong brand depends on one centralised location of content.
Additional Steps to Online Brand Domination
Remember, to keep your brand ranking well in the search results you need to effectively manage your brand. In addition to the three major steps above, you should also consider joining social networks, optimising your online content, and keeping tabs on good and bad press offline before it affects your brands rank. Any negative brand reputation or press you have received before this point that you cannot remove yourself or through a disavow request can be handled through a professional service. A professional service will take steps to either have the offending content removed or help it finds its way to Google’s third or fourth page of results, where it has less impact on your brand’s reputation.