InterCon is a 3 columns fixed width Magazine WordPress theme developed by This customized homepage WordPress template comes ready with theme options, featured content glider, featured categories, Adsense ready and many more.
This work is licensed under a CC Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

Tags: Adsense Ready, Custom Menu, Featured Content, Featured Video, Fixed Width, Free WordPress Themes, Horizontal Navigation, Right Sidebar, Sidebar Footer, Theme Options, Threaded Comments, Three Columns, Three Level Dropmenu, Twitter Ready, White, Widget Ready, Wordpress Templates, WP Themes
I’m having an issue with the slider in InterCon – it is pulling the correct category ID but will not move forward or back.
Please make sure you don’t have jquery conflict between the glider and your plugins.
The Read More link box is partially cut off in the slider bar the the top of my homepage for the different post presented in the slider. Please visit my website at and let me know if there is a fix for this problem. Thanks
Hai. Please open featured.php and reduce the $excerpt_length=70, to 40 or less. Thanks.
Hey, it was really a nice theme. I found very few genuine people like you who provide users with really great content and that too for free. You’re great…
Thanks for this excellent theme..!
I am using the Intercon template but now the Featured Content Slider is not working. The right or left arrow does not move the slider. Is there a fix for this problem?
One of your plugins may cause the problem. Try disabling one by one to see which one. Thanks.
Thank you. You are great. There was a plug-in that I no longer use that was causing the problem.