WereTech is a 3 Columns Blue and Red Responsive HTML5 WordPress Template for Technology and Social Media with featured article section, unlimted colors and 500+ Google web fonts choice release by MagPress.com. The WP Theme are suitable for technology, software or social blog niche. With a responsive design, it will look stunning on any device – from a widescreen monitor to a mobile phone.
WereTech WP Theme has everything you’ll want for your develop website. It’s clean design built with HTML5 and CSS3, built-in theme option so you can easily to customize beyond your dream and also did i mention? this theme is also responsive and mobile friendly.
Theme Built for WordPress Multisite
If you’re running a WordPress Multisite, here’s chance to let your users decide how their site should look like. With unlimited color settings with 600+ Google Web fonts to choose from and custom colors, custom header, custom menu and much more. This is truly one of a kind customize friendly WordPress theme.
Banner and Advertisement Ready
If you need to monetize your site, WereTech theme comes with built-in advertisement placement options such as 728×90 or 468×60 leaderboard banner in top header, 250×250 medium and large rectangle banner in right sidebar, 160×600 banner in left sidebar and single post top and bottom. No need to install any social plugin because WereTech theme also comes with built-in social sharing tools such as facebook, twitter, Google+ and 100+ more social share.
With a responsive mobile friendly design its compatible with devices like Desktop, Tablet, small phone, i-Pad, iPhone, and Android Phones too. Try resizing your browsers to see different layout option.
Full Features
– Logo and Favourite icon uploads in theme options
– 600+ Google Web Fonts to choose from
– Built in social sharing buttons
– Unlimited Color Choices for navigation, sidebar, footer and links
– Featured Article Grid *can be turn off or on
– Sidebar Featured Category
– 6 Banner advertisement placement in sidebar
– Google or any embed advertisement code in sidebar, post loop and single post top and bottom
– WordPress Built-in Custom Header and Menu Supported
– Localization Ready ( mo and po file inside language folder )
Still looking for more suitable Responsive HTML5 WordPress Template? Checkout more Free Responsive HTML5 WP Template from MagPress

Really nice theme. It’s nice to see such themes being put up for free download. I would love to see this theme on my friend’s blog who has just migrated from blogger to wordpress. Also the fact that is a responsive theme is an added advantage…!
One of best themes of yours
wow its awesome theme.. thanks.
cool. I want to try this theme on my tech blog. ^_^
It is really awesome theme. i would like to use one for my personal blog http://jaladahr.com
It’s a great theme, I didn’t have to work hard on customization…it is easy, nice, clean and really responsive. You may check the showcase on http://sepatuadidas.com/
Thank you very much.
Great template! Thank you!!!
Really great template, thanks for making it available.
It is really great responsive theme with the nice features. Thanks
Let me try it but looks like a great theme . WereTech is a nice point indeed.
thank you,I like it ,it really very beatiful and attractive
These are nice templates, i like themes. Thanks’
sir i use were tech themes but there is some problem plz solve this. when we go to next page page link created on bottom of the home page. but error display is Server Error in Application “JAGIRO.COM” . how it remove . plz chek website and go to: http://jagiro.com/page/2/
seem like permalink issue. check wp-admin-settings->permalink and resave
thanks sir. i solve my problem. nice theme and site work properly…
I love the theme, but can’t change the logo anymore …? (it would be nice if you could add the functionality to pick image from library as well).
What could cause this?
check and delete if image exist in wp-content/uploads/tn_weretech_header_logo and fav_icon.
Can you please tell me how to add next button in gallery ?
not a clue, it wasnt wp builtin.
It’s great theme. I’ve already installed and it’s work!
An awesome theme
I want to remove the sosial, tabbed and search widgets on right side. How to do that ?
go to sidebar.php and delete the code inside if dymanic sidebar else, there should be html for the block you mention.
Great theme, I really like it! It is in my list of the best responsive themes – http://web-koshka.ru/wordpress/dizajn-wordpress/50-best-responsive-wordpress-theme-part-1.html
Does this theme support sticky menu?
no it doesnt
hello, do you know how to get the date of the posts? in which the file is located so you can take? thank you,
in lib/templates/post-meta
And one more thing, also could not locate the files where you can remove the “You Are Here,” you know how to solve? Thank truth
i think its the breadcrumbs in lib/templates/breadcrumbs
How can I change the font of the Category post link underneath the main header navigation/ I want to make it bigger so it stands out more. This is a good theme!
open lib/scripts/superfish-menu/css/superfish.css and search for .sf-menu.sf-cat-menu a
edit the font-size:1em; to font-size:1.25em;
Brilliant, thanks that would have taken me ages to find!
I would like to purchase this theme. Before that I need some answers for my theme customization.
1. I need 160px for left sidebar and 300px for right sidebar. Is it possible to enlarge without affection responsive.
2. I would like to add tables inside pages, posts without using any plugin.Is is possible to add?
And I need even more on theme customization?? Would you help me.
Nice template! Thank you.
Do you have any plan add option “Use an Image URL to set the Featured Image” in the future?
not likely cause it will cause some overload hotlinking image.
solution would be download the image and upload->add featured image when write posts.
It is really cool theme and i have already download and getting positive feedback. Thank you for developing this awesome them. I really appreciate for the developer.
1. How to increase right sidebar size – 300px.
2. How to delete secondary nav menu.
add this to theme option->custom css
[css].content { width:68%; }
#right-sidebar { width:29%; }
#sec-navigation { display:none; }[/css]
Hi, I am using free version of this theme. However the site is very scattered now a days… I am planing to buy this theme now however after looking the results, I am feared to buy it.. Can you please help me to fix this? Please check my website http://crazzyprice.com
Thank you.. If possible please email me.
the minify plugin might cause this issue.
Where to Change Font Size, Spacing and Color of Font. I am not able to change from style.css. Please help..
Theme is great
Awesome theme with great features. Highly recommended..
Excellent Theme and wonderful seo optimized
Nice theme. Planning for purchasing premium version
Great theme to work with. I am using this theme and completely delighted. Thanks
wow wonderful theme, really its helpful
Great theme to work with. I am using this theme and completely delighted. Thanks. i modify this theme like professional.
i am happy with MagPress’s Theme.
thanks MagPress
are you using any child theme for modification? if not then your customization is not getting lost when theme gets a new update?
This is awesome theme as i can see the front end function, planning to purchase the theme.
Nice Theme Man…..
I Really Love these Theme for its responsive design, mobile friendly and excellent customization features.
Hi, Awesome theme..!
This is another golden post by your knowledge ocean. I learnt few new things however I am a regular visitor of your blog. Every time I read new post, it includes something new and attractive. I quickly bookmark your each post to take fresh ideas for my post.
Excellent Theme and wonderful seo optimized
Yes, I totally agree is fully SEO optimized.
Great theme and find it so similar to Exai and would like to test it in full.
The theme can be used for multipurpose thanks
Your theme is outdated and having lot of wordpress errors. It is also not updated as per the latest wordpress code version.
Please update or return my money