FTMag is a 2 columns fixed width Magazine WordPress theme developed by MagPress. This theme comes ready with an easy to use theme options and built-in with featured content slider, magazine style content block, Adsense ready, sidebar tabbers, 125 x 125 advertisement banners and many more.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

Tags: Adsense Ready, Featured Content, Fixed Width, Free WordPress Themes, Right Sidebar, Tabber, Theme Options, Threaded Comments, Two Columns, White, Widget Ready, Wordpress Templates, WP Themes
Hello there, I don’t believe, I can find your website. I’m very impressed with all your magazine themes. Just downloaded FTmag theme, and will use it at my new blog. Once again, thanks for awesome themes, and I bookmarked your website.
I shall have wanted the opposite in the arrangement of articles,
3 articles in horizontal et cetera in vertical line and
not 1 in vertical and quite agile by 2 in horizontal,
it is possible?
Thank You
Try this open index.php you find the first line of:
$postnum == 1 change it to $postnum <= 3 then scroll down more below to find the second: $postnum >= 2 change it to $postnum >= 4
Now check out your homepage and see if that’s what you’re looking for. Thanks.
Very good theme. I chose this one out of probably 8-10 others. I want to change the header navigation slightly by changing the CSS and some of the html/php. But I can’t find the css file, since it’s calling an @import and linking to a file not in the FTMag theme files.
What I want to do is change the color/img behind the page links at the top of my website. I have a specific gif I want to use, w/ the following CSS:
.solidblockmenu li a:hover {
background: transparent url(ENTER URL.gif) center center repeat-x;
This pseudo element of “hover” will bring up a purpleish background that I have as an image in gif format. How do I enter that code into the CSS? Is that possible w/ your theme? I need to be able to experiment to see if it works, and add other CSS code if necessary. I would be happy with using a straight web-safe color hex code in a purple shade.
I also want the “Current” page to be highlighted with that same color/gif. I could do that manually very easily, but can I do that w/ this theme? If not, that’s fine. I’ll still keep this theme.
OK. First open the structure.css inside the css folder and replace some of css codes inside to below:
#pages ul li {
display: inline;
float: left;
padding: 0;
margin-top: 0;
margin-right: 5px;
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-left: 0;
#pages ul li a,
#pages ul li a:link,
#pages ul li a:active,
#pages ul li a:visited {
color: #f5f5f5;
display: block;
float: left;
font-weight: normal;
line-height: 1.1em;
margin: 0;
text-shadow: #000 0.1em 0.05em 0.05em;
text-transform: uppercase;
padding-top: 16px;
padding-right: 10px;
padding-bottom: 16px;
padding-left: 10px;
#pages ul li a:hover {
background-color: #993300;
#home #pages ul li.home a,
#home #pages ul li.home a:active,
#home #pages ul li.home a:link,
#home #pages ul li.home a:visited,
#pages ul li.current_page_item a,
#pages ul li.current_page_item a:active,
#pages ul li.current_page_item a:link,
#pages ul li.current_page_item a:visited {
color: #fefefe;
background-color: #993300;
font-weight: bold;
In this css code, I use color code #993300 as the hover and current background. You can set your own background gif by replacing the code where the #993300 is. Thanks.
Thx for the CSS tip. But I just discovered another problem today. The theme isn’t displaying all of the stories within a category! I tried changing the category and then changing it back, and it still didn’t work. For some reason, it DOES display one particular category. I’m talking about the slideshow animation for feature stories at the top of the page. Go to the homepage of my website. Right now, the category is “Music in Boston.” There are 2 stories. Only one is showing. And yes, I did make sure that the # of stories in a category is on at least 2. In fact, It’s on 3.
Background info:
The current story that is displayed was scheduled for automatic publication via the WP publish feature.
There’s definitely something wrong w/ the code of this theme. I can’t fix the content slider. I tried just about everything (w/o changing the actual code). For my category “music in Boston,” whenever a new story is posted, the previous story disappears from the homepage! It doesn’t even stay in the content slider. I even deleted a post and reposted it. I tried changing the post dates. Nothing worked. When changing the post dates, if the date of an older article within the category is changed to a date after the newest article, the new article disappears and the old one is put into the slider. The article that disappears doesn’t get displayed anywhere on the homepage.
My theory now is that the theme doesn’t jive w/ a plugin. I don’t think that’s the case, but I like this theme and want to make it work. Please help.
Thanks for creating this high quality wp magazine theme. I am planning to put this up on my blog. Cheers.
Though I say there’s “something wrong” w/ this theme, I’M STILL USING IT. The content slider works w/ 3 out of the 4 posts. It’s still not showing the very first post of my “Music in Boston” series. But since it’s showing the other ones, I left it as is. The theme is so good that I kept it! Good job w/ the features and all the code. I’m also able to customize it w/ Facebook buttons and a Twitter button.
Thank you for this theme! 🙂 Your readers can check out kenacubed.com for an example of an application of this theme.