Bizine is a 3 columns fluid width News/Magazine style WordPress theme with built-in theme option. This theme comes with customize featured content, featured category display blocks, auto thumb and auto excerpt features on homepage, widget-ready sidebars, 125×125 advertisement ready, adsense ready and many more..
Summary Of Theme Features:
- 3 columns fluid width
- News/Magazine style
- Theme Option
- Smoothgallery – Featured Content
- Featured Category Blocks
- Auto thumb / Auto Exceprt
- Widget-Ready Sidebars
- 125X125 ADS Ready
- Adsense Ready
- Tested On Firefox And IE7
- Compatible With WordPress Version 2.8+
- Valid XHTML & CSS
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

Tags: Adsense Ready, Black, Featured Content, Fluid Width, Free WordPress Themes, Horizontal Navigation, Theme Options, Three Columns, Three Level Dropmenu, White, Widget Ready, Wordpress Templates, WP Themes
very very good.
thanks 😉
very nice themes
Themes is great but i have 2 problems with it.
First: although all the comments option is on, useres can’t leave a reply. Even though sometimes (in old post) can reply it’s not show uder post. It’s evident only in sidebar:/
Second: Navigation on down page is wrong. It’s not show older and latest post title, only this title, when it evident.
Please help me! Sory for by broken english. I hope U understund me. If not, visit my blog and look at this problem.
Hai, Muzwar. I’m glad you like using Bizine theme. Regarding your problem, I believe it is because of your outdated version of WordPress, please update it to the latest version. Remember to backup your database and files before upgrading it.
Please try it out first and let me know the result. Thanks.
Please redownload the theme. I’ve made some fix on the comments.php
I’m sorry I can’t seem to understand your second question. Can you explain more?
Thanks Ronald very much. Everything is ok. Second bug fixed too. Amazing support!
Ronald :
The URL of Featured News is not visible , how about the links of articles added to the pictures ?
Can you tell me how to get add an image to the featured news item? Also for some reason I have broken thumbs for items and not sure why.
Sorry the feature works, kind of. For some reason it’s not thumbing my last few posts,
It maybe because of the wp-o-matic plugin you use to pull the images..Try disabling it. Normally the theme will automatically pull attached image on post to use as thumb.
Feel free to let me know if you’ve trouble using this theme again. Thanks.
Thanks, for some reason wp-o-matic adds some funky image code to the end of the posts for an 1×1 image. The theme was trying to use it in some cases. Works fine after I edited some posts and got rid of the code.
Thanks for the reply!
I`ve used your theme but obviosly i did something wrong…I was trying to integrate hitstats for my blog, so i`ve edit the footer. The problem is that I`ve pasted the code in the section with the links AT&T ect.
I didn`t do it on purpose – u can check my second blog using the same theme – …
but now i have a problem with the blog and i`m sure u know what is the problem and how to fix it, becouse u`ve protected your work in some way and I`ve broken the rules…
Once again accept my appologies, but it was an accident…
Can u help?
10x in advance…
Hai Boris. The best way to fix the error is to redownload the theme and replace the footer.php only. If you want to place a code on the footer, please place it outside of the footer div. Just open the footer.php and place the code just above or below of the php wp_footer().
Please try it out and let me know the result. Thanks.
The good news is that I`ve made back up for the code, so there is no problem. About the stats…well I pasted it in between the footer and now it`s ok.
I have another question – what can be the reason for the feature news 2nd column not to show?!
Hai, Boris. I’m glad you’ve fixed the footer. Regarding your question, did you enable it first on theme option? You have to enable the gallery slider, choose which category to show and number of posts to rotate inside the theme option.
The featured news slider only shows on homepage. You have to modify some of code if you want it to show on all pages. Please let me know if you have trouble using this theme again..Thanks.
My fault – not futured news, but latest articles sections…So if the latest articles are on that means I have to choose 2 categories – right? And that`s the point – I swicht them on, choose two different categories, after that and the number of the post listed there but only one section is shown. The 2nd just stays the headline “Latest articles”
The other problem is with the ads 125×125 – if I turn off “latest articles” and the ads disappear. When it`s on and the banners are there. To avoid the spam here – I`ve listed the URL at the first post – u can check it.
By the way 10x for the support 🙂
Hai, Boris. I’m not really sure what can cause the 2nd ‘latest articles..’ not pulling the posts. Have you try using other category? Please try using an English category to see whether it is cause by language problem.
Regarding the 125×125 ads, did you edit the code on sidebar.php? I don’t know what causing it without seeing the code. Would you mind emailing me (webmaster[at]magpress[dot]com) the following files: sidebar.php and featured-category.php. I’ll take a look at code and get back to you..Thanks.
the problem was coused by the language…When I`ve changed it and now it is ok.
Not sure I understand the “feat-img” tag and how to use the tim-thumb.php. I’m resizing my photos to the final desired size but am having problems fitting pictures to the featured news slider..
Can I use a larger picture to fill the slider without the black bars occurring and have a different thumb size in the post and have this all automatic??
you can email me at the included address..
hi ronald..why i cant add category on featured news..any thing wrong..sorry i’m, new bie
Hai, asrin. I see that your featured news is working now. Can you please let me know what cause the problem before? Thanks..
What are the steps i need to take to get the Featured News to work.
Hi again,
what i meant is that how can i get the featured news slider to show on homepage!
You have to enable it on the theme option, choose category to feature and number of post to display. Please go to admin panel > appearance > theme options. The settings are all explanatory inside it. Please try it out and let me know if you have trouble using it again. Thanks.
Hi Ronal,
Thanks for your earlier reply!
I have enabled the cetegory that hold the posts with the images, and now i have the news silder, but nothing is displayed inside it!!
The way i did it; I have started new post in a category called Featured, then i have inserted an image, then in Cusom Fields i have inserted in the NAME (feat-img), and in the VALUE i e inserted the URL for the image. Am i missing something? Thanks in advance for your support.
Any suggestions!
Hai Leon. Sorry for the late reply. I was busy with something earlier..
Regarding your question, the featured content slider not showing after you enabled it maybe cause by some of your plugins conflicted with the slider.
You can try disabling the plugins one by one and see which one causing the problem.
Please try it out and let me know if you still have the problem. Thanks.
I am really sorry to bother you but i am having a problem with your themes. The featured news is not displaying anything. Also when i chose a category for featured news, it automatically goes back to chose category after i click save changes. I have tried disabling all of my plug-ins but nothing works. I am also not that great with these kind of things. I’d really appreciate it if you would help me. I am absolutely in love with your theme, Bizine. Please Mr. Please help me with my problem.
Hai, John. I’m glad you like the theme. First of all, can you tell what language did you use for your category? Sometime non english words category may cause the problem. Besides that, did you modified the code inside the functions.php?
Do you mind telling me the URL of the website you using the Bizine theme.
thank you for share
very good thank you
I added subcategories to my blog and the featured sections stopped working. It won’t let me choose the category unless I add the post to the parent category as well.
Is there a way I can edit the featured.php to include sub-categories as well?
Hai. You can try opening the functions.php and look for:
WHERE parent = ‘0’
Change it to
WHERE parent != ‘0’
That will show only sub categories, there you can choose which to display on the slider. Please try it out and let me know the result. Thanks.
Didn\t work, it blanked out the categories. There are no choices in the drop down menu.
Hai. I just sent you an email containing a modified version of ‘Bizine’ theme. Just replace the functions.php and featured.php.
With it, you can just call up the featured news based on post ID you setup on theme option. Please try it out and let me know if you have trouble using this theme again. Thanks.
I download that magazine theme which i find really classy
I don’t see neither the slider, neither the featured content on the right.
I then red the comments:
– I tried and disable my plugins > not functionning
– I tried and set parent ! in order to see the subcategory instead > NOK
– I changed my category for no sub and get back with normal parent > NOK
WordPress 2.8.4
can you help?
First of all, after you activated the theme. Please visit the theme option page to setup the site. Just go to wp-admin > appearance > theme option.
You have to enable and setup the slider and featured category block before they show up. They are disable by default.
Please try it out and let me know the result. Thanks.
First I must say that Bizine theme answeres all my expectations. I use it almost 2 months on my two blogs, and besides minor bugs it is perfect…
Now I`m going to redisign one of the blogs with Glossy just because I`m sure that if I have probs there will be and support 🙂
Speaking of support I have question – is it possibe to remove those 6 ads blocks /125×125/ which i don`t need on Bizine?
Thanks Boris for your kind words. I’m glad this theme can help your blogging experience. I’ll be happy to help anyone who have trouble using my themes.
As for your question, if you want to remove the 125×125 ads blocks, please open the sidebar.php and delete or put some comment in code inside the “php include (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/sponsor.php’);”
Perfect! That`s I`m talking about 🙂
thx for the help
How do I control the pictures in the posts? A have not found where to change the images. Can you help me?
Hai, you can insert you own custom image by using the custom fields feature. Please use custom name “feat-img” and put your image url on the custom value box. Thanks.
Execelent Theme !!!
Clean and if a easy navigation. Our readers are loving it.
Thanks Ronald
Hi how are you? my cuestion is how I Can chabge the background image for the header?
Hai. all the header related css style can be found on the style.css > #header.
Thank you very much iI fixed, but I have one more cuestion, How I can put the featured cover with link the image to the post and not only the + simbol?
thanks again
OK. Please redownload the theme and only replace the featured.php and (inside css folder). Thanks.
Perfect I wil try it. Thanks again my friend.
Thanks a lot for Bizine theme. It’s really nice and is very professionally done.
Could you please advise on what do I have to do to not display certain sections like Calendar, Recent Comments, Blogroll, Hot Topics and so on. Basically all sections on the right side, I would like to be able to dispaly them on some of my blogs but not on others. Would really appreciate your advice/help.
Hai. The simple way of doing that is using the widget. This theme is widget ready so you can arrange what you want to show on the right sidebar.
Please try it out and let me know if you more help. Thanks.
Hi Ronald,
Thanks a lot for your reply. Bizine WP theme was the first one I’ve ever installed in my life [a real newbie in all this]. Everything went really smoothly without any problems. At the same time my knowledge side is like miles behind. These widgets – where do I get them? Are they free or I have to pay for them? Could you please advise on a good ones, especially the one that will let me manage some sections of your wonderful WP theme. Thanks in advance.
Hi Ronald again.
I’ve just found those widgets – they are in the”Appearance” section in WP Dashboard.
I’ve just installed WP on a new domain and changed to your theme. None of widgets are activated. Just created blog has “Hello World” on it and a sidebar with so many sections: Sponsors, Calendar, Pages, Tags, Blogroll and so on. These are the ones I want to be able to activate/disactivate whenever I want but still don’t know how.
You can manage the widget by going to Appearance > Widgets
There you can drag & drop the sidebar items you prefer
Please try it out and let me know if you need more help
Good looking themes. I’m loving them. Thank you.
I installed this theme as well as a few others and I can’t get the featured category to work at all. It displays the posts from the category all over the page. Any ideas?
This may happen when you have the same post on different categories. i.e when you put lorem ipsum post on category A, category B and category C. If you choose to feature those 3 categories, it will still pull the lorem ipsum post to feature on 3 of the categories if it is one of their latest post..
I’m not sure if that is your problem regarding “It displays the posts from the category all over the page”. If not, please let me know more details on the error you’re experiencing..Thanks.
Thanks it was a social bookmark plugin doing the damage.
On another note, I am using a plugin called Whydowork Adsense. It inserts adsense anywhere on the bog. I cant get it to put ads between posts on the first page. Any ideas?
It seems that the Whydowork Adsense plugin is not working on this theme’s front page because we are using a custom php content for the front page.
The plugin will only show the code if using the default wordpress php the_content function.
Everything works for me except the sponsors banners??? when i save the html links in Bzine Theme Options it says saved but i guess its not saving.
When i look at the page source it still makes reference to
Any reason why it wouldnt be updating the new information into the sponsors.php file??
Hai Marc. Thanks for using our Bizine theme. Regarding your problem, did you see your sponsor html code when view it on page source, if yes, it might be problem on your sponsor end, maybe they have temporary server down or something..
Also, please check if there’s any unnecessary space you left out on your sponsor html code when you put inside the setting box. That might cause the problem as well.
Please check it out and let me know if it still not showing. Thanks.
My 125×125 adds are not showing either …. They will if I activate featured categories, Not other wise. The theme is awesome. Really like the cleanness of it and i’m sure it is something i messed up but any help would be much appreciated.
Hi Ronald, it is sill not working for some reason.
Everything in the Bzine theme options is fine I have added my google analytics code and even webmaster tools code and saved the settings no problem.
Under”Insert Sponsor Banner One HTML Code” i put:-
But yeah like i said it wont insert it into sponsers.php file when i check it.
And if i put and add in the second slot it screws up the bottom row and i have 3 on top. 2 on second row where there should be 3 and 1 under them … I’m so confused lol. Might just get rid of the 125 adds all togather. thanks again
Works when “Enable Featured Category Showcase On Sidebar?”
This same issue seems to be popping up more than once. No ideas?
Hai. Your 125×125 ads look fine to me. Can you please let me know more details of your problem.
Hi, Your theme is awesome! thanks for sharing! I have some trouble:
Where can I find a kind of manual, or “howto” to put a image header (at least a logo) to remove the google ad sense section, etc…… a general howto guide?
I’m sorry. We don’t have a ready made manual for this theme. Maybe we’ll make it for future theme release.
Regarding your question, please follow this instruction page – How to add logo on Bizine theme
Please let me know if you need more help. Thanks.
I’m trying to change the names of Featured News, Sponsors, & Advertisement.
Also I have changed the featured background-color to black. But I can’t seem to find where I change the sidebars text.
Meta: Is Black, Tags: Is Black, Latest Articles: The date shows up. But everything else is black.
I’ve worked on this for hours; got everything just the way I need it. Please tell me there is away to fix these problems.
Hai, Amy. Sorry for the late reply. I’ve been busy with some x’mas stuff..hehe. Well, from the look of your site, it seems you’ve figured it out where to change the text color.
Unfortunately, this theme has a fixed width layout. If you want to make it flexible width, you have to reconstruct the all the css style width to % instead of px.
Sorry about that, please let me know if you need more help. Thanks.
Question: Is there a way to make this theme optimum. For people with smaller screens? I have some people who keep telling me. the banners and ads are running over the boarders.
i have two concerns:
1. My slideshows are not working at all even wen i have enabled it and added category.
2. I wanted to put my logo on left side, its not happening
Please help…its urgent
Hai Mihir, please redownload the Bizine theme. I’ve fixed the slider problem and also included a logo code inside the header.php. If you want to use logo, please open the header.php and look for header-left div id, within it delete the H1 and p tags, uncomment the logo img code below it. Upload your logo.png inside the theme’s image folder. That should do the work.
Basically, you just have to replace featured.php, featured-category.php, header.php and style.css. Please make sure you back up any modification you made on these files before replacing them. Please try it out and let me know the result. Thanks.
Hey Ronald,
Thanks for doing that for me…i solved this issue the next day by disabling the plugin for slideshow which i had taken from other template and worked out the basics of enabling featured content category and all and it worked…anyway thanks
For the second issue, i removed all codes from header-right div id and put them all on header-left div id and that’s it..i was done….thanks once again for ur concern
Now, i wanted to put some contents like maintained by or something in footer but i fear touching it bcoz i gotta go live on 26th..please let me know if its permssible and safe or not …thanks:)
Hai. I’m glad all worked out for you. Sure, you add content on the footer as long as you don’t modified the footer links in any ways. Please make sure you backup the footer.php before that just in case..Thanks.
Hey Ronald,
Everything is working great for me and my site is also up bt i cant figure our how to set hot topics in ur theme……can u help
Do you mean the sidebar item – Hot Topics? It will automatically pull most commented post on your site.
Hello, I have two questions. Is it possible to removed the [read more] and make the full post show on the first page?
And second, is it possible to change the language of this theme?
Hai. If you want to show full post instead of the auto thumb and auto excerpt, please open the index.php and delete all the codes within div id post-content, then just insert [?php the_content(); ?] inside it again.
*Please replace [ ] = < >
Unfortunately, this theme does not come with translation function. Please google for the plugin to do that. Thanks an let me know if you need more help.
i like this theme..
but I have a question..
how to changing link colour in Text widget?
already solved thanks
Hi I installed you theme who’s great but the slideshow doesn’t work, it’s only black.
Can you explain something in the dashboard in the theme options :
There are 2 question I selected YES for the first (Enable Featured Content Slider On Homepage?).
But I don’t understand for the second one (Insert The Post ID To Display On The Featured Content Slider) Do I have to insert the post’s names or something like that.
I don’t have any fancy plugin except Hello Dolly or Akismet ? It’s the brand new version of WordPress, I don’t understand why it doesn’t work.
Yes. You have to insert the number inside. Post ID can be found on WP Admin > Posts > Edit > Mouseover to the post’s title and below your browser status bar you’ll see the unique number for the post.
lumayan lah…hehehe
Mantappp nech theme-nya, I Like it..
Hi Ronald,
Thanks a lot for the theme. I used it before on couple of my sites and never had any probs with it. This time, on this new site – I can not get “Featured News” to display any images [the Smooth Gallery Settings is set up the way I used it on my prev sites – Yes/selected category/2].
Please advise, I would really appreciate your help.
Hai. Please make sure you have more than 1 post on the category chosen to feature. Thanks.
Thanks a lot Ronald. As always – you are the best!
good themes, I can use it
Have to try this theme for my news website, it looks good.