Redoger WordPress theme is a 3 columns fixed width WordPress template by This Reddish WP theme has featured content slider, featured categories, Adsense ready, etc.

Tags: Adsense Ready, CSS3, Custom Header, Custom Menu, Dark Red, Featured Content, Fixed Width, HTML5, Left Sidebar, Responsive, Right Sidebar, Sidebar Footer, Theme Options, Threaded Comments, Three Columns, Twitter Ready, White, Widget Ready
Love this theme. I have a logo at the top of the page that needs to go where this theme puts the title. I’d like to just place an ad where the header image is. Is that doable? Also, I need to host multiple rss feeds from the site. I want one just for the site, one ofr a weekly podcast, and I’d like to add more feeds for additional podcasts both video and audio. What’s the process for doing that with this theme? Thanks!
hi, you can add your own logo and fav icon via theme option.
@adding multiple feed
– should be easy by opening lib/templates/social-box.php…you can hardcoded the required link there like
<p class="rss"><a title="<?php _e(‘Subscribe to rss feed’, TEMPLATE_DOMAIN); ?>" href="<?php if( get_theme_option(‘rss_feed’) ): ?><?php echo stripcslashes( get_theme_option(‘rss_feed’) ); ?><?php else: ?><?php echo bloginfo(‘rss2_url’); ?><?php endif; ?>"> </a></p>
<!– add below code –>
<p class="rss"><a href="VIDEO FEED LINK HERE"> </a></p>
<p class="rss"><a href="PODCAST FEED LINK HERE"> </a></p>
and delete the remaining unused social code link.
Thanks so much! I’ve checked the theme options and can’t see an area to replace that big champions header image. Do I have to to edit in some other way to change it to my own image?
you can change the header in dashboard -> appearence -> header
I find that your themes conflict with the headspace seo plugin ..I tweaked the code in the header.php file but even then it is not working. Can you please suggest a solution for this problem.
hi amna, everything seem working in my end. i’m using latest headspace2 seo plugin. did the error happen on redoger theme or charmer theme or both? replying on you other question also.
Thanks so much for your quick replies! I’d like to add a video to this homepage in the right sidebar. It would be an embedded video either from ustream or from youtube. Is this doable?
hi i think its possible to use video embed iframe on default wp text widget.
awesome themes i just loved it…:) and i am thinking to download it ..:)
By the way why don’t the page numbers at the bottom of the homepage work? If you click page 2 or next page it goes to a dead link.
are you using default wp permanlink? if yes just open lib/templates/paginate and replace ‘/page/%#%’ with ‘?page=%#%’
Ok so I replaced the code and now when you hit page 2 or next page it just reloads the home page again. Did I do something wrong?
did you try resave the permalink again? also save the post per page option again in admins dashboard -> settings -> readings
So I resaved the paginate file and now it says this at the bottom of the page instead of having page numbers:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘=’ in /home/content/c/i/n/cinegeek/html/wp-content/themes/redoger/lib/templates/paginate.php on line 19
I had to replace with the unedited paginate because not only did I get the error but the change also made my sidebar menus disappear.
Sorry to keep posting but I’m finding little issues here and there I’m trying to work out. Now I notice that the twitter button on posts on the main page and on individula posts only tweets the name of the page and not a link to it. Where do I change that?
hi try redownload the theme, redoger version 1.1 and replace lib/template/paginate.php and share-box.php with you current one.
Ok I replaced the two files and now when I click to go to page 2 page 1 just reloads. The tweet button is working properly now though.
What next?
what version of wp you’re using cause everything work fine in my end. check if the total posts can be paginate.
setting in dashboard -> readings may also effected the paging.
Hi, Working on this theme for someone for and when we make a new post an image of people is up on each new post on the home page. I don’t want an image to show up at all. How do I stop this?
try open index.php and archive.php line 38+ edit this code
<div class="post-thumb">
<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>">
<?php echo get_featured_post_image(500, 200, "alignnone", "large", ‘image-‘.get_the_ID() ,get_the_title()); ?>
to this new code
<?php if( has_post_thumbnail() ) { ?>
<div class="post-thumb">
<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>">
<?php echo get_featured_post_image(500, 200, "alignnone", "large", ‘image-‘.get_the_ID() ,get_the_title()); ?>
<?php } ?>[/php]
Thank you Ronald! Worked like a charm!
Is that code for my issue or for Kelly’s? I’m using newest version of WP.
hi stephen, thats for @kelly:)
ok one more try, download the latest version 1.2.1 ( just update sec ago ) and replace lib/templates/paginate.php and lib/functions/theme-functions.php with your current one. it shoould add trail to paging which cause blank page in some cases. guys really had tons of great free themes. one of the best theme directory. thanks for the share
Why not work on my Gallery Slider Settings
check if any plugin conflicted with the gallery js. try deactivate one by one.
if not recheck if the enable featured gallery is enabled in theme options.
They have no problem,I think another problem
hi make sure you clear either one of the post id or category id list in theme option slider settings. like say you want to use post id featured list, you must clear
the category featured list first..vice versa.
Hello, yesterday ive installed this theme, it’s really amazing but having one issue with it.
When we do this action on website “Ctrl+ up key or Ctrl+Scroll up” The sidebar 2 is splitting and goes to footer, there’s any way to solve this issue?
You can try this action on demo version of this theme too
Please it’s really urgent, help me guys
Sorry for bad English
hi kai, using the ctrl+up and scrollup seem fine in my end.
make sure your browser or monitor support 1024px and more. the theme used media query for smaller screen like ipad or iphone so it will auto adjust when in smaller browser view. in your case the footer split to footer then your browsing resolution maybe under 758px wide. this is normal default reaction for the theme. cheers
Thanks Ronald for quick reply, yes my desktop is fine and other themes working fine for me but ive this issue only with this theme, any suggestion? or should i need to send you screenshots ?
yes, could you link a full screenshot here? thx
Even i have same issue when i was on my laptop and that support 1024px and more
I am having the same problem as Stephen for When I press the page button for page two, nothing happens. I don’t want to try what Stephen did if it’s going to mess up the site. Can anyone help?
hi version 1.2.1 should fix this issue.
try download the latest 1.2.1 version and replace lib/functions/theme-functions.php and lib/templates/paginate.php
Hi, Really great theme in there and the support is quick.
I use the theme Redoger and is about a couple hour now im tryin to make appear my youtube video in my frontpage… index.php
i try to change some line in the index.php but that still dont work. Someone can help me ?
try using page instead, create new page and go to settings->reading and set the youtube page as static frontpage.
No cause i want my front page show all my posts and not just video..
hi, try open index.php line 47+ and edit this code
<?php get_the_featured_excerpt($excerpt_length=40); ?> [/php]
edit to
<?php the_content(); ?>
that should show the embed video in post. cheers
Almost but if you go check i have all my post with 2 images. I just put one image and the post give me two .. dont know ??
that’s odd, the second image shouldn’t be appearing, did you made any edits to index.php?
try redownload the theme and replace the index.php ( backup your current one first ).
Ronald you the best !
THANK A LOT that working finally
I really love the magpress theme from long time. My all the blogs have magpress theme. According to me magpress is the number 1 for wordpress theme. I really appreciate them for there work.
thanks for the kind word roger 🙂
Hey, is there any way to change the border colors red to a different?
hi, you can try this. open style.css add to the bottom of the stylesheet.
/* navigation color */
#custom #main-navigation {background:#333;}
#custom #main-navigation .sf-menu ul {background:#333 none !important;}
#custom #main-navigation .sf-menu li li {border-bottom:1px solid #444 !important;}
/* sidebar and post header color */
#custom .post-top, #right-sidebar h3.widget-title, #left-sidebar h3.widget-title {
background:#333 none !important;
text-shadow: 0 0 0 transparent !important;
/* remove post header shadow */
#custom .post-top h1 {text-shadow: 0 0 0 transparent !important;}
change the HEX color accordingly to your own choice.
where is the style sheet? i dont know one thing about codes lol sorry
i found it and copied paste where do i go to change da colors?
hi you need to edit/change the hex color #333 and #444 to your own desired hex color.
Finally the new version of the theme fixed my issue thanks!
Hi there Ronald and crew. Firstly, I wanted to write a couple of kind words of thanks for all the Magpress themes made available. They’re wonderful.
I’ve tried several 3-column themes with my QA environment blog (test. instead of www.) I’ve found several of them that format my content OK. However, I can’t figure out how exactly to set the excerpt and/or thumbnnail size on any of them including Redoger, which I’m now using in test.
I’m pretty adept with UNIX, WordPress, PHP, and all. But none of my tinkering has solved the issue of my images being cropped to something like 540 or 489 by 250 or so. Is there anyway to specify the thumbnail size either globally or per post?
Again, many thanks.
hi freddy, the images were pulled using the_post_thumbnail ‘large’ size image.
you can edit the image size prefrence in dashboard->setting->media.
Wow! Thanks for the super speedy response!
That’s good advice. I tried changing those settings, but they’re still being overridden somewhere on the them to wide-aspect cropping.
Tinkering with index.php, I now replaced the ‘get_featured_post_image’ line entirely., with the_content as I have all my posts pre-formated with the ‘more’ tag already. The images and articles format properly but I’m now left with double images on each excerpt.
If you look at you can see what I’m referring to. Is there now a way to simply get rid of the default thumb?
Thanks again.
hi using original index.php try delete this code
[php]<div class="post-thumb">
<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>">
<?php echo get_featured_post_image(500, 200, "alignnone", "large", ‘image-‘.get_the_ID() ,get_the_title()); ?>
and replace
[php]<?php get_the_featured_excerpt($excerpt_length=40); ?>[/php]
[php]<?php the_content( __(‘…read more’, TEMPLATE_DOMAIN) ); ?>[/php]
Wow! That’s perfect! You rock! I’ve going to keep tweaking it then consider moving to production =)
Hey ronald , if i want to inverse my post… I want my new post only show at the last page. is this possible ?
not sure but try this, open index.php and replace this code
[php]if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post();[/php]
[php]global $query_string; if (have_posts()) : query_posts( $query_string . ‘&order=ASC’ ); while (have_posts()) : the_post();[/php]
Hi i use this theme and i love it… i want to know why on internet explorer 8 and below we dont see the black border at the top with transparency and still dont see the title of my post ??
for now i replace the line of the post entry article with a single color… not a gradient cause seem to dont work…
#post-entry article .post-top {
padding: 2% 4%;
margin: 0px;
width: 92%;
float: left;
background: #1F4F6C;
Hi Ronald,
This may be simple. I really love this theme, but I would like to make the middle section wider throughout the site. Do you have any suggestions?
what do you mean ‘middle section’ ?