Icemint is a 3 columns fixed width WordPress theme by This icy White color WordPress template comes with theme options, featured content slider, featured categories, Adsense ready and many more.
This work is licensed under a CC Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

Tags: Adsense Ready, Custom Menu, Featured Content, Featured Video, Fixed Width, Free WordPress Themes, Horizontal Navigation, Right Sidebar, Theme Options, Threaded Comments, Three Columns, Three Level Dropmenu, Twitter Ready, White, Widget Ready, Wordpress Templates, WP Themes
Can we swap pages menu bar with categories one?
Yes. Just use the custom menu to arrange category items on the navigation. Thanks.
Sir, why is it that the automatic excerpt (Read More…) is not working in this theme… unlike in Whitera? Thanks
I disabled it. If you want to enable the ‘read more’, please open functions.php and look for Standard Post Excerpt, the change variable of $use_more_link=false and $force_more_link=false to true. Thanks.
that was great Ronald.. Thanks for the info.. Keep up the good work…
Yes. Just use the custom menu to arrange category items on the navigation. Thanks.
I disabled it. If you want to enable the ‘read more’, please open functions.php and look for Standard Post Excerpt, the change variable of $use_more_link=false and $force_more_link=false to true. Thanks.
What do I make the bigger the banner header
Hai, Please open the style.css and adjust the width % between #siteinfo and #topbanner. Thanks,
Thanks Ronald
I want to delete the comment box from all the single page of my wordpress blog, but i want to keep it at every post page. Please suggest me how i can achieve this. Thanks in advance.
Hai. open single.php and find code below and delete it.
[php]<?php comments_template( ”, true ); ?>[/php]