Nimoze is a 3 columns fixed width WordPress theme by This WordPress template has theme options, featured content and categories, Adsense ready, etc.

Tags: Adsense Ready, Custom Menu, Featured Content, Fixed Width, Right Sidebar, Theme Options, Threaded Comments, Three Columns, Twitter Ready, White, Widget Ready
Why are there 2 ‘home’ buttons displaying in this and some other themse? Is this intentional or a bug?
Please open functions.php and delete:
// Filter wp_nav_menu() to add additional links and other output
function addHomeMenuLink($menuItems, $args)
if(‘primary’ == $args->theme_location)
if ( is_home() || is_front_page() )
$class = ‘id="home"’;
$class = ‘id="home"’;
$homeMenuItem = ‘<li ‘ . $class . ‘>’ .
$args->before .
‘<a href="’ . home_url( ‘/’ ) . ‘" title="Home">’ .
$args->link_before .
‘Home’ .
$args->link_after .
‘</a>’ .
$args->after .
$menuItems = $homeMenuItem . $menuItems;
return $menuItems;
add_filter( ‘wp_nav_menu_items’, ‘addHomeMenuLink’, 10, 2 );
That should remove the extra home button.
just comment out the filter should do it
[php]//add_filter( ‘wp_nav_menu_items’, ‘addHomeMenuLink’, 10, 2 );[/php]
Downlaoded Nimoze last night and it is a very nice theme. Would like to see a section where people can click on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. But for free it is very good, experienced a couple of hiccups with plug-ins but that is normal with themes. We are going to try the theme out for a week or so and we will most likely be purchasing the “clean” version.
Besides the links being removed from the bottom of the theme does it come with any other options that the free version doesn’t have? Great theme we love it so far keep up the great work.
hi it will be the same but you can removed the footer link without the error message appeared.
Thank you for the reply, much appreciated.
I hate to be that bothersome person, but I was wondering if there would be an update for this theme. We are getting background errors and at times we are not able to log into the WP dashboard to post. We think it may be a problem with the theme as our other WP run site does not have the problem because we are using a different theme all together. We also have an issue withe our admin bar that appears and it is showing two horizontal columns, we really like the theme and want to purchase it but we are afraid some of these issues will be on the paid version as well. I thank you for your time.
We have found out that the theme is giving us the issues we described above, also it is giving us issues with 500 error codes. If the paid version will not give us those problems please let us know as we will gladly pay for the theme, but if it is plagued with these issues we will have to pass this one by.
hi i just updated the theme to v1.1, check if any of the issue still happen.
if you already made some edits, try this fix
@footer adminbar
– open footer.php and move to before end [php]</body>[/php]
@500 error code
– didn’t see this, might be server issue. please check your error log.
Thank you. As soon as I figure out how to install 1.1 I will let you know. Also the 500 error was because the theme would make a new access file in FTP mode as soon as we would rename the file and would show a 500 error within 7 days of renaming the file.
WOW! Thank you very much it is working very well at the moment we will test it for a few days and we will be buying this theme for sure!!
Disregard, theme loads very slow when logged into WP, but if not it loads fine, also taking to long to get to dashboard. Called our host and all is fine and the theme is taking too long to load.
What a shame, we loved this theme as it is easy to read, easy to navigate, but we will have to find a new theme to use as the problems are back with loading. It can take up to 15 minutes just to get to add a new post. Users beware before downloading this one, you will fall in love with it but in the end you will be disappointed. Now to remove this theme and find a new one.
too bad you felt that way. seem fast in dashboard and write post panel in my end with only 2 plugins installed. cheers
We had to go back to this theme because we loved it so much. After a lot of time invested into finding why this awesome theme was giving us a 500 error proved to be a bad plug-in. We had to disable and add plug-ins back but it wasn’t until all the plug-ins were installed did we get the errors, so we removed them one by one and found the issue! Wordfence security was the culprit if anyone has the same problem. Keep up the great work and thank you and look forward to updates when the come up.
Is there a conflict with the theme with the updated version of JetPack (8/27/2013) all of our pics we add as a gallery are posted full size and not in a gallery any longer. Our Debug is saying the theme needs an update, but that is not always correct. Thank you for all your help.
Just a quick update. Mosaic Tile works but no other forms of the media gallery does. Featured images remain full size when added to a post even though the medium size is chosen. Even with the newest update 2.4 (8/29/2013)it still isn’t working. We disabled JetPack and it was fine, but we lose functionality we need when disabled. Thank you for any help you may provide.
hi warrior instinct, what version of the theme you using? did update to jetpack 2.4.2 fix this?
also any screenshot of the gallery you mention i can check? cheers
Yes the JetPack update fixed the issue, thank you very much. We are using Version 1.1. Tahnk you again.
ok thanks for the update 🙂