Pressimo is a grid news magazine WordPress Theme by MagPress. It is a full featured WordPress Theme that come with built-in unlimited color options for navigation, links color and footer color. Also extended with the Google web fonts options so you can choose from collection of 500+ Google web fonts for your site.
If you need to monetize your site, Pressimo comes with built-in advertisement placement options such as 728×90 or 468×60 leaderboard banner in top header, 300×250 or 336×280 medium and large rectangle banner in sidebar and single post. No need to install any social plugin because Pressimo also comes with built-in social sharing tools such as facebook, twitter, pinit and 100+ more social share.
With a responsive mobile friendly design its compatible with devices like Desktop, Tablet, small phone, i-Pad, iPhone, and Android Phones too. Try resizing your browsers to see different layout option.
Update: Colorize Category Articles
Just go to wp-admin->posts->category->edit each category colour.
Update: BuddyPress, BBPress and Woocommerce support
Full Features
– Logo and Fav icon uploads in theme options
– Built in social sharing buttons
– 600+ Google Web Fonts to choose from
– Unlimited Color Choices for navigation, links and footer
– Featured Slider *can be turn off or on
– 6 Banner ads placement in sidebar
– Google or any embed advertisment code in sidebar, post loop and single post
– WordPress Built-in Header Images.
– Localization Ready ( mo and po file inside language folder )
Still looking for more suitable wp theme? Checkout more Free Responsive WordPress Templates from MagPress

Hi, Awesome Theme. But one Problem i am facing is header menu is only showing pages from my Menu, i want categories to show too and Other things too. But it is only showing pages.
try use the dashboard->appeareance->custom menu to customize or mixed page and category menu.
the best free wp theme i seen in months. you guys are rockin!!!
I downloaded this theme,its good
I downloaded this theme,its very good.thanks.
i have a persian WordPress and I will translate thhis to persian if you allow me.thank you very much
i loooooove this theme!!. they look great in my ipad and iphone.
truly a wonderful and easy to customize wordpress theme.
Hi, this is great theme! Thanks a lot for it. But i am new webmaster and blogger and I have a problem: ı can’t add a java script to my blog. Why? I want listed my site in a traffic source. That source wants add a banner to my blog. This is secure code but I can’t add a code anywhere. Advertisment areas or widgets area.
Sorry for my bad English. I need help, can you help me please?
some advertisement code cannot passed the theme options and text widget string sanitize (wp security). you may need to open the file and hand coded the ads code your self.
hi i must say this is one hell of a fantastic theme. i’m thinking of getting the developer version for my wordpress multisite. the gnu gpl license allowed me to use this in all my wp ms site right? not just one. cheers
yes, the developer license allowed you to use the theme in multiple WordPress MS install.
Hello- pardon if this is a silly question, but how do I update the character limit in the slider text? I’d like to shorten it so it’s just a (dynamic) title and currently it shows the exact same copy text/title that are in the respective articles.
hi kelly, open lib/sliders/gallery-slider.php edit line 26 and line 53 (both same code)
[php]<?php get_the_featured_excerpt($excerpt_length=50); ?>[/php]
[php]<?php get_the_featured_excerpt($excerpt_length=YOUR-PREFER-COUNT); ?>[/php]
or complete disable the excerpt text
[php]<?php //get_the_featured_excerpt($excerpt_length=50); ?>[/php]
Hi, thank you very much for the theme. But I can’t using Java codes, or am I? I want add my Google plus code or etc., I can’t see them. Here is an example:
(function() {
var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript'; po.async = true;
po.src = '';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);
You can’t see the “script” codes at my first comment.
script type=”text/javascript”
other parts of code
hi qemal, try this
[code lang=”js”]<script type="text/javascript"><!–
(function() {
var po = document.createElement(‘script’); po.type = ‘text/javascript’; po.async = true;
po.src = ‘’;
var s = document.getElementsByTagName(‘script’)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);
the js passing maybe conflicted with the default wordpress string sanitize safe code.
Well, thank you very much, but it did not work for me. This is a great theme, especially for advertising. But we need Java. I need help 🙂
Awesome theme! Congratulations!
Is there a way to have just 3 lines of text in the home posts? Sometimes it breaks the layout.
sure just open index.php line 40 and edit the count
[php]<?php get_the_featured_excerpt($excerpt_length=30); ?>[/php]
change 30 to any number you preferred.
sweet. thanks!
How can I embed video code that the feature image will show in front page?
In your demo site post:
This post have feature image of video in front page.
Please tell me how can I paste the video code and then will show feature image with text in front page.
the image were just a screenshot i took and not an auto video thumbnail.
you need to add ‘featured images’ when write post. its located in bottom right on dashboard -> write post
Hi there,
what is wrong? Adsense somethimes doesn’t show?
I have three adsense area activated but somethimes all doesnt’t work.
pls help
does the adsense ‘yellow’ background appeared?
yes the adsense appeared yellow background.
works fine in my end with adsense code, recheck and copy paste the adsense code again.
hey Admin,
please have a look on my website page..i am facing some javasricpt error.Some social icons and hyperlinks are unclickable .please help to solve this problem.Even my adsense are not clickable on that area.
seem fine to me, all links are clickable…
check on this page
the facebook comment form div block is causing this, try add this to style.css
[css]div#fbSEOComments {clear: both !important;}[/css]
yeah it worked ..thanks a lot
ow to get rid of “Archive for the…category” text
open archive.php and comment out this line like this
[php]<?php //get_template_part( ‘lib/templates/headline’ ); ?>[/php]
I absolutely love your themes and have been using the “Redtone” theme for years. When will the “Pressimo” theme be available for free download? I’m ready for a change and this theme will be the awesome change I’m looking for. Thanks!
the pressimo theme are already free to download. cheers
The link is being redirected to still…
the download work for me, try clear your cache.
Thank you it worked. I really appreciate your time!
Hi, this is one of the coolest themes for magazine type blogs. I question, will this support custom umage headers?
should be supported already.
What’s the best dimension for featured photos? When something is on the featured slider, it seems that it gets cut off in a different place than its post in the general posts. Should featured photos all be a specific size so nothing gets cut off on either? Thanks.
try open functions.php and edit line 21 to your desired slider img size
[php]add_image_size( ‘featured-slider-img’, 750, 450, true );[/php]
open lib/sliders/gallery-slider.php and replace ‘full’ to ‘featured-slider-img’
[php]<?php echo get_featured_post_image("", "", 800, 400, "alignleft full", "full", ‘image-‘.get_the_ID() ,get_the_title(), true); ?> [/php]
[php]<?php echo get_featured_post_image("", "", 800, 400, "alignleft full", "featured-slider-img", ‘image-‘.get_the_ID() ,get_the_title(), true); ?>[/php]
this will only work for new uploaded images or posts only. the previous posts will use the ‘full’ cropped images for slider images.
the demo link is broken and goes to a “fruitful code” login page. Please assist/fix
each time when i get when i download one theme i get this message “le dossier compressé n’est pas valide” it seems that the compressed folder is not valide…
i ve tried to compress again, and nothing also when i try to upload on wp i get this message PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Invalid End of Central Dir Record size : 15
thanks for your helping, because i want buy two theme
best regards
should be fixed, try re-download the theme
oki thanks
Hello Ronald. It’s been a while, how are you doing? Please I use your freshbit theme and I put some images between the logo and to banner ad. But the problem is that I can’t get the images to be responsive. Also when I view the site on a mobile device or a smaller monitor the images are scattered. On mobile devices, the images stay on top of the logo and block it instead of going under it like the banner ad does – the search box that I placed on the top menu bar too. Please how can I fix this? Take a look at Thanks in advance for all your help.
you’re using ‘absolute’ position css for the search, thats why its broken when in mobile or smaller screen.
did the top 2 images insert in theme-option top banner ads textarea? or hard coded script?
Okay, so instead of ‘absolute’, what should I use? as for the images I just created a separate div and put the in the header.php I also used percentage for the positioning so that they can maintain their position during resizing, but clearly that is not working. Please I’m sort of a novice in this area, break your answer down so that I can understand exactly what to do. Thanks a lot.
try add the searhcform code somewhere in header.php before end nav line 193 like this
<li><?php get_searchform(); ?></li>
try use the top banner placement in theme options instead, copy paste the script or html code.
btw, you’re using the freshbit theme and not pressimo.
Is it possible to make a video post and see the video on the frontpage instead of having to upload an image.
Thank you!
i think so, but need some hard coding, try this open index.php line 31
[php]<?php echo get_featured_post_image("<div class=’post-thumb in-archive’>".$thepostlink, "</a></div>", 350, 200, "alignleft", "medium", ‘image-‘.get_the_ID() ,get_the_title(), false); ?>[/php]
replace with this
$video_code = get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘post_video_code’, true);
if( !empty($video_code) ):
echo "<div class=’video-thumb’>";
echo stripcslashes($video_code);
echo "</div>";
echo get_featured_post_image("<div class=’post-thumb in-archive’>".$thepostlink, "</a></div>", 350, 200, "alignleft", "medium", ‘image-‘.get_the_ID() ,get_the_title(), false);
copy paste your video code (with suitable size) in write post->custom field-> add new key ‘post_video_code’
still have the featured image option if no custom field ‘post_video_code’ detected.
Tabbed widget not working nor in footer recent comments, posts not been working please help
its working in my end, check if any plugin conflicted?
Oke. I have just installed this themes to But thumbnail was no displayed. I want to display the default tumbnail at every post
hi mukti, you’ll need to edit index.php line 31
[php]<?php echo get_featured_post_image("<div class=’post-thumb in-archive’>".$thepostlink, "</a></div>", 350, 200, "alignleft", "medium", ‘image-‘.get_the_ID() ,get_the_title(), false); ?>[/php]
edit ‘false’ to ‘true’ for default thumbnail.
Thanks. I have been do it
many thanks guys very nice theme
Incha allah I will use it on my website.
nice theme i really appreciate your work
How can I change text in the footer “About Us” section? It’s currently filled with placeholder text.
you need to use the widget->footer widget
please i would like to increase the font size of my website. Please help. Thanks.
open style.css edit line 575
[css]#wrapper-main, header .innerwrap,#main-navigation .innerwrap, footer .innerwrap {
font-size: 0.6875em;
edit the 0.6875em to 0.75em to increase the global font size.
can I add related posts to 6 posts?
open lib/templates/ related-by-cat and related-by-tags edit and change the num on
[php]’posts_per_page’=>5, // Number of related posts to display. [/php]
Great theme, but I’ve found the problem with Image Slider at the first page. When I enable it, I see only black image at that position, what’s wrong with me?
do you have featured image attach to post? or if any images exist in post content.
How can i remove the “Stay Update” widget on the right sidebar? Thanks a lot, this theme rocks!
its in sidebar.php, remove or comment-in the entire code.
I want to make my install of Pressimo look similar to the demo site in these ways:
1. Search and Stay Update in the Sidebar above the Tabbed Sidebar and NOT in header.
2. Images and videos showing on Posts. I am using Featured Images.
How do I do that–preferably WITHOUT having to delve into any page code?
Thank you for this great theme.
I don’t get why all my hyperlinks in my blogposts are not clickable…
check if any plugin causing this.
May we enable the navigation next and previous on the slider?
the current slider did not have this functions.
I have a problem with the primary menu. It doesn’t appear propperly. Could you help me?
now, working
the feature image shows up then goes black. why?
check if the image exist or any plugin causing this, jetpack maybe..
how to make the menu sticky in this theme?
you can’t, it wasn’t built that way, a plugin maybe.
Sir, first I want to tell that pressimo is a very nice theme. I have installed in . But, I am facing an issue with Related Posts widget. It only shows the latest 5 articles in this widget. Kindly suggest.
edit the count in lib/template/related-by-tag or relate-by-cat
I am using this pressimo,fantastic theme fully loaded with latest feature but what i need is i wanna show my some ads on only homepage ..can u help me out.
my url is
you need to wrap the code like in sidebar.php with something like this
[php]<?php if( is_home()) { ?>
=== the ads php code ===
<?php } ?>[/php]
Good day – Loving the theme – not too tech savvy. How can I change the background color of the navigation menu. I would like to change it to green.
Kudos for a slamming theme!
check if there’s a navigation color setting in theme options, if not then its only available in developer version i’m affraid.
or manually add #main-navigation { background-color: #cc0000; } to style.css
Great Theme!!! But I have a problem:
Sometimes the post preview is one line to long. I don’t understand why…you can see it on actually
Can you help?
try increase the post by adding this to style.css
#custom #post-entry article.home-post { height:350px !important; }
Thats it!! Thank you!!!!
I love this theme. they look great in my ipad.
truly a wonderful and easy to customize wordpress theme. thank you!
May I know which file(s) should I edit and where can I find the beginning of the tag if I want to add a piece of javascript code for external website functionality?
should be in lib/templates/post-meta-bottom.php
Is it possible that get_the_featured_excerpt can support Chinese or Japanese characters?
or support other excerpt plugin?
many thanks~
the get_the_featured_excerpt() did not filter language, check your language setting or unicode, change utf8 to big5 etc…
Could you tell the framework of this theme ?
no existing framework build upon.
Hi i try to add a header image but when I upload the image and save it this does not show on the page and the header link in the admin area looks like I does not upload any image
is it cache issue, try clear cache.
Hello Ronald I Want To Change The BackGround Colour Of The Theme And Is It Possible To Install Fonts Such As Signika In The Theme
try add this to style.css
body { background: #000; }
@google web font – only developer version had built-in google web font in theme options as i recalled, you can still add them using google web font instruction, check the web font guide.
Great theme ! I don’t manage to change the size of featured images. I made some changes in the index.php page but nothing’s changed.
Thank you for your support !
try add this your style.css
#custom #post-entry {height: 250px;max-height: 250px;}
#custom #post-entry article.home-post {height:400px;}
How to change category archives page heading in H1 from H2
its in archive.php
Ok got it but how to change it kindly explain step by step.. thanks a lot in advance 😉
Man please help me out
i think what you looking for is in lib/templates/headline.php, edit all the
[css]<h2 class="header-title">[/css]
[css]<h1 class="header-title">[/css]
is this the archive heading you refer to? remember also edit the closing h2
Yes I am refering to change archives heading into h1 from h2
There is no such file in lib/templates/headline.php
please clarify, when you said archive header, is it the ‘category archive for cat1’ on top of archive page or the post title in category or archive page??
are you sure? my copy have one…and i download the latest also have one….;(
I love the theme.
I have a problem though. i cannot get it to support tag…
can you offer any suggestions?
I meant I cannot get it to support nextpage tag for pagination in long post
try open single.php and add this after the_content()
[css]<?php wp_link_pages(‘before=<div id="page-links">&after=</div>’); ?>[/css]
Thank You for the fast response Ronald.
the code does work and displays the pagination. But the numbered links are showing up down below the comments section and below adsense. there is no way of knowing there is another page to the post.
I have applied some CSS #page-links
But I cannot get it to move up to the last part of the text so a person would know there is another page.
Thank You for your help.
try input some css like
[css]#page-links { width:100%;float:left;clear:both;margin:1em 0; }[/css]
Again, Thank you for your prompt response and awesome template.
I implemented the css into the template but the page links are still showing below the comment section.
here is a post i am attempting to implement it into. None Dare Call It Quackery
You will see the pagination links showing below the comment section
seem like its a plugin filter issue. your adsense and fb comment echo after and inside the_content(), where the page link is after the_content() finished.
my suggestion would be add the page link on to of the_content()
I disabled the FB comments and Adsense injection and was able to get it placed correctly. I went back to standard wp comments which are better anyways and noone ever clicks the adsense so goo riddance.
This really is a great theme and thank you for the awesome support. this theme makes my site look like a pro is behind it when in reality I am just a nube
One Toke Righteous
Awesome theme!
Please help me with a homepage problem. Under the slider I only see 3 posts. Even when I click to pages 2 and 3, etc. Always just three posts: top two, and then bottom to the left.
How do i fix this, change this, get more posts to show up on the home page under the slider besides just 4 like in the demo?
Thanks in advance!!
its on the homepage:
try adjust wp-admin->settings=>reading->Blog pages show at most
You rock! That was it. And such a quick response. Best template! You get my vote.
Can you organized all this great support into a forum for easier access?
Thanks again
Hello I have added a custom background to the body
to find that the Tabbed SideBar Widget’s
content padding (inner border) is transparent .
How can I change this to the same opaque WHITE as its content ?
if you’re using the dev version pack.
open wp-admin->theme option->custom css and add this
#tabber-widget .tabbertab { background:#fff; }
How can I add the author name after the number of comments on the homepage for each post ?
Thank you !
open lib/templates/post-meta-home.php and add this after the comments
[php]<span class="post-author vcard"><?php _e(‘Posted by’, TEMPLATE_DOMAIN); ?> <?php the_author_posts_link(); ?></span>[/php]
Thanks for your quick answer.
I tried to translate several terms as “No comment”, “Next”, “Previous”… I made changes in the languages files but it didn’t change anything 🙁
Thank you for your help !
you might need to edit them manually like in comments.php or lib/templates/paginate
we need help for the following issue.
When publishing a article with image the source citation of the picture appears in the preview text on the home page. It just appears in the preview text of the article. I would like to send you a screenshot of that, if you need one. Do you have any ideas how to solve that problem?
Thank you very much
Laura (
i have no idea. any screenshot you can link here?
Hi Ronald,
we have linked two screenshots here.
As you can see on the first one, we’ve hinserted an image with a caption at the beginning of the post.
When the post is published, the image caption appears in the preview text of the article, see second screenshot.
But that is not intended.
Do you know how we can fix that?
Thank you and best regards.
latest version should have fixed this.
anyhow, try open index.php and archive.php and edit line 40
[php]<?php echo get_the_featured_excerpt($excerpt_length=30); ?>[/php]
[php]<?php echo get_custom_the_excerpt(20); ?> [/php]
Hi Ronald,
thank you very much. Where do we get the latest version?
Best regards.
if you do not have any customization work done, download the latest version here and replace all files.
And how do we implement that…. Sry 🙂
if you still not sure, rename your current index.php inside theme file and replace with the latest version index.php
I just installed on my wordpress 3.8 pressimo I have a problem with the menu that do not want to align I have upload all files help me
my site: hxxp://
i have no idea want you meant? could you be more specific. seem fine to me.
Hey thanks for the fantastic theme. i am using this theme for my site i want to show full image in the home page or all pages instead of cropped image. please suggest me the way.
the theme built with magazine grid in mind and use ‘medium’ image thumbnail so not sure why you want ‘full image’ in homepage. it will waste your bandwith when loading large full images when the site load. anyhow open index.php and find
[code lang=”js”]<?php echo get_featured_post_image("<div class=’post-thumb in-archive’>".$thepostlink, "</a></div>", 350, 200, "alignleft", "medium", ‘image-‘.get_the_ID() ,get_the_title(), false); ?> [/code]
change the ‘medium’ to ‘full’
I’m using this theme (paid for developer version) on my website
how do I make it so the blog posts will go under the appropriate page of that category, so the business page would show all of the business category posts, the travel page would show the travel category posts, etc.
not quite sure what you mean? isn’t category page already doing that like
this page will show all business category posts. could you elaborate more?
Yes, but how do I make the menu tab go to the category page? I want each menu tab to link directly to a different
category archive page
recon use wp-admin->appeareance->menus-> create a new menu list
Yes how do I remove the small white space between the logo image and navigation bar. Thanks in advance.
try add this to wp-admin->appeareance->custom css
[css]#custom #header-top {padding: 2% 0 5px 0;}[/css]
No that added more space. Hmm…
I had another question if you don’t mind. I changed the background to have an image and now my main content area overlaps the background by a few pixels, any ideas on how to fix that?
are you sure? it work for me. try this then
[css]#custom #header-top {padding:0 !important;}[/css]
i don’t think the pressimo support custom background at the moment. will check for update later on to add custom bg support.update
try add this code and the above header code to appeareance->custom css
[css]#right-sidebar .widget-area aside,#tabber-widget .tabbertab {background: #fff;-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 8px;-moz-border-bottom-left-radius: 8px;border-bottom-left-radius: 8px;-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 8px;-moz-border-bottom-right-radius: 8px;border-bottom-right-radius: 8px;}
#post-entry article.home-post, .content {border: 0 none;box-shadow: 0 0 0 0 transparent;-moz-box-shadow: 0 0 0 0 transparent;-webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0 0 transparent;-webkit-border-radius: 8px;-moz-border-radius: 8px;border-radius: 8px;}[/css]
The padding is between the Logo image I uploaded and the navigation bar. If you could please visit my website and see for yourself.
And yes that code worked for the content area, but I did like the borders and now they are gone.
Alright I figured out a way, I just put -10px for the navigation bar. But I;d still like to figure out the align problem witht he content area and keep the borders
Nice themes, i just checked out the site ranking for my targetted keyword and saw they’re using the Pressimo themes, well, what did you expect me to do?
I simply have to download and start using it. It’s beautiful and am sure SEO wise too. Thanks Alot.
thx glad you find it seo wise 🙂
Yeah Its good theme as SEO perspective but when you look at archives pages all your post count as h1 + archives title which is sending a very bad signal to Google.
Please do as instructed on email. We’ll fix this on next update. Anyway, to anyone who want to use H2 intead on H1, edit its respective files such as archive.php. Change the h1 to h2, and also add below code into Appearance > Custom CSS (So that H2 styling stay the same as H1)
#post-entry article.home-post {
padding: 0px;
font-size: 1.75em;
line-height: 1.3em;
margin: 0px;
font-weight: bold;
#post-entry article.home-post a {
text-decoration: none;
#post-entry article.home-post a:hover {
text-decoration: none;
#post-entry article {
font-size: 2em;
margin: 0px;
color: #222;
padding: 0px;
float: left;
width: 100%;
line-height: 110%;
font-weight: normal;
.full-width #post-entry {}
#post-entry article a {
text-decoration: none;
color: #222;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
float: left;
width: 100%;
#post-entry article.home-post a {
text-decoration: none;
color: #222;
font-size: 0.88em;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
float: left;
width: 100%;
line-height: 1.2em;
#post-entry article a:hover {
text-decoration: none;
color: #C43100;
#post-entry, h2.folio {
font-size: 3em;
Is there a way to move the news on the index page slightly to the right? Every time I try to add a table or div to organize it better, the sidebar gets pushed all the way down. search results and archives has the news exactly how I want it, centered and not overlapping my background.
I went ahead and added a border just to make it look nicer as it seemed there wasn’t a solution, love the theme but it can get confusing at times, thanks!
Hey buddy I wan to hide categories in bog post how can I do it.Its urgent
To Hide Category Display:
Add below code into Appearance > Custom CSS
[css], span.single-post-category {display:none !important;}[/css]
And how I hide categories only on single post page 9next to author), but not on home page. Because solution above hide it from the boxes in home page and I would like to keep it.
add this to theme option->custom css
#custom .post-single .post-author { display:none; }
currently use the free version of PRESSIMO 1.1 … How do I upgrade to version 1.2 without losing all the changes I’ve made?
I would like to know if you can give each category a different color. Example: Green Category Android, Category iOS Blue .. I intend to change the color of the rectangle in the upper left corner of each box of the article .. I hope I explained myself in the best way and that English is understandable 🙂
i’m affraid the theme did not have this features. but if you purchase a developer version of the theme, i will help you update your current theme to latest version and add the category color features to the theme with extra $20 + developer version fee. cheers
Slider is not working on hxxp:// – i enabled it with category ID, and I also tried post ids
didn’t see the slider css and js loaded, did you disable them?
no i didn’t disable them
Please when was the last time this theme is updated? and is it compatible with wordpress 3.9.1
yes, it is compatible with latest wp 3.9.1
If I buy this theme for my blog, do i use it for my others blog ?
Yes. You may use it on your other sites.
Oh, Thanks ! Great response and reply. Also now great for “MagPress with 40% discount code: WORLDCUP2014”. I have enjoy it 🙂 .
Nice theme. I am new to wordpress and i like pressimo but is it possible to latest posts appeared grouped by category to prevent a repeat as seen in the the latest post( i dont know if that makes sense). Or should simply say how can i make category appear in the place of latest post.
the theme query latest post by default, not group by category.
Howdy! Someone in my Facebook group shared this site
with us so I came to give it a look. I’m definitely loving the information. I’m bookmarking and will be tweeting this to my followers!
Great blog and fantastic style and design.
I have a question, …how can i remove the tabbed widget in the sidebar? I only want the other sidebar widgets to show.
add this to theme option->custom css
#custom #tabber-widget {display:none;}
There is something wrong with theme. I installed it and website time response takes 15-20sek. When I change for twentyfourth theme everyfing works fine.
is there any js error bug when loading the pressimo theme?
Hi Pressimo Team.
The theme is great and exactly what I have been looking for a while!
I have a problem, though. After I installed it on my website, the site take several seconds more loading than usually.
I saw the last post – how can I check for “js error bugs”?
try update to latest version 1.3 which i upload sec ago. it should fix and optimize load time.
Thank you for the quick and great support!
It’s working perfectly now, loading immediately.
Let me try it a bit more and I’ll definitely consider upgrading to premium.
The theme makes my advertising so much easier and it’s working great with mobile and tablet!
Nice theme.. When I installed it on my blog, the comment box is not showing while also d available comments that have been posted are not displaying.. How can I correct this.. My url is
you’re using fb social comment, that might be the reason.
waooo. pls cant i use both the fb comment and the theme comment togeda.. will like to do dat
you should be able to. is there any setting on the fb comment plugin?
At home page, in post excerpts there is that orange title that brings main categoery for each post. Is there any way I can configure it to display the most down subcategory instead of the parent category for each post?
Also I really would LOVE to have my Instagram linked at header along with those already existent links (facebook, Rss, etc…) Any chance it will be icluded in next version or any way I can manually configure this?
the category block only fetch first ‘parent’ category, it can’t fetch subcategory i’m affraid.
open lib/templates/social-box.php and add this line before end [/div]
[php]<p class="instagram"><a title="<?php _e(‘Check out our Instagram profile’, TEMPLATE_DOMAIN); ?>" href="YOUR INSTAGRAM FULL URL"> </a></p> [/php]
upload a 25×25 instagram image and add this to theme option->custom css
[css]#socialbox p.instagram {
background: url(…img to the instagram.png) no-repeat center center;
Thanks for your answer… about the category item it is actually fetching subcategories also. It chooses first in alphabetical order.
I have a travel so if I post something under United States > Florida > Miami
It will show FLORIDA (as it comes first alphabetically) and the ideal for me is it always show the city (the grandchild category, not any other).
any way I can make this work for me, because this theme is great and it nailed almost every single item I need!
I have developer license, how can i update it. I made same changes on css.
My version 1.1
and how can add more Sidebar Featured Category
download the v1.1 developer version in your profile or purchased email and replaced all files excerpt the one you edited like style.css *be sure to backup the old version first just in case. only 4 featured category available. you need to tweak and add the extra featured category in theme option and lib/templates/sidebar-feat-cat.php.
how do I remove the related posts?
open single.php edit line 32 to this
[code lang=”js”]<?php //get_template_part( ‘lib/templates/related-by-tags’ ); ?> [/code]
Hey man, i need contact you.
I’m interested in the full version of Pressimo.
But the free version, is presenting this error when installing:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘<' in /*/*/public_html/*/wp-content/themes/pressimo/lib/functions/theme-functions.php(1260) : eval()'d code(25) : eval()'d code on line 1
I installed. Zip and not modified anything, but it is with this error.
Can you help me fix this error?
What difference I find using the free version to the full version?
I would have some kind of support to use this theme?
try re-download the pressimo and replaced all files. i think i made some edits and replaced the code while ago.
@dev version
dev version had color block category (see changelog) and support buddypress, bbpress and woocommerce styling and function compatible which are out-of-the-box support for Free version. yes support forums can be access with every dev version purchase.
Great theme!
2 questions:
1) How can I center the captions for images?
2) When I add caption to an image a border is added to image. I really enjoy it. Is there any way I can have this same border around every image posted even when there is no caption?
1. try apply aligncenter class to caption.
2. add this to theme option->custom css
#custom .post-content img { border:10px solid #ddd; }
I have a quick question. Under the featured image and the social buttons the old version used to display a short paragraph from my articles, once I did the update (since old version wasn’t compatable) it isn’t showing, how do I get that to appear like it shows on the demo and the old version.
not sure what you mean? they are showing fine to me on demo site and your current site.
I figured it out by going threw the threads of comments. Thanks for the reply. But I did notice another issue. I have this code down on the very right bottom of my site…..
Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden in /home/content/49/7881749/html/…..(1272) : eval()’d code on line 25
How do I fix this?
this happen if CURL is not active in your server. try enable CURL via cpanel or contact your hosting. most hosting had curl activated unless its on free hosting plan..
I have just bookmark for inclusion in our next WordPress themes roundup…
I just installed the theme now its very cool and nice….but loading heavily :Sad: pls wat to do
I’ve installed the demo version and when I look at the one of your site and then the one on mine I notice that under the featured slideshow you have the latest posts 2 per row. Now on the demo version you have that coloured bar that goes across the bottom of the post image. It appears on your demo in multi-colours but confused on why my demo shows no colour and no bar. Could you also point me to where I can can change the colour of the footer header titles to another colour please 🙂
the color category option only have in ‘developer’ version.
Also, I’ve tried to change the body background from white to a different colour. I go into the CSS Stylesheet and then find the body background and tried to change the colour and nothing has happened so far. Still white 🙁
try add this in wp-admin->appereance->theme option->custom css
[css]body#custom { background:#111 none !important; }[/css]
When you shrink the page and make it small on the homepage, how come the text for the latest posts does not fix in the box > look at this picture here (ttaken from my website) I was curious if there was a possibility of make the box that contains the text in longer in height for phone and smaller devices. I’ve noticed that the reason maybe it is being pushed is because of the title of the article. But I have no clue how to make it so it hides the title after a certain amount of text characters and then makes the rest (…) so people have to click to read. Please help 🙂
try add this to theme option->custom css
[css]@media only screen and (min-width:500px) and (max-width:770px){
#post-entry article.home-post {height:550px;}
#post-entry {height: auto !important;}
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘<' in /home/enmokagp/public_html/ : eval()'d code(25) : eval()'d code on line 1
how to fix this error, I've re-download and replace all files,
but the situation is still the same
try re-download the theme again and replace all files. might be some corrupted zip i’ve recheck and fixed sec ago.
Any update for below issue?
“Thanks for your answer… about the category item it is actually fetching subcategories also. It chooses first in alphabetical order.
I have a travel so if I post something under United States > Florida > Miami
It will show FLORIDA (as it comes first alphabetically) and the ideal for me is it always show the city (the grandchild category, not any other).
I would like the option to choose the category it will display under in main page.
any way I can make this work for me, because this theme is great and it nailed almost every single item I need!
Hi, I have a problem… In Google Chrome my website is
and in Firefox is
Why? Look in the Browser Google Chrome and Firefox please. //
Why don’t Work my slide? I turn ON and write de categories, and don’t work…
make sure you have the correct category id not category name in theme option->slider settings.
Your style is very nice. Thank you. I am following instructions to run the Slider. Does not work. please help
you need at least 2 posts in slider for it to work properly, currently only 1 post inside slider.
slider does not appear at all in theme . There is not enough content .
seem like jquery is comment out in your site. why?
[php]<!– <script type=’text/javascript’ src=’′></script> –>
<!– <script type=’text/javascript’ src=’′></script> –>
to resolved this, try add this to theme option->custom css, saved and clear cache.
#featuredbox { display:inline !important; }
the theme options custom css. give you pasted the JavaScript code.
custom css #featuredbox { display:inline !important; } this code pasted.
results negative
DO NOT copy paste the js code i mention earlier, its just a sample code on why the jquery code were commented out in your site.
#just copy paste this code below only, remove the js from custom css box.
[css]#custom #featuredbox { display:inline !important; }[/css]
The featured category in the sidebar does not work and slider does not work.
Can you help me with this please
oh, I see…in the updated version you have to drag the widget to display…
I got the featured category…
But the slider is still not working.
It worked before. Now it will not display
Thank you for your help
try open lib/scripts/jd-gallery/jd-gallery.css and edit top line
[css]#featuredbox {
width: 98%;
float: left;
display:none; –remove this–
*i also update the theme sec ago with the changes.
Thank You,
the slider is displaying now, but it is overlapping the previews for the recent post. Could you please help me with this
You can view it at //
Ronaldo, Thank you .working theme
Grid view is visually appealing. It also makes for easy navigation.
The theme makes my advertising so much easier and it’s working great with mobile and tablet!
nice theme, very good working mobile & tab
I use your theme and when i preview it ,i get this error message at the top of my site,Please tell me how i can fix it.
Strict Standards: Declaration of mobi_custom_walker::start_el() should be compatible with Walker::start_el(&$output, $object, $depth = 0, $args = Array, $current_object_id = 0) in /home/content/p3pnexwpnas08_data03/57/2607757/html/wp-content/themes/pressimo/functions.php on line 232
Strict Standards: Declaration of Custom_Description_Walker::start_el() should be compatible with Walker::start_el(&$output, $object, $depth = 0, $args = Array, $current_object_id = 0) in /home/content/p3pnexwpnas08_data03/57/2607757/html/wp-content/themes/pressimo/lib/functions/theme-functions.php on line 176
i think you enable wp_debug, that’s why the error message appeared. not an critical issue, its just a warning on compatible.
This is very nice premium like free theme, bookmarked for list in our next free themes roundup. Thanks
Hi Ronald, just purchased the pressimo developer theme but don’t see any documentation for this theme…setup?
Can you direct me to it?
there’s no detail documentation on the theme, since it is already user-friendly as it can be. all theme customization can be done via wp-admin->appeareance->theme option. if you’re looking for how to use wordpress, then wordpress offical doc/codex would be preferred.
After the last update of WordPress , there are problems in the social sharing tweeter .
Thanks for correcting the problem
This is the best style i ever seen thanks Ronald
Hello, i’m currently using the free version of your pressimo theme and i’d like to know if it’s possible to change the size of the fonts in the categories descriptions.
I’ve installed a plugin that allows HTML in the categories descriptions but the text looks way to small even when h1 or h2 tags are used. I’d like to know how to do it if it’s possible.
Many thanks.
not quite sure where the category description you refer to? because by default the theme did not have description on category page.
please my slider is just blank and its not moving, pls can you tell me what to do?
you need at least 2 posts in the category you choose or 2 different post ids of your choice for the slider to work, also need to attach featured image in each posts.
I have done it but its still same
did you enter the correct value like 3,4,12?
Yea i did but its still same thing
that’s odd, make sure if you use category id and category count, you need to clear the featured by post id text field. vice versa
also double check if its the correct cat id or post id.
I have not been able to do it, please i dont know if you can help by making a screenshot of what you are telling me to do, because i have tried all the methods explained.
And to get the post id of each of my post, where do i get that?
snapshot your theme option setting for me.
I was not able to paste the snapshot, i think an attachment button or upload button should be put after the textarea
upload it to // and add the link here.
I was not able to upload the picture
Please can you just show me a clear example,picture or way i can do it. Maybe if you have any image
I really like this theme, but when i put a referral link on my site, it appears thesame way, instead of it to be a banner. You can check it on
double check the code you entered, shouldn’t it be something like?
[php]<a href="your ref link"><img src="your img banner link" /></a>[/php]
I have done that but it is showing a small icon now, but the referral link is working while there is no image
thank you i have been able to sort it out
And please my site is not showing on internet Explorer, but its showing on all other platforms, Please what might have happened?
seem fine to me, check the theme demo in ie. its working in ie11 and ie12 on my end.
This is a nice and light wordpress theme.. My page load time dropped when i applied pressimo theme. Thumbs up
Sir, You’ve not yet replied any of my messages after i have uploaded the pictures
where did you upload the image? i didn’t see it, where’s the link? this site comment form DID NOT have upload button.
so make sure you upload the image into free image upload site AND ENTER the url here in COMMENT message form.
Hi, my slider in homepage is black and it is not showing my images. How I can fix it? Thanks, and congratulations for this fantastic theme
you need to have at least 2 posts for the slider to work, and also attach featured images in those posts.
Hello ..Beautifull theme .. I love it.
But header banner seems not to be responsive. How can I make responsive header banner?
Now, when I put a header banner and see it in a smartphone or tablet (even resizing the navigator window) the banner appear cropped, not resized.
try add this to theme option->custom css
[css]#topbanner img { max-width:100%;height:auto; }[/css]
Yes works … thank you !!!!
I have 2 issues for my blog
1) Theme Options > Banner or Advertisment Embed Code in Single Post -> In this
a) The ad placed from adsense displays only once, whereas in there it says “It will appeared after post_content().”. That would be two times.
b) The same ad displays in left side of the page, whereas a centered would be more useful.
2) How can i replace the icons of “Social Settings” with other icons.
Please Reply
Lokapriya K.B.
1a) no, single post only have one post-content.
1b) by default it is left side of related post.
2) replace the icon in images/ with same name and format, .png
Can i remove the border for only one of my widget displayed. Actually in the right side top of my social media icon set, As if could see the ‘below’ border for that, looks a bit ugly.
So i would like to remove border for only that box. Can it be done ? ref:
add this to theme option->custom css
.widget.sfsi { border: 0 none; }
I’m using on another project and I am enjoying it very simple and lightweight.
have u activate the slider on your dashboard, if not try to enable slider on your dashboard.
i hope it help?
is this theme compatible with the latest wordpress version ?
should be, the demo use latest wp and its running ok.
this theme is very cool, I use in my blog of cars.
I use this in my blog! I loved.
Very good theme. I like this, because it’s friendly for “Google”. Nice work.
I Use this in various websites. =)
I am coming soon with this theme. just live it to my site. I hope its more popular by my site. thanks developer.
I have already use this one in my site free. I want to change default search with google custom search from Adsense/Webmaster.
How to i replace custom code with your default code ?
Hi Aowlad yoy can set your custom search form from wp widget section or you can change default search to your custom search with creating/customize search.php file inside your theme directory.
i am order new theme my site
i love them.thanks
this theme always good for me….
great theme, fully responsive, loved it live on my site now
i love this theme. when i start my new site i use this theme
I would like to use Blogger CMS platform and after see that theme, I’m fallen in love with this. But I have no experience on WordPress. I have request, Is it possible to convert Pressimo WP theme to blogger template ? Please reply me ASAP. Thanks
its possible if you find the right person to help convert it. you will need to purchase the developer version and use the dev version and hired someone to convert it to you. personally i do not have experience in blogger templating.
This theme is pretty cool and very user friendly with fully web responsive. One of the best theme it is
awesome theme ilove theme
nice theme i use
I use its working great
Great theme, I was searching responsive theme for my website. thank you
nice theme would love to use this theme on my blog in future
such a nice theme thnx for share it with us
Great theme, definitely gonna buy this for my lyrics site.
Nice theme bro
This theme is pretty cool and very user friendly with fully web responsive. One of the best theme it is, I have already Install this theme my others site.
This theme awesome mobile friendly, thanks bro.
How to resize post images thumbnail on home page ?
This is a great Theme. I like this Theme.This site has lots of advantage.I found many interesting things from this site. It helps me in many ways.
this theme my one of the best theme
Pressimo is one of the best magzine theme, I think $37 is reasonable price for magzine theme. Already use it, very user-friendly admin panel.
Its a nice theme, i already use it
Have you updated this theme?…. will it be compatible with the latest wordpress version? i want to use it in my music blog.
Great Theme Full Mobile Friendly And Responsive
its a very creative theme, i like it
very nice theme thanks for good sharing, it is very helpful for us.
Such an interesting list of themes with added functionality and mobile responsiveness.
100% mobile friendly and google like this theme everyone try please
Best Mobile Friendly Theme
Great theme!
best mobile friendly theme
Nice themes and mobile friendly.
I am changing my themes and I am cooming this thems. I hope my site popular in the world.
greate theme, thanks for nice sharring
This theme fully responsive. I like this theme and I am using this theme as soon as possible.
Thanks for this theme!! Amazing!!
muito bacana, adorei.
WP great plugin suppport
I just purchased it. Nicest theme ever
such a nice theme thnx for share it with us
Great theme, definitely gonna buy this for my lyrics site.
they are mobile freindly
what is the different free and premium themes
premium/developer version will not have contributor link in footer or sidebar. and you can access to forum support too.
Nice themes and 100% mobile friendly WordPress Theme. google and User like this theme.
how to easily add feature boxes with icons in WordPress
Please I downloaded this particular theme, and it showing some yellow colors mostly in area which ads supposed to stay, if ads appeare yet these yellow color will stand as background please help
add this to theme option->custom css
[css]ins { background: transparent none !important; }[/css]
best themes!
i’m looking forward to use this for my next website.
I am planing to use this theme for my next website.
Share it again on your postl. You earlier like will be see on the post.
Has the theme been updated recently?
love this theme
I too, I love the theme, It has beautiful features.
I heart this. Can i use the premium to unlock some features?
its the same, full features already present in free version, only different is premium version did not have link back to author or contributor sites.
nice theme here, you tried to share
I have been using ComboMag for some years now, but am thinking about switching to the next popular Theme on MagPress after ComboMag.
Thanks for making this Theme to be a free Download
Really best theme
One of the best theme which i liked. I do not think its costly.
Best mobile friendly theme for the websites. I will definetely recommend the themes to others.