Bluvine WordPress theme is a 2 columns fixed width WordPress template with theme options, featured slider and categories, Adsense ready, Twitter feed and many more.

Tags: Adsense Ready, Blue, Custom Menu, Featured Content, Fixed Width, Free WordPress Themes, Right Sidebar, Theme Options, Threaded Comments, Twitter Ready, Two Columns, White, Widget Ready, Wordpress Templates, WP Themes
realy nice i download it.
Looking good so far, the images that are with the posts on the front page, where do they come from and how do I change them
Im talking about the post default image
Hai. Please open functions.php and look for post-defautl.jpg setting. Thanks.
Please refer to the readme.txt inside the theme..
I found the line in the code post-default , am I supost to do some thing with it???
I am able to add images to the individual post but when I add the custom fields
what key am I to use, I tried : thumb, thumbnail, feat-img
Also I saw two tutorials one included the urls full path
finally got it to work, images were not uploading properly
This theme use wp post thumbnail feature.
1. When creating a new post, look for the lower right corner. You should see a “Featured Image” section there.
2. In the “Featured Image” section, upload an image or select from gallery. Then choose “set as featured image”.
3. Save the Post and viola! 😉
Note: To avoid low quality images, always upload high-resolution images in the gallery. If the images doesn’t crop with the right sizes.