Magloss V2 is a 3 columns fluid width WordPress theme developed by MagPress. This flexible width theme is a newly improved version of our previous Magloss theme. This theme comes built-in features such as featured content slider, featured latest posts from category with thumb, customize single page with thumbnail related posts, Adsense ready, Twitter ready, enable user to insert up to 5 YouTube videos, etc. All these settings are controllable via easy to use theme options.
Theme Features:
- 3 Columns Fluid Width
- Featured Content Slider
- Featured Latest Posts From Category with Thumb
- Customized Breadcrumbs
- Adsense Ready (Loops, Single and Sidebar)
- YouTube Video Ready
- Twitter Ready
- Threaded Comments With Gravatar Enabled
- Easy To Use Theme Options
- Tested On Firefox 3+ And IE7+
- Compatible With WordPress 2.9+
- Valid XHTML And CSS
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

Tags: Adsense Ready, Black, Featured Content, Featured Video, Fluid Width, Free WordPress Themes, Horizontal Navigation, Theme Options, Threaded Comments, Three Columns, Three Level Dropmenu, Twitter Ready, White, Widget Ready, Wordpress Templates, WP Themes
This interface is very nice and I like the interface that has horizontal bar category.
my YM: toan_net_tc
Pretty nice and feature rich theme. I am going to use it in my blog. π
how do you add the thumb?
Hai, Santiago. Basically, it will automatically pull the thumb from attached image post, not external images. If you enable Timthumb, you have to make sure that your hosting support it.
Also, you can manually add thumb by using the custom field ‘post-img’. Please refer to the readme.txt for more info. Thanks.
anyway to take off the Categories Tabs/bar that’s under the pages?
Hello, Amy. To do that, please open the header.php and look for div id navigation_category. Delete it and everything within it. That’s should do the trick. Thanks.
Hi Ronald, is there anyway to choose the order of these tabs, and not have it in alphabetical order?
Hai. You can change the sort_column=menu_order on the wp_list_pages variable, please refer to this page for more available variable:
Can you be more specific on where to find this? I have been trying to organize my menu for a week! It’s very disturbing that you provide nice templates and then give no option to organize the menu within the script. More information other than what you have provided above would be very helpful.
Maglossv2 doesn’t support custom menu. Please email me regarding this, I’ll send in the modified file to support custom menu.
I am interested in using Maglossv2 for my site if it supports custom menu can you send me the file as well please?
Theme files sent to your email. Thanks.
I am using Maglossv2 for my site can you send me the file for custom menus as well please?
Also is there a way to have my bio included at the end of every post?
hi shani, i just updated the maglossv2 to version 1.1, just redownload the theme with updated version. see changelog.
How can i exclude a category from the last posts shown in the first page? And why aren’t all the categories shown in the “Choose Category To Feature On 1st Block?” options? It displays only the ones which don’t have “children”, other categories don’t appear here. Please help!
Hai, MwKoko. Please refer to this page on how to exclude certain category on home page post:
Regarding the selection of child category on theme options, please open the functions.php and look for $wp_dropdown_rd_admin. Within its query please replace parent = 0 to parent > -1
Please try it out and let me know how it works. Thanks.
Thanks for your answer, but it’s my mistake for explaining my problem. Sorry for my bad english. I don’t want to select a child category. I want to select a parent. But the parent category which i want to select doesn’t appear here in the dropdown list. I must say that this category has also subcategories. If i put parent > -1 it shows the children of that category, but the parent still doesn’t show up.
I hope you understand my problem and thank you anticipated.
Well, it should shows up if you have attached post on the parent category as well as its sub category..Please go to your categories panel and check whether the parent category showing any posts. Thanks.
How can i exclude a post from the last posts shown in the first page? So instead of excluding one or more categories on home page post, is it possible to exclude some posts on home page. If yes, is there something like this: Or something else?
Thank you
Nicetheme. I will use it if the thumbnails work fine. I see they are screwed up in the demo.
Hai. Can you please let me know which thumb in the demo screwed up? If you meant the Timthumb, I didn’t activate and use it on the demo page.
Thanks Ronald. I got the solution somehow. Not sure if it was the correct way. let me explain the issue again:
On home page, when you “do not use timthumb”, the image gets a width= and height= parameters in the output. For me I set it 100X100. This did not render correct dimensions in IE8. The whole image shrinks to 18X100 while the page source shows 100X100. It looks ok in firefox tho. I see the same issue on your demo.
As a solution, I removed the code that adds the height,width parameters to the img and added it as a inline style for the post-img div. it’s ok now.
I need your help on one thing. I want the front page to show usual blog style output. (no thumbnail and excerpt). This is because I want my users to play the youtube videos directly on homepage (as happens in many default style themes). What do I need to do?
Shall I remove thmbnail code, excerpt code and insert the_content() instead? Just did some research. testing now.
Another question, how do you rate the SEOptimization of this theme? And any plans to run a support forum for the themes here?
Hai, Deepak. Thanks for pointing out the problem. Sure, you can just put the_content() within the post-content div class if you want to display standard blog format.
Regarding SEO, I’m not an expert on it but I did code this theme with some basic SEO knowledge such as H1 tag for website title, H2 tag for post title on homepage and give it another H1 tag on single post title, etc..some basic stuff only.
We’ll be setting up a support forum for MagPress themes in the near future. So, in the mean time we’ll supporting theme users by post comments or email.
Anyway, thanks again for your input. I appreciate it.
Yeah. I see Magpress themes are excellent and often under-rated. A proper support forum will increase users.
BTW my two new sites run magloss v2 now.
Any idea (piece of code?) to show an attached image in thumbnail? I don’t want the image inserted in my actual post. Many other themes do this.
Please refer to this links on how to do that:
Ronald, I am not sure how to use that. Isnot it possible to add some code to the section in index.php where you have the thumbnail code?
Currently its taking the image inserted in the post. I want it to alternatively look for an attached image in the post.
OK. You can try using custom field feature to add custom image thumbnail without having it attached into a post. Please look at the readme.txt of this theme on how to use it. Thanks.
Hi Ronald,
I have used the custom-feld method. I was asking if this could be automated to take from an attached image.
I have another question. My site dropdown menu JS is slowing down the page load time. Can you tell a way to remove it and still have the dropdown. (without smoth effects)
This is badly needed as most users of this site use use dial-up.
Thanks a lot for all ur time and help.
“As a solution, I removed the code that adds the height,width parameters to the img and added it as a inline style for the post-img div. itβs ok now.”
Could you explain to me exactly how you do this? I am having this problem in IE8 as well and I would like to fix it before I get to carried away with Maglos.
In reference to:
I would like to know first what kind of content block you’re on for this matter. the full content or the default content with auto thumb and auto excerpt. Because as you said on previous comment, you’ve made change to the_content() which shows full content block.
Regarding the dropdown menu, I’m afraid the js is required to make the dropmenu work properly. You can try it out by removing code for dropmenu_category.js or dropmenu_page.js on the header.php.
Thanks Ronald,
I am on the default content with auto thumb, auto excerpt. The thumbnail code is using either inserted image, or a custom-field. If your auto-thumbnail code could also pull an “attached” image, that would make the theme more standard.
[my qn on the_content() was for another installation. Not relevant here.]
And yes, I just removed all JS files and the dropdown worked. (No more smooth transition effect though). Is there something more I can remove from page code related to the non-existant JS now?
Hai Deepak. Unfortunately, the auto thumb feature on this theme will only pull first image on post or by using custom field where you can just upload the image via media tool and grab it File URL to use as custom field value with ‘post-img’ as custom field name for the standard post thumbnail setup without having the image put on post.
Anyway, if you can direct me to a theme which has that feature you’re looking for, I’ll modified this theme auto thumb feature to suit your need.
Regarding the JS, the 2 .js codes on header are the only lines you have to delete if you don’t want the effect. The others are necessary for featured content slider.
Thanks Ronald.
Regarding the code for automatically pulling a “attached image” thumbnail, please check a theme called “news magazine 640” on WP theme list.
The theme pulls 1st image inserted into a post. If it’s not there, it pulls any image attached to the post.
Would be nice if you implement the same in your themes.
Hi there,
Great theme and options. Is there anyway to make this into a 2 column template by removing some code?
Sure. If you’re familiar with PHP code. You can open the sidebar.php and delete the sidebar-left or right code and readjust the width percentage css for #content and #sidebar..
First of all let me say great theme. I am trying to add 125×125 ad slot but it only adds one column and is shifted all the way over to the left. I try to make it two-column by reducing the padding in the wp-125 widget according to the documentation but it still does not work.
/* Styles for two-column display */
#wp125adwrap_2c { width:100%; }
#wp125adwrap_2c .wp125ad { width:125px; float:left; padding:10px; }`
Changed to -> `#wp125adwrap_2c .wp125ad { padding:4px; }`
The reason I ask is because I see you have 125×125 ad placement on similar themes like (Free WordPress Theme β BlueFluid).
There was no RSS subscribe button so I used a rss subscribe widget. I donβt have a live set as Iβm testing on a development server (home network). Any help you can give is appreciated.
OK. Change the wp125.css as below:
/* Styles for two-column display */
#wp125adwrap_2c {
#wp125adwrap_2c .wp125ad {
float: left;
margin-right: 2px;
margin-top: 4px;
margin-left: 2px;
#wp125adwrap_2c .wp125ad img {
border: 0 none;
Then, open the functions.php and change the after_widget from only [/li] to [div class=”clearfix”][/div][/li]. Change on both left and right sidebar widgets.
* replace [ ] with < >
Please try it out and let me know the result. Thanks.
Thanks Ronald it worked perfectly. I can now add 125×125 ads on theme in the sidebars. This is great.
One note I add is that in the wp-125 plugin settings, check the box to
Include default ad stylesheet?
If this box is not checked it won’t apply your changes.
Great theme. I am evaluating themes and this looks interesting but can I customize the header like in the Vina theme? You can see what I have done on my site and I would do something similar with this.
Sure. Feel free to edit the header to customize it as vina theme. But, please remember that this theme is a flexible width, using the sliding header effect may break the layout.
Can I disable the sliding header effect? I just want to use the same static image as I am using now.
You can place a static image on the header, but the css for the header has to be modified to accommodate the big width image. Feel free to edit it if you want to. Thanks.
Hi Ronald,
first of all I would like to thank you for the great themes!
IΒ΄d like to adapt the the Magloss V2 theme. But there are some problems, that I canΒ΄t solve at least.
1) no advert banner in the header – no matter if the option is enebled or not
2) the term “continue reading – should be replaced by “weiterlesen” but I donΒ΄t find where to set this up
3) Recent Comments: After the Name of the last comment user, there is the word “says” this word should be changed into “sagt” – but I donΒ΄t find where to set it up
4) Hot Topics: x comments should be changed into x Kommentare – but I donΒ΄t find where to set it up
5) no matter, where to write – the first letter of a word is written large – in german only the first letter of a sentence is written large – where to change?
6) The most annoying thing is at leat, that the function in the featured news isnΒ΄t working as in your demo. There is only a picture an no slideshow effect.
Thanks ahead for helping.
Hai. Regarding your questions:
1. It suppose to show the default dream template banner if you didn’t enter any code inside the theme options > “Insert Header Banner HTML Code”. Please check your banner html code, make sure it’s in proper format. i.e [a href=”affiliate url”][img scr=”banner url” /][/img][/a]
* Please replace [ ] with < >
2. Please open the functions.php and scroll down until you see “Standard Post Excerpt” heading, under it you’ll see $more_link_text=”Continue Reading”. Change the continue reading to weiterlesen
3. Again on functions.php, scroll down again until you see “Get Recent Comments With Avatar”, under it you’ll see the piece of code contains the word ‘Says’.
4. Scroll down more on functions.php until you see “Most Comments”, under it you’ll see ‘comments received’
5. You can try opening the style.css and look for css containing text-transform: capitalize; delete this line of code on id or class you don’t want.
6. This usually happen when there’s a conflict in jquery. Please try disabling plugins that using jquery too.
Please try out above solutions and let me know if you need more help. Thanks.
do we need smoothgaller2.0 plug in installed ? i could nly find smooth gallery1.15 in my plugin search?
also some where i found that i need to add custom filed ast smoothgallery and then [smoothgallery] in post ,
what are the basic steps need to stup for featured news to run, both in settings and in posts
Hello Ronald,
thanks for fast and detailed information. All things work fine now! Let me ask at least two questions. How to set the sidebar with additional widgets? By dropping downloaded plugins/widgets into the different sidebars (in the backend) the existing widgets are away. If oneday there is a clients whoΒ΄d like to place an advert on the page, how to do?
When I have replaced the default images (with the eastern people) by my own I relaunch my site and post a little info if you like. Thank you for the nice theme.
Hai George. You can simply use text widget to insert the advert code and arrange its placement within the left or right sidebar widget admin.
Not sure about your 2nd question regarding the default images..if you want to replace it, just upload your custom image name it ‘post-default.jpg’ inside the theme image folder.
How do I stop the theme from pulling the default image that comes with it (of the girls). If my post has no image I want it to be blank.
Forget it I figured it out.
On my related posts plugin it is picking up the infamous smiling girls default page. Which image do I delete and where so this picture no longer shows?
Hai. it’s the feat-cat-img.jpg inside the theme image folder. You can replace it with a blank jpg image and name it the same.
I really love this theme but I have two questions about the thumbnails.
1. When I look at the site on my new computer at full resolution this morning the thumbnails are squashed to the point that there are not viewable. Why is this? These are images pulled from RSS feeds using FeedWordPress. Everything seemed to be working well yesterday but not today.
2. I deleted the default image so that on posts where there is no image attached there would not be that image of the smiling girls but now it shows an “x” as in the post is missing an image. How do I fix this?
Finally, I am considering upgrading to a premium theme. Which one replicates the functions of Maglos?
It seems to be squishing all images, not just the ones from FeedWordPress. The ones that I uploaded in my features section are squished as well. There must be a setting that I have screwed up. How would I manage the images better?
Where can I change the heading of Featured Content Slider from “Featured News” to something else?
Look under the featured.php file in the theme. You can change it there. I am still looking for a way to change the color of the text on the featured news?
Hai. You can change anything regarding the featured slider by editing its css inside the css folder > gallery.css > slideinfozone
I got it, a big thank you to all.
Is there a way for the images of the Featured Content Slider to fit inside the box?
never mind read the readme file
What is the best size of an image for the featured news slider? I can’t find it anywhere in the theme.
I always use 700 x 300 size image. It’s all depend on your screen resolution.
Hi Ronald great theme BTW
I have problem with category posts. the title bar on the front page only shows “latest articles on (blank)” but does not show the actual category as in your demo “latest article on cell phones”. Please help!
dont worry fixed this one with the response to child caterories
oops forgot to ask where i can change the thumbnail size in cat posts..they are too squashed
sorry Ronald one more quetsion
is there any way not to show the tags in posts featured on front page. If i have many tags it dominates the excerpt.
Thanks in advance
Love this theme! I do have some issues though:
First off when i posted a test comment an error appeared on the post. It is here:
You’ll notice the sidebars don’t appear either.
Also, the dashboard doesn’t show all of my posts, comments, or pages.
Here’s the message that appears on the pages where I have approved test comments that don’t appear but the sidebars disappear nad this appears instead:
Fatal error: Only variables can be passed by reference in /home/content/c/i/n/cinegeek/html/wp-content/themes/magloss_v2/magloss_v2/functions.php on line 481
It is also extremely annoying not being able to see all of my posts in the dashboard either. I have posted just over 1635 times but only around 575 are referenced in the dashboard and in the space where there’s a word bubble in the edit post section this error is present:
Fatal error: Only variables can be passed by reference in /home/content/c/i/n/cinegeek/html/wp-content/themes/magloss_v2/magloss_v2/functions.php on line 481
This message is so big it only allows one post to be shown at a time in the list. In both of my issues I’m getting the same error. We really need to get commenting back up and going on this site so any help you could provide would be appreciated. I’ve already tried redownloading the template and copying this php file from the download onto my site and replacing the one that was there hoping that would work. It did not. Any help you can provide would be much appreciated.
Ok. Please try opening the functions.php and delete these line:
[DELETE if(function_exists(‘wp_list_comments’)) { ]
add_filter(‘get_comments_number’, ‘comment_count’, 0);
function comment_count( $count ) {
global $id;
$comments_by_type = &separate_comments(get_comments(‘post_id=’ . $id));
return count($comments_by_type[‘comment’]);
my sidebar 1 don’t work anymore. And sidebar 2 never has. Should i down grade wordpress, i just updated it. Would that be the problem.
Hai. Are you referring to I don’t see any problem with the sidebars there.
yes i am but not on the site itself its cool but,placing the widgets in the back-in sidebar 1 0r 2 it wont let me drag and drop. it wont let me even grab it.
Can you try the widget function on other theme and see if they’re working. This happened to me once because of incomplete wordpress upgrade that messed up the widgets.
Please try it out and let me know whether it is an internal wordpress error or theme related problem. Thanks.
i changed the theme the widgets did work. i go back to yours no good still. im a try and use one of your other themes but i really really really like this one alot.
i got it. had to go to screen options and enable accessibility mode to add to sidebar 2. but how do i get my avatars back on the recent comments. after this im not gonna pluck your nerves anymore. thanks man love this theme really now.
The best of doing that is to use your registered email on wordpress and register it on
Featured content and video don’t displaying. I insert feat-imgand links, but nothing happens/
Hai. Please make sure you’ve enable them inside the theme options. As for the featured content slider, please make sure you put more than 1 post on the category you’ve chosen. Don’t forget to read the theme readme.txt too for further instruction on the video embed. Thanks.
Thank’s for fast response. Yes, of course, i’ve read “readme.txt” first of all. i’ve tried in featured content all my categories, but the problem remains. No visible feature, no visible video. You can see the site at “”, this is the “test” site to continue (if everything will be all right) in good project.
Clarify: I’m use opera and firefox.
And (whether this refers to the case) found the following:
Fatal error: Only variables can be passed by reference in /home/krolru/www/ on line 481
Is this error still exist on your end? I didn’t see it on mine.
This problem was visible in my admin panel in post and page categories, but when i’ve tried to use another your theme – it become visible on home page. You can see it now.
Hai. I see that you’re using another gallery plugin that may clash with the built-in one. Try disabling the ‘featured-content-gallery’ plugin and check it out again.
Regarding the video, you’ve put the whole video url code when it should be only the unique code ‘_-qVRpQ8J2Y’ to put inside the box and save it.
thanks, everything is working well in this theme now. and one more question: is it enable to use another way of feature content changes (for example by user, not independently)?
Sorry. That feature is not available at the moment. If you know which other theme has that feature, please let me know so that I can put that feature on my theme. Thanks.
It seems that the error cause by the comment count. Please open the index.php and delete the whole line of div class post-com.
it solved the problem
but “comments” don’t work, when in post “Leave a Reply” – appear “Fatal error: Only variables can be passed by reference in /home/xxxx/www/ on line 483
This usually happened when you’re using an older version of wp. Please consider upgrading it to the latest version. Thanks.
hi ronald , theme is great . would you be prepared to modify the home page so that only one featured post is full size and those underneath are 50% and 33% scale
posts in the left column
one main post
then 2 side by side
then 3 side by side.
thanks if you can show me the code to use to modify
Went to start and tweak this but wanted to add pages.
The content on the pages About and About Us will not display.
Reverted to original theme and it still will not display.
Admin says it is published.
Any idea why?
Absolutley love this. The widgets are great.
You have to manually add the content on the page edit for About and About Us. We didn’t make a prefilled content for them. Thanks.
Hi Ronald, thanks for this great theme. can u tell me how to increase/ decrease witdth for featured content slider and latest article block.
Hi Ronald:
Thanks a ton for providing such a decent template.
I have a couple of questions:
1. I don’t see the ‘No Sidebar’ page after installation. Could you please let me know how to do that manually or any other way?
2. Can I change/edit the text caption of Headline News and/or Featured News to something like Featured Article or simply Headline?
I hope you drink beer and I’d like to buy you one so be gracious enough to send me your PayPal id as well. Thanks again and cheers!
Hai. Regarding you questions:
1. I’m not really sure what happen with your sidebars, it should have default sidebars when you activated the theme. Please make sure you downloaded the theme directly from and replace the sidebar.php.
2. Sure, just open the featured.php and replace the the words.
Yeah..I like beer..hehe. I’ll setup a ‘buy me a beer or coffee’ button on this site soon. You can buy me one by then. Thanks.
Hi Ron,
Can you or anyone else tell me how to edit the footer? I’m stumped. Thanks in advance
Unfortunately, editing the footer links will make this theme not functional. If you’re interested in purchasing a developer’s license for this theme, please use the contact form to reach me. Thanks.
While I love the Magloss theme, I’ve decided to port to the Magloss v2 because of a little better link handling. I am having a couple of problems, though. My primary problem is that no matter what I do, I can’t get the thumbnails to cooperate. I’ve activated and deactivated timthumb, I’ve tried different ways of using the customize option, and nothing. I have very neat squares with the name of the post, but the thumbnail doesn’t display.
The other problem is that I’d like to be able to display more than five posts on the front page and I can’t figure out how to do that. I know it’s got to be in code somewhere (featured? Index?), but I’m not sure where.
Right now my site ( is displaying the original Magloss, but a couple of people have mentioned that they can’t click to the article from the featured slide show, and the primary reason that I chose the theme – the two-columns to display categories, doesn’t appear to be working properly. But the thumbnails work great. Thanks for any info.
never mind about the thumbnails. Got it figured out. Reading the directions above and realizing that it wasn’t the same setup as the original Magloss made a difference. Now to get the sidebar text to be dark and figure out how to increase the number of posts showing on the home page, and I’m golden.
Robert are you there? I even got the sidebar text problem figured out! But I haven’t figured out how to show more than five posts on the home page.
My site is beautiful. by the way. Lots of customization – forget IE of any flavor. Go with Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and Opera. All display correctly.
I think the option to show number of post on homepage can be found on wp admin page > settings > reading > blog pages show at most. Try looking at your setting there. Thanks.
That worked! For some reason I thought that was connected to the theme itself. My site is up. gorgeous, and looks super-premium. I love your themes so much that I’m using one on another site. Thanks so much. You do beautiful work.
When I look at the demo the thumbs for the posts are 18X150. When I install I get the same problem. When I activate Tims Thumbs everythings broken,
Hi Ronald,
I’ve had a couple of requests from people wondering if I do custom work, lol. I told them I have a great theme and have largely *guessed* my way to this point. I’m soooo happy! One question … How do I increase the size of the text on h1 and h2 headings inside of posts? Here is one of the pages where it’s a problem:
I can guess or figure out most stuff, but this has me bewildered. There are a lot of h1 and h2 lines of code, and I don’t want to change the wrong one. Thanks.
Hai, Irene. The H tags within the post content are not defined yet, please do so by adding below css inside the style.css:
.post-content h1 { font-size: 1em; }
.post-content h2 { font-size: 0.85em; }
.post-content h3 { font-size: 0.75em; }
.post-content h4 { font-size: 0.65em; }
.post-content h5 { font-size: 0.55em; }
.post-content h6 { font-size: 0.45em; }
Above are some example css style you can add, please style them based on your own need.
I have just installed magloss v2& everything works apart from Twitter.
I have entered my twitter user name, but nothing comes ups on the main pages
Can you help ?
Hi Ronald,
Thanks for the theme. I have a few questions:
1. Is there a Subscribe widget included?
2. How can I change the order of pages on the navigation bar.
3. I tried to exclude categories from the Header Navigation bar but when I enter info in the theme option the Category Navigation bar says “No category”. What is the format for entering the information?
Thank you.
Hi Ronald,
Thanks for that amazing theme; I’ve been searched for a fluid width theme for a long time and you made my dreams come true.
But (as there is always a but!) I would like my theme color in blue (as FB) and red. Is there a way to modify the current black color in all the parts of the theme?
I already do so for navigation page and navigation category, but it doesn’t work for other parts.
At last, I ceated some categories and sub categories but only “Uncategorized” appears.
Could you help me to figure it out?
Thanks in advance.
Fantastic site I have been looking for such information for a long time, glad to have found it and will come again soon. Thanks
Hello Ronald,
The Featured Content Slider does not work. I do not have any plugins that use jquery.
A beutiful and userfriendly theme,
This is an awsome theme i got it and it is working nice! tnx
Super Theme. Best Struktur of Magazine Themes. I Love it.
This is a SUPER Theme. It can also insert images via rss feeds an is good for all browsers. Thank for this
This is the best free premium theme I’ve seen. All is working well with me but I have just one question:
The images of post do not occupy the space on featured news except for the default image.
Pls how can I do this?
Hai. You can manually define the image for featured news by using custom field name -> feat-img. Thanks.
nice thanx
Haloo Ronald!
Nice theme…
I come from Indonesia.. π
I want to ask something…
How to change font size of the “Recent Comment” in this theme.
I want to make it looks smaller like your “Recent Comment” in your sidebar in this web…
Thanks for replying my comment. π
Hai. Open style.css > ul.sidebar_list h6, change its font-size. Thanks.
thanks.. π
very nice template.i had used if for my site.
The theme is really nice and I’m starting with this.
Fantastic theme.Im using this theme, and im going to write an article in my blog about this full width magazine theme.
Really nice theme.
I have one problem: How do I get the posts to use my featured image instead of the first added image?
These themes I use in my own blog
thank you
Hey using this theme which is amazing but I’m using with wordpress 3.3.2 and there is no customer fields in edit post??? Any fixes or suggestions?
when in edit post mode..look upper right for screen options, tick/check on the custom field option to enable it.
I am trying to have three columns on my site but it looks like everything is pushed to the left, is there a way I can change that? this is the first time i am using word press.
hi the theme already a 3 column and flexible resize width. please recheck if the correct theme installed.
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