Are you running a niche based network? surely you are looking for the best niche WordPress theme for your website network, maybe 10 to more than 100 websites to design and style. What could be easier than a theme that can do the creative work for you?
Monrock is a perfect solution for your website. The theme comes with unlimited colors for design and unlimited font options for your niche style. It is also compatible with BuddyPress, Woocommerce and BBPress forum plugin. With its ability to add unlimited colors and fonts selection, you can start your WordPress site with your own unique styles for your own niche within seconds. The theme also fully SEO Optimize and built with markup options. The theme will work seamlessly in all modern mobile device.
Perfect Theme for Your Niche
You can design and style the theme anyway you want according to your niche preference.
- sport niche
- nature niche
- fun niche
- business niche
Other Features:
[list type=”check”]
- Unlimited site design color choices
- Logo and Fav icon setting in theme options
- New! Featured images blog style with thumbnail, medium or large
- Microformat ready for Google snippet
- Schema Articles for posts and pages
- Schema Breadcrumbs for prettier search structure in SERP
- Built in social sharing buttons
- Latest Tweets using your Twitter widget id via theme option
- 650+ Google Web Fonts to choose from
- Featured Slider with category id or post id
- Google or any embed advertisement code in top header,post loop,sidebar and single post
- WordPress Built-in Header Images settings
- Custom widget – featured posts with category and Custom Post Type widgets
- BuddyPress, BBPress and Woocommerce support
- Localization Ready ( mo and po file inside language folder )
Still looking for more suitable niche based WordPress theme? Checkout more Free WordPress Themes with Unlimited colors and fonts options from MagPress

How can I remove the Search field that’s in the menu bar?
Thank you! 🙂
open lib/functions/hook-functions.php edit line 116 like this
Already Came up with two more questions, lol…
1. Where do I change the color of the sub-item links in the menu? The white is too light with the color I’ve chosen for my site.
2. I’m using two RSS feed widgets in the sidebar. The Title of the widget doesn’t show up unless you hover over it. How do I remove that action?
Thanks so much in advance. This is a beautiful theme. As always, easy to use and a pleasure to work with.
1.add something like this to theme option->custom css
#custom .sf-menu ul {background:#cc0000 none;}
2.add this to custom css
#left-sidebar h3.widget-title a, #right-sidebar h3.widget-title a {color:#333;}
I found an encrypted eval(base64_decode( code in lib/functions/theme-functions.php at the latest line.
Please, could you tell me its function, what is it used for ?
Thanks a lot
Best Regards,
Hi, its the encoded code to protect the author/contributor links, it will not affect how the theme work.
if you want to remove theme author/contributor credit links, you can purchase the developer version of the theme.
Hi Ronald, ok thanks a lot 🙂
I’ll think about that a soon as I’ll earn some money on this website
Best Regards,