Florine WordPress theme is a 2 columns fixed width WP template by MagPress.com. This WP theme has featured content slider and featured categories, Adsense ready, etc.

Tags: Adsense Ready, Custom Header, Custom Menu, Featured Content, Featured Images, Fixed Width, Full Width Template, Right Sidebar, Theme Options, Threaded Comments, Two Columns, White, Widget Ready
I have uploaded the logo but it is showing below the top navigational menu and i want it above that. How could i do that.
its working fine in my end. the uploaded logo place correctly in left side header along with the 468×60 banner on right. any screenshot i can look into?
Can you tell me the size of the logo. Like 200*100 in this format.
should fit around 270×60 dimension
Here you can see the example : http://www.freevoipphonecalls.org/
hi roger, the logo should be src link to the img not attachment.
[php]< img alt="Free VoIP Phone Calls" src="hxxp://www.freevoipphonecalls.org/?attachment_id=24" >[/php]
should be something like
[php]< img alt="Free VoIP Phone Calls" src="hxxp://www.freevoipphonecalls.org/wp-content/files/2013/03/filexxxx.png" >[/php]
and the bottom image is a custom header not for logo.
so nice theme………..