Are you looking for a suitable and user friendly fashion related free WordPress theme? look no further, it’s here. Gilmor is a free responsive magazine WordPress theme that are suitable for any fashion related niche. With its subtle color design, it will make your site look more modern and professional.
Packed with MagPress’s theme premium free features such as 650+ Google web fonts, schema markup built in for posts and breadcrumbs, advertisement options, mobile responsive, multiple featured post and custom post type widget, buddypress and bbpress ready, woocommerce compatible, unlimited color options and many more features…
Full Features
[list type=”check”]
- Unlimited site color choices
- Logo and Fav icon setting in theme options
- Microformat ready for Google snippet
- Schema Breadcrumbs for prettier search structure in SERP
- Built in social sharing buttons
- Latest Tweets using your Twitter widget id via theme option
- 650+ Google Web Fonts to choose from
- Featured Slider with category id or post id
- Google or any embed advertisement code in top header,post loop,sidebar and single post
- WordPress Built-in Header and Background Images settings
- Custom widget – featured posts with category and Custom Post Type widgets
- BuddyPress, BBPress and Woocommerce support
- Localization Ready ( mo and po file inside language folder )
Still not satisfied? Look for more fashion related Free WordPress theme here.

Tags: bbpress, buddypress, Custom Colors, fashion, microformats, Multisite, Pink, Responsive, Three Columns, woocommerce
I wanted to try out the theme before I purchased it and set up the site. The problem is I get my blog posts to show up on the home page. When you kick home it goes to a blank page. When I publish a post it shows up but it doesn’t show me the page and when I try to navigate to it, it looks like it doesn’t exist.
I figured it out.
My footer isn’t showing on my home page of It also doesn’t show when you click “read more” it shows up on all my pages but not my home page or the page that the blog post is on. I am also trying to ad another widget to my side bar and it’s not showing up. Currently I have two of my books showing and tried to put in the third but it doesn’t seem to be working.
seem fine to me on all pages browsing thro your site. is it cache issue earlier? also the books show all 3.
Thanks! It seems to be showing the right books. If I purchase the theme will I be able to remove the section where it says “About This Theme”?
the footer ‘about this theme’ is removable via footer one widgets area.
I also wanted to find out if I purchased the template if the useful links section widget can also be changed. Right now it’s going to a website
yes this is one the cc license section of the theme. it will be removed in developer version.
I’ve tried everything but I can’t get comments to be enabled for my posts. I also have comment luv installed and they said it looks like comments aren’t enabled on the site and to ask the author of the theme how to enable them. If I purchase the theme can I use it on more than one site?
check if comment is disable in settings->discussion. or check via edit posts->enable or disable discussion
yes, it is a multi usage license.
I went to footer one area and when I click the tab nothing shows not even the ability to delete the ” about section in the footer.” So am I looking in the wrong place? I even went to customize and clicked footer one area and
you should know about WordPress widget? go to wp-admin->appeareance->widgets->footer one, drag one of the item from left into the box.
My site is missing the Robot.text file and site map file. Will those be in the the developer version?
that have absolutely nothing to do with wordpress theme, you can check google on how to add robot.txt and use wp plugin google sitemap xml for sitemap.
The photo that comes with the template has a woman sitting on a bench. I know I can replace the image but is there a way to make that image a clickable link? In other words if you click the photo it will take you to another page.
When I purchase the theme the changes I made will still remain right?
affraid you might need to replace header.php, sidebar.php, footer.php and all files inside lib/functions/.. for the dev version effective.
Is there a way to change the pink colors into orange f.ex?
in wp-admin->appeareance->theme option->site color
No, I am talking about the pink in the widget-headers, the “read more” etc.
yes, the site color will change all the design element color including widget header and read more. did you try the demo left panel to see how it work. and did you try the theme option i mention????
I want to put it up on my site //, but i dont like the pinktheme, is there a way to change it? and does it have a slider?
in wp-admin->appeareance->theme option, you can change the color and setup slider.
can you help me how you made your theme in looking that way. i want to change my theme