Mandora is a 2 columns Newspaper Magazine WordPress Theme with unlimited color choices and built-in Google webfonts selection. This WP Theme by MagPress had the ability to change your theme header, sidebar, footer and links colors according to your choice. It is suitable for anyone who run a blog niche like magazine or newspaper. However it can be used for multi purpose projects such as business, personal and social media too.
With a responsive mobile friendly design its compatible with devices like Desktop, Tablet, small phone, i-Pad, iPhone, and Android Phones too. Try resizing your browsers to see different layout option.
Need to Test Theme Option?

Demo Theme Option Panel
No worries, just use the demo built-in theme options panel in left side of the demo screen. You can change the color for Navigation, Sidebar, Footer or Main Links if the theme support it. Not only that, you can also change the fonts for body text, headline and navigation text.
The main content block is placed before the sidebar so it is crawled first by search engines, so its SEO Optimized. The Theme has a tons of features like 500+ Google fonts, Tabbed widget, Most Commented/Popular Widget, Recent Comments with Gravatar, Flickr widget and Twitter widget.
It also had built-in social sharing button such as Facebook Like, Twitter, Google+ and more than 100+ more social sharing links so people can share your article/posts to their friends and family in the social network web.
The theme also had built-in Sidebar Featured Category so you can setup your more important category posts in sidebar.
Simple and user friendly Theme Options
We want our users to use the theme without fuss so we made the theme options to be one page user friendly, no need to navigate to other page just to adjust header settings etc.
– Logo and Fav icon uploads in theme options
– 500+ Google Web Fonts to choose from
– Built in social sharing buttons
– Unlimited Color Choices for header, sidebar, footer and links
– Featured Articles *can be turn off or on
– 6 Banner ads placement in sidebar
– Google or any embed advertisment code in sidebar, post loop and single post
– WordPress Built-in Header Images.
– Localization Ready ( mo and po file inside language folder )
Still looking for more suitable theme? Checkout more Free Responsive WordPress Templates from MagPress

Another great theme ronald, the options and edit are easy without touching the code. really smart way to do.
thanks so much, that’s great theme, i like it, download for demo now 😀
how to resize an image in its related post
the related post use the_post_thumbnail(‘medium’); for the featured image. you can change them in lib/templates/related-by-tags.php and related-by-cats.php, edit this line of code in both.
[php]<?php echo get_featured_post_image($thepostlink, "</a>", 250, 250, "aligncenter", "medium", ‘image-‘.get_the_ID() ,get_the_title(), false); ?>[/php]
[php]<?php echo get_featured_post_image($thepostlink, "</a>", 250, 250, "aligncenter", "thumbnail", ‘image-‘.get_the_ID() ,get_the_title(), false); ?>[/php]
thank you ronald. and i want a resize image in the post from front page ( home ) ? how do it?
hi you can open style.css line 1070 and edit this line
[css]#post-entry {
border: 5px solid #F7F7F7;
box-shadow: 0 0 3px #BBBBBB;
float: left;
height: 180px;
margin: 1em 0 0;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 0;
width: 97%;
thank you ronald, but I have another problem sati. when I update the mobile site works, but when I am clicking on a computer-access site was not working. The picture on the front page or post in the desktop computer is still the original, no change. Can you help me once again?
what dimension size widthxheight you want for each mobile and desktop. let me know ok.
this theme is really great. thanks
Hello, I have a one question – Which setting do I enable post to me out in the following way pot in the picture.
Sorry for my bad English!
This is picture
in wp-admin->appeareance->theme option->enable featured article
thanks for theme.but I have a “enable featured article” in option ?
i have not a “enable featured article” in option ?
go to wp-admin->appeareance->theme options->featured post and ‘enable’ it. either set as category or post id featured. only can choose one of them.
Yes, but dont work… i enable and disable many times, but no effect…
did you enter either cat id or post id, cannot use both.
Tnx, now it works!
Great !! this theme is awesome ..
Tuyển sinh du học Nhật bản đảm bảo visa 100%
thanks so much, that’s great theme, i like it, download for demo now
Ok Thanks you very much
Thanks for theme .
How can I remove above post thumbs.
like theme , thanks pro for share