Freshbit is a 3 columns corporate Responsive WordPress theme by This WP template has featured content and categories, theme options, adsense ready, etc.

Tags: Adsense Ready, Blue, Custom Header, Custom Menu, Featured Content, Fixed Width, Full Width Template, Left Sidebar, Responsive, Right Sidebar, Theme Options, Threaded Comments, Three Columns, White, Widget Ready
I am interested in purchasing the developers edition of freshbit theme.
How much does it cost?
Does it contain encrypted code in theme files?
hi mike, yes all encrypted code will be removed.
you can go to developer license page to purchase a dev license.
Excellent theme.
The only thing I dón`t like is widget’s font. Where can I change fonts in widget’s title and widget’s content?
I do like fonts in posts. I want to use these fonts into the widgets.
hi juan
all fonts are control by theme options in backend.
but if you want to change the sidebar header and widget font, try add this to style.css
#custom #right-sidebar h3, #custom #right-sidebar .widget, #custom #left-sidebar h3, #custom #left-sidebar .widget {
font-family: YOUR FONT HERE !important; /* arial, sans-serif; */
Thanks. I will try.
The article body seems narrow. Is there a way to expand it and other few changes if I buy the developers licence?
Plus is this wordpress 3.5 compatible and do you update your theme regularly?
Is there a help desk as such if i purchase this theme?
Thanks in advance.
yes, i’ll update the themes if any new wordpress version had major core change that affected the theme.
depend on what kind of customization you wanted, we do charges a few bucks if customization are extend.
all purchase will received free support via email or support forums.
Is this theme ready for H1, H2 and H3 configured ?
It’s necessary for SEO purposes.
yes, it is seo optimized.
I like this theme and i tried install freshbit in my blog. I analyzed with “gtmetrix” then the score showed me 74, it’s slow.
Do you have idea how to solve it ? to make it faster access.
the metrix results depend on many area. you can disable timthumb usage maybe or disable any unneccesary plugin to start. anything goes above 80 should be standard with 4-5 sec load time.
I’m using this theme on my website. How can I give each side bar entry a box-like enclosure with a grey background like you have on this website? The css code to do that will be awesome. Thanks in advance!
try adding this to style.css
[css]#custom .widget-area aside {
background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #F3F3F3;
border: 1px solid #DDDDDD;
padding: 4%;
width: 92%;
Thanks a lot Ronald! This goes a long way. Please if this wouldn’t be asking too much, do you know how I can make the top menu scroll and the stick(float) on top of the browser when one is scrolling down – using just css? It will be awesome if you can give me the css codes here. You are the best! Regards.
open header.php and before end of [php]</head>[/php] add this
Hello Ronald, thanks for all you help. The sidebars, however, do not have a kind of cap. For example on my website, how can I give each sidebar a kind of ‘cap’ i.e the area where the label for that widget should be may be deep blue and different from the rest of the body of the side bar. Please pardon my choice of words, I’m really a novice in this. For instance on this website, the sidebars area where the caption is, have a different colour from the rest the sidebar. Please what css code do I need to add to achieve this. Thanks a lot.
And please how can I put the search box on top between my logo and the banner ad. Thank you.
And my content is not exactly at the center of the the two sidebars, what can I do to position it perfectly at the middle. I’m sorry to bother you with so many questions, I JUST NEED YOUR HELP PLEASE…
look fine to me, its normal cause left sidebar is 180px and right sidebar is around 250px so you wont be able to perfectly centered them.
open header.php go to line 169 and add
[php]<?php get_search_form(); ?>[/php]
try adding to style.css something like this
[php]#custom h3.widget-title {
width:96% !important;
padding:2% !important;
color: #fff;
background: #000 none !important;
you need to change the #color to your choice.