Drego is a 4 columns magazine style free WordPress theme that suitable for news or portal blog site. The theme is fully tested and compatible with latest WordPress 4.3 and it is also supported BuddyPress, Woocommerce and BBPress. With Search Engine Optimize in mind, the theme packed with built in SEO Schema data markup and passed Google snippet test.
Full Features
[list type=”check”]
- Unlimited Color Options
- Logo and Fav icon setting in theme options
- Microformat ready for Google snippet
- Schema Breadcrumbs for prettier search structure in SERP
- Built in social sharing buttons
- Latest Tweets using your Twitter widget id via theme option
- 650+ Google Web Fonts to choose from
- Featured Slider with category id or post id
- WordPress Custom Header
- Google or any embed advertisement code in top header,post loop,sidebar and single post
- Custom widget – featured posts with category and Custom Post Type widgets
- BuddyPress, BBPress and Woocommerce support
- Localization Ready ( mo and po file inside language folder )
Still looking for more suitable responsive BuddyPress theme? Checkout more Responsive BuddyPress Themes from MagPress

I like the layout at all, however after trying this theme, The slider’s picture seems broken. It can not be displayed.
And I could not displaying Widget in 1st, 2nd and 3rd Footer. Although I have set it already.
might be cache issue..clear cache.
you need more than 1 posts in featured slider.
It has been done, but it’s not work.
don’t know why? its working fine in my end.
Your theme is beautifull. Where i can change the third column, that with “members” and “Health” in the demo.
Thanks a lot.
use wp-admin->widgets->left sidebar
Nice theme, good work. I have a question regarding column on the left showing posts. Is there a custom field or is there any way in sql code to show generated thumbs to post pictures or could you recommend a plugin that would do that because currently they are only scaled from post original picture size ?
thank you very much for your time
you need to attach featured image when write posts.
How can I add a custom background to this theme please?????
I can’t find an option to add a background in the theme settings.
Help please!
Your theme very nice post brother, Thank you .
Hello. I put the picture but is not visible in the post. What can I do? Thank you
how to clean 3 columns becouse is blunk and why don’ t work Related Posts text in mobile version
i think you’re missing left sidebar, add some item in widgets.
#related post
add this to theme option->custom css
[css]@media only screen and (max-width: 540px) and (min-width: 200px) {
#post-related .feat-cat-meta {width: 48%;height: 160px;}
.related-post-thumb {height: 100px;}
My homepage post TN image is blurring since I’ve added big image and also I’ve tried changing Media Settings Thumbnail size in setting but no use please help.
the homepage image use ‘medium’ size featured image. what’s your ‘medium’ size featured image? best size for medium 500px width above.
you might need to re-create featured image, use ajax thumbnail rebuilt.
Yes its ok now thanks. I’ve one more request I want to change the layout to Full Width and also increase the height of the Related Post images please help.
what do you mean full width? did you mean get rid off sidebar(s) entirely?, there’s a full width page template to use in write page.
#related post image, add this to custom css, adjust it accordingly
[css]#post-related .feat-cat-meta {
height: 220px;
.related-post-thumb {
height: 160px;
Thanks for your reply, I’ve changed innerwrap width to 1200px.
I have the free version of this Theme. I don’t know why but I can only get one sidebar working. That is the BuddyPress Sidebar. I don’t know maybe I am missing something here.
Any help? T
are you using static frontpage? need to set latest post in wp-admin->settings->reading.
Thanks, sir this is amazing article and here is my little work about.