iMagZine is a 2 columns fixed width Magazine WordPress theme developed by This WordPress template comes ready with an easy to use theme options page, custom first post display, featured categories, Adsense ready and many more.
This work is licensed under a CC Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

Tags: Adsense Ready, Custom Menu, Featured Video, Fixed Width, Free WordPress Themes, Horizontal Navigation, Right Sidebar, Sidebar Footer, Theme Options, Threaded Comments, Three Level Dropmenu, Twitter Ready, Two Columns, White, Widget Ready, Wordpress Templates, WP Themes
I’ve visited your blog today nice blog
Thanks for this theme ….i love you
Thanks for the theme. It is a very good and simple theme.
Thanks, my template for my web is imagzine.
Hi – thanks for the theme.
I’m having problems with images showing in my main post.
They are showing up as the smaller thumbnails, just not the main large image thumbnail.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks, Jase.
Please refer to the readme.txt on this theme on how to regenerate the thumbnails using a plugin. Thanks.
Hi – I have the same question as above.
I’ve checked the readme.txt and it only has a link on how to install a wordpress theme and instructions on embedding youtube videos.
Have checked the readme.txt. Nothing in there about a plugin for thumbnails. Is there information somewhere else to help me solve this issue?
Thanks, Jase
Hai. Sorry. I forgot to include it inside the readme.txt.
1. When creating a new post, look for the lower right corner. You should see a “Featured Image” section there.
2. In the “Featured Image” section, upload an image or select from gallery. Then choose “set as featured image”.
3. Save the Post and viola! 😉
Note: To avoid low quality images, always upload high-resolution images in the gallery. If the images doesn’t crop with the right sizes, I suggest you use the plugin “Regenerate Thumbnails” (download at The reason for that is because the new post-thumbnail feature only works fully for new image uploads.
This themes, it’s very very nice. I have to take this one in my blog.