Archives for WordPress Tutorials

Tools to Use to Help Your WordPress Website Grow
WordPress is one of the most popular website builders worldwide used by both small and big businesses. Currently, there are a lot of tools out there, and as a marketer,…

Five Things to Consider When Choosing a WordPress Theme
So, you’ve decided to set up a WordPress blog. Some are free, some are so expensive. So here are five things to consider when choosing the perfect theme for your…

10 WordPress How To Videos You Should See
WordPress videos on How to setup a Website using WordPress, Tweak your WordPress site and using WordPress as Content Management System

10 Useful Custom Functions For WordPress Themes
Here's a list of custom functions that you can insert into your WordPress Theme functions.php file to improve your development of new WordPress Themes

How to add description in WordPress nav_menu
Need to add a small portion of description to your WordPress nav_menu like above? Follow this simple step to do so. [php] if( !class_exists('Custom_Description_Walker') ): //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // add description to…

How to make TimThumb work with single site and multisite
For those who don't know what timthumb are. Check out the most popular image crop PHP used in WordPress. TimThumb was no doubt used by many popular free themes and…

How to remove annoying tag column in posts list
When working with a blog post, you may or may not use a tag to tag your post. in my case, I used a long list of tags for each…