Ariel is a 4 columns fixed width WordPress theme by This WordPress template has theme options, featured slider and categories, Adsense ready, etc.

Tags: Adsense Ready, Custom Menu, Featured Content, Fixed Width, Four Columns, Left Sidebar, Right Sidebar, Theme Options, Threaded Comments, Twitter Ready, White, Widget Ready
Is there a way I can tell the featured content slider exactly what image I want it to use and the text it displays? Currently, it picks up the first image in a post, and they’re either too big or too small for it, and I’d like to be able to set a specific image so that I know it’s sized correctly, even if it isn’t used in the article.
When in edit post mode, look lower right featured image button.
can u tell me how to built in ads from this theme plzzzzzzzz
check out its theme options for ads settings. thanks.
i want to change home caption and alignment of drop menu but i can’t do this could u plz help and i add this subject i can’t made a effective alignment for drop menu plz help help SOS
go to css > dropmenu.css to edit it. thanks.
i want to change home caption tab
for example change home to house or another thing
i did something you told me but it doesn’t work properly
please help me
Open functions.php and look for:
$args->link_before .
‘Home’ .
$args->link_after .
change the ‘Home’
dear ronald
i did it but it doesn’t work yet i really don’t know how can i fix this problem
Are you using custom menu?
i’ve never use custome menu and my theme is pure ronald i need a way to change the home in the menu do you suggested to me use custome menu or not?
it is not work.thanks
Just open header.php and you’ll see the word home within the ul dropmenu. change it. thanks.
Is there any RSS feeds for this template?
i would like to reduce the number of post on home, actually there are 50, in which php is to change.
go to wp admin > settings > reading > blog pages show at most, change there. thanks.
Why my photos cannot showup even i have activated timthumb?
make sure you hosting support it and the images are not external.
Forgive me, but I cannot get that yellow “Thesis” image to go away, as it is in the way of my logo. How can I eliminate that?
open header.php and delete this line 44
<div id="topbanner">
<?php $header_banner = get_theme_option(‘header_banner’); if($header_banner == ”) { ?>
<a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="#"><img src="#" alt="Thesis Theme for WordPress" width="468" height="60" border="0" /></a>
<?php } else { ?><?php echo get_theme_option(‘header_banner’); ?><?php } ?>
</div><!– TOPBANNER END –>
You have *po files for translate for this theme?
Thank you for your support.
Sorry. This theme is not translate-ready.
I want to make a page template with no widget/collum on the left. How can i do that without losing the old templates?
best regards,
there should be a onecolumn-page.php in the theme, copy paste it and rename to other name and open rename Template Name: One column, no sidebar
hi, may I change the color of the bars?
hi, which bar you refer to? navigation or the sidebar header?
@for navigation, add this to your style.css
#navigation {background: #hex-color none !important; }
@for sidebar
ul.sidebar_list h6 {background: #hex-color none !important; }
How to hidden caption images in homepage. Tks
hi empok, not quite sure what you mean? can you elaborate more? cheers
sorry, if my english bad.
I want on the front page image caption is not displayed?
i see..its the featured image thumb in post. try add this to style.css
.post-content .thumb { display:none !important; }
that should do it:)
Hi, my images from the ads do not load… Do you have some idea why? Do the theme only supports gif’s?
they are working fine in my end. first make sure activate 125×125 are set to ‘yes’ and you need to enter image full html with url path in banner textarea field like
[php]< img src="" />[/php]
if its the google adsense option setting, make sure the embed or copy code were correct.
Tks! Is working now
Could you tell me the code to load *.swf? please
the ads slot should be able to support any html including swf embed. did you try adding something like this
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="hxxp://" width="498" height="380" id="test1">
<param name="movie" value="YOUR-SWF-FULL-PATH-URL" /><embed src="YOUR-SWF-FULL-PATH-URL" width="498" height="380" name="test1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="hxxp://" /></object>
change hxxp to http
YOUR-SWF-FULL-PATH-URL should be your full path to .swf and you will need to adjust the width and height too.
hey mate how can i add my categories to the bar on top? its only displaying the home tab, i want it to show all the categories?
hi joe, did you try save a menu and setup the menu as main navigation menu?
refer to this codex for more info on wordpress menu
fixed bro, thanks a lot
Works perfectly. Thank you again! 🙂
one more thing. How Can I make “home” to be the link of my index web site or move it to a another place in the menu. What I want to accomplish is that my first item in the menu would be my web index.html, then four items later in the menu goes “blog” which is now the firts item…
hi, you can arrange the navigation item by using WordPress Menu system.
Sorry again, I can make what you told me but I cannot make the first “home” item desapear
try comment out this line in functions.php
[php]add_filter( ‘wp_nav_menu_items’, ‘addHomeMenuLink’, 10, 2 ); [/php]
like this
[php]//add_filter( ‘wp_nav_menu_items’, ‘addHomeMenuLink’, 10, 2 ); [/php]
You are a sunshin, Thank you so much!
Hi, I I cannot manage to desapear “blogroll”, “categories”, “meta” etc, from my template even though I haven’t selected those widgets
I’m sure you are going to enlighten me 🙂
hi minie, thats the default, you need to setup widget so all the other unnessary element like blogroll, categories and meta will dissapear.
I did not understand very well, as I remove Blogroll and Meta that come by default in the template?
i see, i thought you meant the post meta like ‘posted by author on date and category etc’
recons use the wp-admin->appeareance->widget to control your own sidebar item.
Hi! Friend your theme is experiencing the following problem. I’ll have to change. The notion that you concerte this error. Get this error message: The URL does not appear to reference a valid XML file. We encountered the following problem: Error on line 443: The reference to entity “lang” must end with the ‘;’ delimiter.
hi neto, i didn’t see this error in log, where or how this error come by? is it in server log or browser log etc?
This error message is being generated by the feed. When I create the blog feed he rejects with this message. And sing it I can not make or render a pro feeder blog. discover what is causing it.
hi neto, try open functions.php and go to line 12+ below
if ( function_exists( 'add_theme_support' ) ) {
and add this line[php]add_theme_support( ‘automatic-feed-links’ );[/php]
I’m trying to change my font family and font size for all the tekst, but when i do so in the stylesheet, it does nothing.
html, body {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
width: 100%;
height: auto;
font-size: 13px;
background-image: url(images/bg.jpg);
background-repeat: repeat;
background-position: left top;
Changing this to :
html, body {
font-family: Helvetica;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
width: 100%;
height: auto;
font-size: 13px;
background-image: url(images/bg.jpg);
background-repeat: repeat;
background-position: left top;
and nothing changes.
Can u help me?
Also, I like to have my first ( index page ) just like how it is right now, but when opneing a post, I like to have more space for my content, I already upped the width of the main content, but is it possible to remove 1 of the 2 sidebars when opening a post? Adding images is a pain in the *ss with just around 580 px width.
I would realy appricate if u could reply me on this,
Thanks in advance
try adding !important to the edited css like this
[php]html, body { font-family: helvetica, arial !important; }[/php]
@wider content in single
open single.php and comment out this code like this
[php]<?php //include (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/includes/content-left.php’); ?>[/php]
then edit line 5 html code to this
[php]<div style="width:730px !important;" id="content">[/php]
that should do it. cheers
Hey Ronald, thankyou for such a fast reply, the single post worked! altho I used 850px width instead of 730px, looked too small.
But the font family didnt work.
I realy think the template would look nicer with another standard font and a font size higher.
Hope you know the answer on this,
cheers !
they seem to work in my end. whats the code you put in?
this is the code:
[php]html, body {
font-family: helvetica, arial !important;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
width: 100%;
height: auto;
font-size: 13px;
background-image: url(images/bg.jpg);
background-repeat: repeat;
background-position: left top;
Upping the font size does nothing. Same with font family.
seem like helvetica did not work, try change to verdana or helvetica neue and it worked.
helvetica may seem 99% same as arial..try another fonts combination.
verdana worked,thanks.
But the font size still isn’t.
Although the default was “em” and not “px”, but I don’t know why that shudn’t work.
this is what it is now :
html, body {
font-family: verdana !important;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
width: 100%;
height: auto;
font-size: 14px;
background-image: url(images/bg.jpg);
background-repeat: repeat;
background-position: left top;
hi mike, unfortunately the theme font size are not global. you need to adjust them 1 by 1 in css.
or maybe adding something like this
[php]p, #container p { font-size: 14px !important; }[/php]
Can I also know how I change the red link color?
In the navigation, comment , post titles, sitebars, and not to forget the content slider popup thing
to change all the links and hover open style.css and add this, you can adjust the color hex according to your choice
/* global links */
#siteinfo a:hover, #breadcrumbs a, #sidebar a, #content2 a, span.aname, .post-meta a, .slideInfoZone h3 a, .wp-pagenavi .current, #commentpost a, h4#comments span, #commentpost .fn {color: #888 !important;}
/* navigation home bg */
#dropmenu li a:hover, #dropmenu li#home a, #dropmenu li#home a:hover, #dropmenu li.current-menu-item a, #dropmenu li.current-menu-item ul li a:hover { background: #888 none !important; color: #FFFFFF; text-shadow: 0 1px 1px #000000; }
/* reply button bg */
#commentpost ol.commentlist li div.reply a { background: #666 none !important; color: #FFFFFF !important; text-shadow: 0 0 0 tranparent !important; }
/* comment submit button */
#commentpost #cf .tinput { background: #888 none !important; color: #FFFFFF; text-shadow: 0 1px 1px #000000; }
Hey, it all worked, but theres 1 thing missing for the ‘read more’.
The tekst color changes with the one I change in ‘global links’, also the hover I don’t know how to change on read more. It’s still red.
Sorry for this second post, but I just saw I also would like to change the color on my right sidebar ‘Recent Comments’. The post tekst is also my #003366 color, I would like that tekst black please. Thankies
previous code seem to change all the necessary link color in my end. where do you input the css? cheers
The code is just above this, in the style.css file.
html, body {
font-family: verdana !important;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
width: 100%;
height: auto;
font-size: 14px;
background-image: url(images/bg.jpg);
background-repeat: repeat;
background-position: left top;
try this new code and replace the previous one.
[php]/* global links */
#siteinfo a:hover, #breadcrumbs a, #sidebar a, #content2 a, span.aname, .post-meta a, .slideInfoZone h3 a, .wp-pagenavi .current, #commentpost a, h4#comments span, #commentpost .fn { color: #003366 !important;}
/* navigation home bg */
#dropmenu li a:hover, #dropmenu li#home a, #dropmenu li#home a:hover, #dropmenu li.current-menu-item a, #dropmenu li.current-menu-item ul li a:hover { background: #888 none !important; color: #FFFFFF; text-shadow: 0 1px 1px #000000; }
/* reply button bg */
#commentpost ol.commentlist li div.reply a { background: #666 none !important; color: #FFFFFF !important; text-shadow: 0 0 0 tranparent !important; }
/* comment submit button */
#commentpost #cf .tinput { background: #888 none !important; color: #FFFFFF; text-shadow: 0 1px 1px #000000; }
#post-entry .post-meta .readmore a { color:#fff !important; background: #003366 !important;}
#post-entry .post-meta .readmore a:hover { color:#fff !important;background: #2571BC !important;}[/php]
Worked for the read more, but the pagination is still red.
Thanks for looking at it.
slider disappeared, how I can restore it?
did you disable the slider in theme options? any plugin activated recently that may cause conflict with slider javascript?
How can I edit the ”you are here” text which is under the nav bar to what text I like? Thanks
edit in includes/breadcrumbs.php
Thanks Ronald. My site is still in development stage in my local server. When am done, I will buy your theme before going to production stage. Your themes are good. Thanks once more.
I’d like to move my menu to above the header banner. I added a new menu to the top menu at the top, and that second menu is the one I’d like to move to above the header.
you will need to move the secondary menu code in header.php
How? I can’t seem to find the correct code to do that. Could you please share the code to do that. I’d highly appreciate it.
open header.php and moved entire div id navigation to above div id header
Could you please paste the code that should be moved and where it should be moved to? When I move the code to above div id header then on the website, the header seems hidden.
its hard to check without actual source code, try copy paste your header.php code to pastebin (PHP) and let me know the url..
Please find the header.php code here:
Also worth noting is that I added a third menu, the code in function.php is:
// This theme uses wp_nav_menu() in one location.
register_nav_menus( array(
‘primary’ => __( ‘Primary Menu’ ),
‘header-menu’ => __( ‘Header Menu’ ),
‘footer’ => __( ‘Footer Menu’ ),
) );
The Primary and Header Menu are both at the top, but I only want to move the Header Menu to above the Header and leave the Primary menu below the header.
try replace your header code with this
If possible also change the style of the Header menu e.g. to the same formatting as the footer menu.
Thank you for taking time to answer.
i don’t think you can since both navigation use the same css, unless you want to re-write the header menu css
Then how can I add an independent menu that I can easily move above the header?
Could I move the footer menu to above the header? or duplicate it and have one above the header and the other at the foot of the page?
why do you want to move footer nav into header? you could easily change the menu location via wp-admin->appereance->menus
to my understanding, you now have top menu – header menu – footer menu right?
A friend who was helping me with the side mess it up, no i get this message, I downloaded the them, but i couldn’t figure out were to go to paste all default files and folders into the theme folder via FTP.
Error ” paste all default files and folders into the theme folder via FTP”
please help, my site is down for weeks now
try only replace footer.php
Seems I confused you in the last thread. My question is: How do I create a new menu and place it above the header?
i mean you already have 3 menu right? top – main – footer
did the previous solution on pastebin did not work. are you looking to add fourth menu?
although you need to add the menu location in functions.php
[php]// This theme uses wp_nav_menu() in one location.
register_nav_menus( array(
‘top’ => __( ‘Top Menu’ ),
‘primary’ => __( ‘Primary Menu’ ),
‘footer’ => __( ‘Footer Menu’ ),
) );[/php]
add the top menu,
and you need to edit header.php top menu wp_nav_menu location to ‘top’
you should have 3 location menu in wp-admin->appeareance-> menu
Thank you. I’ll leave it like that for now. (Used the code you had shared above). Would it be possible to change the font colour for the menu above the header to make it more visible? It’s currently white and the background is greyish white….
try add this to style.css
[php]#navigation { float:left; }[/php]
Hi Ronald,
with the above code, the menu above the header looked exactly like the one below the header. I find this too dark, with both menus being black. Can I just change the font colour to black in the menu above the header?
try add class to the top one like
[php]<div id="navigation" class="top-nav">[/php]
add add something like this in style.css
[php].top-nav { background:#fff !important; }
.top-nav a { color:#cc0000 !important; }[/php]
edit the hex color to your own choice.
It’s perfect, I added the second code .top-nav a { color:#000000 !important; }
The background is ok as it is.
THANK YOU again, you’ve been very helpful and patient 😉
Hello, I want to remove the image that is the right call off StudioPress as that? or change it for the picture I want?
in theme option ads settings