Charmer is a 4 columns flexible width WodPress theme developed by This fluid width theme comes ready with theme options, custom menu supported, featured content slider, featured categories, adsense ready and many more.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License and credits to Blogging For Money, SEO UK and Make Money Online.

Tags: Adsense Ready, Custom Menu, Featured Content, Featured Video, Fluid Width, Four Columns, Free WordPress Themes, Horizontal Navigation, Theme Options, Threaded Comments, Three Level Dropmenu, Twitter Ready, White, Widget Ready, Wordpress Templates, WP Themes
How to use “Text Widget” in this theme?
Great theme, Thanks!
How to use “Text Widget” in this theme?
Hai, Just go inside your wp admin panel, appearance > widgets and drag the any widget inside the secondary widget area box.
My featured video doesn’t show up and I cant get my widgets to go to the secondary space. Can I get a list of the plugins I need for this theme? By the way best theme out there and your other ones are crazy good.
I use this theme little bit modified here:
How could I remove your ads from footer?
Please use the contact form to email me regarding this matter. Thanks.
Hi , really a great theme , thanks for creating such a decent theme
I test this theme, please I would like to know how I can change the excerpt.
I would like to add more text before the “Continue Reading” text and the “More”.
Thanks by advance
Hai. Please open the functions.php and look for standard post excerpt and edit the excerpt length. Thanks.
I realy satisfied with this theme, my wordpress on above was built with this theme. look great.
I love this theme..awesome. I used in my adsense blog. Easy to applicate even for newbies like me. thanx. visit my blog
Is there any way to move the menu to the bottom of the header?
I am using head space seo plugin but the theme is riding off it’s meta information. can you please tell me how can i have a fix for that.
hi i update your other question regarding this issue in here.
Hi, Ronald,
I need to add 4 columns footer widgets area to this theme to meet my site demand. Please help me with php and css codes. I love this theme. Thanks dude.
there’s a lot theme here that had 4 column widget footer
Great theme, Thanks! 🙂
Is there any way to move the menu to the bottom of the header?
open header.php and cut this code
[php]<div id="navigation">
——– other code ——–
</div><!– NAVIGATION END –>[/php]
to after header end
[php]<!– HEADER END –>[/php]
awesome themes 🙂