
Tags: Adsense Ready, CSS3, Custom Header, Custom Menu, Featured Content, Featured Images, Fixed Width, Full Width Template, HTML5, Multisite, Responsive, Right Sidebar, Sidebar Footer, Tabber, Theme Options, Threaded Comments, Two Columns, White, Widget Ready
sweet sweet theme, google font are plus+ thx
thanks kristin, post any issue found in support forum ok.
Nice theme but i wish people could just click in the thumbnails and get into the post so i can use it on my video blog.. still really nice and clean
Hello,I like you theme very much.
I want to know how to change the thumbnail with the article first image? ( now it catches the last image >”<) thank you!!
hi chocolate, it should fetch the first image. is the first image internal images or image outside from your site (hotlinking from other domain)?
Is there any way to take the shadow border that is wrapped around the boxed content? I just want the whole theme to be all white. Any way of doing so please advise thank you.
Theme is for “Infimag”
open style.css go to line 705+ and edit this line
[php].container-wrap {
float: left;
width: 96%;
margin: 0px 0px 2em;
padding: 2%;
background-color: #FFF; /* remove this */
border: 1px solid #E0E0E0; /* remove this */
box-shadow: 0 0 4px #ddd; /* remove this */
Hello Friends – When i downloaded this theme then it does not show me the facebook/tweeter link ?
So how can i purchase it ? Please help me
hi bidyot, try setup the social link in theme options, remember to insert full url link with hxxp://
we are currently under going server maintainace, you can purchase the theme developer license later with the edd developer
I did with theme options. But as i have seen on your demo home page , after every new post there are facebook/tweeter option so that thing is not showing into my testing downloaded env. If you know any plugin name that helps me then please suggest me
hi bidyot, its not a plugin, its a bulit in social. did you enable the social setting -> enable facebook and twitter in theme options?
hi developer of infimag template. this is such a great clean theme, I love it. But I would to ask you something. why the gallery slider in home couldn’t show any post under the category ids feature? I used to input my category ids appropriately, but still it doesn’t show. I have enabled the feature. and it just shows one post (article). can anybody help me? my website is please come to take a look the error. thanks
hi maulana, make sure post ids textfield are empty, also check if how many posts in category to show were selected.
i see you have more than 1 post in ‘artikel’ category so they should be showing properly. try another category that had more than 2 posts to confirmed if the ‘artikel’ category is the bug.
I’ve been changing the category into “kampus” category, and it works. thanks again for helping me. but can you explain to me why if I use the “artikel” category it didn’t work well?
I like this theme very much but missing two options please help me
1. On righthand side it would be better if it gives header title with background image as it is in your Ariel theme.
2. There should be an widget to load random articles.
Please help me
1. do you meant the header 468×60 banner?
2. yeah. will consider adding this features but for now there should be a random posts widget plugin you can installed.
Fantastic… I switched to Infimag my website. Does infimag supports buddypress?
thx and no it didnt support buddypress at the moment.
hi ronald, thank you for helping me last time. now I would to make the sidebar in home page desappear. I just want it shows in single post, how can I?
hi maulana
try open header.php go to line 129+ below
[php]<?php get_template_part ( ‘/lib/options/options-css’ ); ?>[/php]
add this
<?php if( is_home() ): ?>
#right-sidebar { display:none; }
#custom .content {width: 100%;}
<?php endif; ?>
This is a lovely theme, already installed on my site but I want to reduce the width of the whole theme! Is this possible.
go to style.css line 554+ and find this css
[css]footer .innerwrap, header .innerwrap, #bodywrap, .innerwrap-custom-header, #main-navigation .innerwrap {
margin: 0 auto;
max-width: 1120px;
padding: 0;
width: auto;
change the 1120px to your desired width.
I’m a great fan of your freemium themes, and slowly I’ve been updating all websites under my control to use them 🙂 Yesterday, I switched my “main” blog to Infimag, and I’m quite happy with the new look. I found a very tiny bug, though: on the “Featured Sidebar” options, if a category has an ampersand in it (in my case I have something like “Guides & Resources”) it correctly shows on the dropdown, but when selecting it and saving, it reverts to “Choose category” (no matter how often you save it). On the front page, the title for that category is shown correctly, but all article excerpts will come from the first category (ID 1), not from the selected category.
Adding ampersands on categories is probably a bad idea anyway. This should be a very simple fix in any case.
All the rest, fortunately, works exactly as intended 🙂
thx for the bug note gwyneth, i’ll check it out and getback to you on this issue asap.
Hello,I like you theme very much……!
perfect theme…:D
hi developer of infimag template,can i ask something,
how limit the number of articles on the main page,and how latest post was made at the top, thank you before
hi alfian, you can adjust the number of article in dashboard -> settings -> reading -> blog pages show at most
Hi,I like you theme very much……!
I got a Problem, The Slider is not working.can anybody help me? my website is please come to take a look the error. thanks
The Theme Name: “infimag”
seem its working now.
I want to make the direction is rtl of the whole pages for Arabic websites
What I have to add?
you could try adding this to style.css
[php]body { text-align:right !important; }[/php]
Hi All
I want to know the website logo pixel size?
when I am uploading small logo also looks very big in actual website
the options logo upload use whatever dimension width x height the logo you uploaded, no fixed size.
but When I am using small pixel or big pixel logo, Logo looks like same size, there is no size difference in appearance,… ?
could you link your site or the logo image here?
Thanks for all your themes, I am a big fan. I have installed Theme infimag on [], I do not want to show thumbs, how can I make the post box smaller. As you can see, many empty spaces, how can I fix that.
Many thanks and regards,
hi moe, open style.css add this code
[css]#custom #post-entry article.home-post { height:200px !important; }[/css]
Thanks Ronald.
with the free version, i have a problem in local.
when i would like to click on “theme options”, i have this message :
Fatal error: Call to undefined method WP_Error::get_item_quantity() in C:\Mes Documents philippe.barlier\xampp-portable\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\themes\infimag\lib\functions\option-functions.php on line 466
This theme is just amazing i love. but i only havde one question how to change the color of the menu.
Wow , Worth appreciated theme indeed .
Your themes are great and I am switching all 4 of my blogs to your themes. Very clean and well done. Kuddos to you and your team. I cant figure your gallery slider out to save my soul. Help me please!
I have repeated issues with the tabbed side bar appearing and disappearing on it own. I am trying to use this for my 3 blogs but will not switch them until I can figure out this bug. Can you please assist me?
make sure you clear your cache each time you re-organize the widgets.
Hi, thanks for the great theme. However sice using the theme my media library search function is not working any more? I tried deactivating all plugins but porblem stays. When searching for an itme i get “no attached media found error. Please help 🙂
hi check email reply from premium support.
I can’t seem to get my favion to save. I have uploaded several formats ect but none of them save properly. Any ideas?
check wp-content/uploads/ if there’s a _fav_icon exist, delete it. make sure there’s no special character like %%$#^ in image name and the upload only support jpg, jpeg, png and gif
Thank you much Sir. My file had (2) on it and was .ico. Great theme, support is much appreciated.
In my post content if i am using heading tag (h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6), it’s not showing bold. Instead of showing in bold, it’s normal and i want it in bold. Can tell me how could i do it.
try add this style.css
[code lang=”js”]h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 { font-weight:bold !important; }[/code]
Really appreciating. Thanks for the great theme. Please support I want to increase the drop down sub menu font size. Font size is too small… want to get it to a bigger size. Where I have to edit?
Thanks Ronald
try add this to bottom of style.css
#custom .sf-menu li li a { font-size:1.3em !important; }
My logo url is coming in this format:
And i want it in this format:
In short i want image name in the url not “tn_pressimo_header_logo”.
i don’t think you can since the option related to $shortname variable.
maybe hardcoded in logo instead with edit to header.php
This theme looks amazing. Will try it.
thank you for this great theme, This is my second year of using your free theme and i have not had any issue with it. thank for that . That said,i will like to customize some features on it but cant seem to figure it out yet.
1] The featured image on my website home page never displays the complete picture #(How do i fix this)
2] I will like also the image slider to expand to the complete width of the website if possible and the images shows up completely(How do i fix this)
3) How do I add a link on the website background image so that when you click on any part of the website it takes the person to the linked site? (How do i fix this?)
Thanks for your reply. I look forward to upgrading to the premium theme soon.
Reply psl
1. the featured image is fixed height so it won’t overflow each box content. however you could try add this to theme option->custom css
[css]#post-entry article.home-post {height:400px;}
#post-entry {height:250px;}[/css]
adjust the height accordingly.
2. open home.php and comment the line like this
[php]<?php //get_template_part( ‘lib/sliders/sslider’ ); ?> [/php]
then go to header.php and add this code in most bottom
if( is_home()):
if ( $paged >= 2 || $page >= 2 ) { } else { ?>
<?php get_template_part( ‘lib/sliders/sslider’ ); ?>
<?php }
endif; ?>[/php]
3. this is a customize question which the theme do not have.
– ron
Thank you Ronald. I appreciate
Nice Theme Ronald I loved it… Am even sharing this post now.
thanks, jah bless
i want to try this theme out first
Been Finding this theme. Will order now thanks
Nice one
How much is the premium
use the developer version button to purchase, its $37, get a 10% discount with MPDEV10
Thank you very much, Have been trying to get s website for such theme but i cant, if not for my friend that tell me this today
How much is the premium theme??
Nice one
developer version cost $37, get a 10% discount with discount code: MPDEV10
Nice post thank
I will try the theme out soon
Nice One. Thanks
Wow cool, I am going to try this theme
This is cool theme.
Am gona purchase it later
thanks, will purchase a theme soon
Wow cool, I am going to try this theme
My friend is in need of a good theme, i will recommend tgis to him so he will purchase
Wooow cool, I am going to try out this theme
i wil definitely purchase this, love it
BBecause of Your themes i had to move all 2 of my blogs over there. Easy and good navigation. great work to the team. What about more info on resizing the logo to upload?
I am ready to get one for myself, any Coupon code please?
I should try
I’m purchasing this now…
Love the theme, just bought it some days ago
Best Theme of The Year
I’m getting this theme right away! Very easy to navigate
This is too good from Magpress
This is Very Cool
I want to move my blog from blogger and I landed here in search of best WordPress themes to use, Finally I found “MagPress” but I want to know if you offer coupons for purchase.
Waiting for your kind response. Thanks
this code still active 10% discount: MPWELCOME10
Am not good at html or css. Will the footer credit be removed once I buy this theme?
yes, just replace or use the new developer theme entirely and the author credit will be removed.
can i use it on an entertainment blog
I am buying this Theme Right AWAY!
Great theme, and affordable too.
Beautiful theme would like to purchase one
I Don’t know why I had to switch to this theme on my site. It’s just perfect!