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Bizmo is a 2 columns fixed width vibrant looking WordPress theme. This theme comes ready with horizontal navigation menu, RSS button, Twitter button and search box on its top header bar.


CSSZilla is a 2 columns fluid width WordPress theme with backend admin option for easier site setup. This theme comes with featured content slider, featured category and sidebar tabber.


Silvery is a 3 columns fluid width News Magazine style WordPress theme with built-in theme option. This theme comes with customize featured content, featured category display blocks and more.


Cellular is a 2 columns fixed width WordPress theme with built-in theme option. This elegantly Black WordPress theme is suitable for cell phone related blog.


Bizine is a 3 columns fluid width Magazine style WordPress theme with built-in theme option. This theme comes ready with featured content gallery and featured categories display.


Blustic is a 2 columns fixed width WordPress theme with a simple built-in theme option. This Blue plastic looking WordPress theme comes with widgetized right sidebar, adsense ready and many more features.


Redmint is a 2 columns fixed width WordPress theme with a simple built-in theme option. This theme also comes with widgetized sidebar, adsense ready, advertisement setting, XHTML and CSS validated.


Glossy is a 3 columns fixed width WordPress theme with built-in theme option. This glossy looking theme contains features such as smoothgallery, adsense ready, widgetized sidebars, etc.


Bluemish is a 3 columns fluid width WordPress theme with build-in theme option. This theme comes with featured content, Google adsense ready, banner advertisement, etc.


Blackmist is a 3 columns fixed width WordPress theme with theme option. This theme comes with Smoothgallery for its rotating featured content, adsense ready, twitter ready and featured video ready.