Veralium is a 2 columns modern dark HTML5/CSS3 Responsive WordPress theme by This WordPress template has featured content slider and categories, Adsense ready, etc.

Tags: Adsense Ready, Black, CSS3, Custom Header, Custom Menu, Featured Content, Featured Images, Fixed Width, Full Width Template, HTML5, Pink, Responsive, Right Sidebar, Sidebar Footer, Theme Options, Threaded Comments, Two Columns, Widget Ready
How do I change the “about us” footer??
hi janne, its the fourth widget in appearence->widgets
just use the text widget to add a new about us box
Hi! Thanks. I got the same problem.It works. Nice theme.
really like this theme ๐
the code are clean and organize templates. nice job
is it possible to change the link color from pink to red or orange?
how can i do that?
hi, add this your style.css
#right-sidebar .widget a, #custom #post-entry a:hover, #post-entry .post-content a, .footer-top .ftop .widget a:hover, #custom .textwidget a,
#commentpost .fn a, #commentpost .comment_text a, #rssfeed a, #commentpost ol.pinglist a, #custom .post-nav-archive a, #custom #socialbox-alt a:hover, #respond a {
color: #your-hex-color;
thanks, it work.
thanks so much
is it possible to delete/edit the “Theme Credit” widget on the right side bar?
if it is possible, how to delete/edit it?
hi rahmat, all our free theme are license under CC (creative common), if you want to remove the credit, you can always consider purchasing the developer license at thand. cheers
Hi I use this theme veralium at this adress I dont know why but none of my post have an image in the front page. It seem that i cant post youtube video and have the screenshot, i hope not but if someone have a response for that will be very cool thank you
hi when posting post, there should be a ‘set featured image’ in right side. you need to setup a featured image first.
Its video i post from youtube i want the first page to show video too
How can i add banner in this theme? Ty
there’s a banner setting and post loop embed code setting in theme options.
But when i select theme option i see on the left the facebook link to magpress and on the right this message: Premium Themes
Fatal error: Call to undefined method WP_Error::get_item_quantity() in /membri/skullfishport/wp-content/themes/veralium/lib/functions/option-functions.php on line 459
try refresh the page again. if still persistent, open lib/functions/option-functions.php line 457 and edit this line
[php]$feed = fetch_feed(‘’);[/php]
[php]$feed = @fetch_feed(‘’);[/php]
using Veralium theme, there is a default image for related post, how can I can that? Where is it located within the css? thanks.
open lib/templates/related.php and edit line 23
[php]<?php echo get_featured_post_image("", "", 250, 250, "aligncenter", "full", ‘image-‘.get_the_ID() ,get_the_title(), true); ?> [/php]
[php]<?php echo get_featured_post_image("", "", 250, 250, "aligncenter", "full", ‘image-‘.get_the_ID() ,get_the_title(), false); ?> [/php]
Thanks for info. Could you please give specific location within CSS file. Under what php is the related post default image located at? I have searched all the CSS files and can’t find it.
should be this one images/feat-default.jpg
When I’m viewing my editor withing WordPress which CSS file do I view and can change the default image etc.
hi it wasn’t inside css, its a functions code that grab image in veralium/images/feat-default.jpg
you need to ftp and change the images/feat-default.jpg
That’s what I thought. FTP scares me. Is there a how article for this?
Questions Please,
1)Any updates to this theme so it operates with windows xp / older internet Explore? The theme really bogs down and struggles to functions.
Using windows7 or newer and it rocks.
2)Any way to have the header image clickable? as an ad banner.
hi richard
1. what version of ie?
2. open header.php go to line 210 edit this
[php]<?php if( get_header_image() ): ?>
<div id="custom-img-header"><img src="<?php echo header_image(); ?>" alt="" /></div>
<?php endif; ?>[/php]
[php]<?php if( get_header_image() ): ?>
<div id="custom-img-header"><a href="YOUR-LINK-HTTP-URL"><img src="<?php echo header_image(); ?>" alt="" /></a></div>
<?php endif; ?>[/php]
Thanks Ronald,
IE 8, which is the newest for windows xp I believe.
OK I think I understand how to make the header image a clickable link but what if you have random images? thanks.
hi in appearence -> header there should be an option to random the header image.
yes I understand and use that feature but how would one make the random images clickable?
do you mean each random image had their own links? cause the previous code ‘below’ only allowed one link for all random image.
[php]<?php if( get_header_image() ): ?>
<div id="custom-img-header"><a href="YOUR-LINK-HTTP-URL"><img src="<?php echo header_image(); ?>" alt="" /></a></div>
<?php endif; ?>[/php]
Yes each random images is a clickable images. How can I perform that task?
hi richard, i dont think its possible since the wp header rotate did not have any filter for the header image in wp core. sry
one other concern.
the social icons that are listed within the post and even displayed on the home page under the featured image come up in “Error” at times. Mostly the facebook one. Any idea?
is this happened once a while or always?. what browser do you use when the error happen?
Hi Ronald, I present a problem with the current TimThumb, I made the switch to this excellent theme and the page load slower there a way to fix this, will throw a version 2.0 or improved
hi henry, it common to have some server load slowness using timthumb. i would recommend using wp-super-cache plugin.
or you can turn off timthumb usage in theme option and use the wp built in featured post thumbnail which is faster.
Excellent theme, thank you very much for your extraordinary work!
Ronald thanks for the help, are considering taking a 1.5 version 2 of this great theme
I have problem with Gallery Slider.
What i need to put in the Categories ID ?
For example, i have category “mmorpg” with 3 posts.
I write the mmorpg in Categories id
How many posts, i write 3.
Post ID i leave blank.
But when i save setting and check my site, the gallery is endless loading. What do i have to do, to resolve the problem ?..
hi, you need to put the’mmorpg’ category id not the category name.
How do i embed Vimeo or Youtube Videos in my Articles?
check this for more on how to embed media in wordpress post
hi how can i change the color of the links in the post and the post title?
also is it possible to remove the default picture on the home page under the primary menu?
add this to style.css
#cusotm .post-content a { color:#your-hex-color; }
#custom #post-entry a { color:#your-hex-color; }
to remove the header, just go to dashboard->appearance->header remove the header
can u give me any code for post title,side bar links and post content links color to change when i hover over them?
also i tried to remove the picture from header option before.but the hole theme changed.fonts got bigger,search bar came beside the site title,the posts got small etc.
i than reinstalled the whole theme.
try add this to style.css
[php]#right-sidebar .widget a:hover, #custom #post-entry a:hover, #post-entry .post-content a:hover {
color: #your-color !important;
i remove the header via dashboard -> header -> remove header and everything seem fine.
I am considering to purchase this and would like to know
if post summary blocks on the center of the front page
can have spaces in between
as to let background image through,
as in my version of ComboMag :
i dont think the veralium support wp custom bg in current version.
Hello. I’ve been using themes from this site for years. I absolutely love the themes on this site. Thank you so much. I’ve been having issues with this particular theme. The “theme credit” right lower sidebar on the home page is giving me an error message. I’ve never altered the credit lines within the theme so I’m not sure why it’s giving me that error message. I’ve even reinstalled the original theme onto a new database and the same error message comes up. Please help. Thanks!
try re-download v1.1, i just made some edit sec ago. replace only lib/functions/theme-function.php
Thank you! It worked. However, it’s completely blank now. Please let me know if it should be like that? Thanks again.
Thank you! It worked. However, itโs completely blank now. Please let me know if it should be like that? Thanks again
try replace all files instead only the one mention.