ZendPress is a 3 columns fixed width WordPress theme with an easy to use theme options and packed with customized features such as built-in Smoothgallery slider, featured categories display, related posts from category, Google adsense, Twitter, Youtube video and many more.
Theme Features:
- 3 Columns Fixed Width
- Featured Content Slider
- Featured Categories
- Auto Excerpt and Auto Thumb
- Adsense Ready (Loops, Single and Sidebar)
- YouTube Video Ready
- Twitter Ready
- Widget Ready Sidebars
- Threaded Comments With Gravatar Enabled
- Easy To Use Theme Options
- Tested On Firefox And IE7
- Compatible With WordPress 2.6+, 2.7+ and 2.8+
- Valid XHTML And CSS
ZendPress Theme’s Updates and Fixes
Version 1.0
10 Dec 2009 – Initial Release
Version 1.1
19 Jan 2010 – Build-in Timthumb fix and added features
*Please read changelog.txt for update instruction.

Tags: Adsense Ready, Black, Featured Content, Featured Video, Fixed Width, Free WordPress Themes, Horizontal Navigation, Theme Options, Threaded Comments, Three Columns, Three Level Dropmenu, Twitter Ready, White, Wordpress Templates, WP Themes
Hi, great skin!
Does it work with WordPress 2.9?
Thanks and bye,
Thanks, I’m glad you like it. Sure, the theme works fine on 2.9 so far..
Hello, how can you download this template.. I tried too, and it didnt’ work.. I have wordpress as my host, but it’s not downloading to their site, so how do I download it to be able to publish it.?
Hai Jocelyn. Do you mean the free hosting at wordpress.com? If yes, I don’t think they allow external themes usage.
You can request them to add this theme and I’ll provide them a clean version of this theme if they want to. Thanks.
Great wordpress themes. I need to download one but I am a newbie to wordpress and don’t know whether it would affect my present setup. Could you let me know if I could change to one of your great themes without affecting my present settings. Thnx.
Hai Sharath, I’m glad you like this theme. Regarding your question, it depends on your current theme, if you have some manually added codes on it, then it will not show up when changing to new theme. Besides that, there are also several factors that might not make your current site100% the same when you change the theme.
You can try it out though, you can always change it back to your current theme if you don’t want to use it. Just make sure you preserve all the settings. i.e widgets.
I like this themes
Today I use these themes, only after I use themes position leads to the right should be in the left position. Maybe you can tell the solution
Greetings from Indonesia:)
I can’t really tell what’s wrong with it without seeing the site. Please setup a test site so that I can take a look at it. Thanks.
I installed the theme and on the index page the picture from article doesn’t appear in IE. In Firefox and chrome the index page show the article picture, but in IE doesn’t. Can you help me with this issue?
Please look at www.zoomtech.ro
Hai Ezu, it seems like IE doesn’t support auto height. Try setting a fixed height for the thumbnail inside the theme option. Thanks.
Thank you, I solve the problem.
Hi, I wanna know if it’s possible to add external links on the header next to “Home” link, thx
Yes, just open the header.php and add it below the [li]home link[/li]
[li]home link[/li]
[li]your html code here[/li]
*replace [ ] with < >
Hi Ronald,
thanks for this theme , I have uploaded this in my new website (www.loudable.com)but I see this is not compatible with IE 5.5 and 6, right part of my website has fallen down n instead of right column there is blank space….
Please check my website in this link http://ipinfo.info/netrenderer/index.php
Please help me with this. Thanks in advance……
Hai, Abhishek. first of all, thanks for using our theme. Regarding your problem, our themes are not tested on older version of IE, such as IE5 and IE6. It’s a known issue that some HTML code that works on IE7+, but doesn’t works on IE6. Personally, I would prefer it to work fine on IE7+ because IE5 or IE6 are less use version of IE nowadays.
Unfortunately, we are currently not able to make this theme compatible with old version of IE because some of the HTML coding on this theme only compatible with IE7+.
Sorry for the inconvenient. I hope you’ll continue using this theme despite it lack of compatibility on old version of IE. Thanks.
Great theme but I was wondering if its possible to remove all images from the posts? I have the enable thumbnails to no but they are still showing images. When I set to no it shows the broken image. Thanks
Hai Peter, I’m glad you like using this theme. Regarding your question, please follow this instruction on How To Disable Auto Thumb On ZendPress Theme.
Please let me know if you need more help. Thanks.
how to change the ” Comments are closed.”?
Hai, Try opening the comments.php and look for p class nocomments, you can change the text within it.
Hi can u help me to remove the dropmenu from my blog ?
If you want to delete the dropmenu page or category. Please open the header.php.
Delete dropmenu page
– Delete the div id navigation_page and everything within it.
Delete dropmenu category
– Delete the div id navigation_category and everything within it.
Tx very much! Good luck!
HELP ME PLEASE! I’m using this theme and the featured gallery doesn’t work , i mean it appears only the text but not the image.I have to install some kind of plugin?
Please help me , because i don’t find an instalation guide for this theme.
Hai, Victor. Please try putting more than 1 post on the slider. You don’t need to install plugin for it because it’s already built-in.
featured gallery images not appearing its completely blank
Please make sure your chosen category has more than 1 post in it. Thanks.
thank you for the wonderfull theme. i have got just a question, how can i change the amount of posts on the left site under the featured Smoothgallery? currently it shows only 5 posts to me.
You can set the amount of post to show for featured slider inside the theme option. Make sure the posts are under the category you choose to feature. Please try it out and let me know if you need more help.
I think the translation of my post from german to english is not quite clear. i am looking for the amount of posts which are shown below the featured slider. i dont find an option in the theme admin panel. you can look here: http://www.papparazzimag.com
there are only 5 posts
Hai. You can set it up by going to your wp-admin > Settings > Reading > Blog pages show at most. I think you had it set to 5, change it to your desired number. Please try it out. Thanks.
thank you, problem is solved.
interface ZendPress need any plugins? please let me linkdown the plugins there. thanks
All the features as shown in the demo page are built-in. You just need to enable or set it up inside the theme options. Thanks.
I have done. Thanks for you
Thanks for theme, it´s wonderfull.
I have one problem, when I go to change the background color to black in IE is different. In Mozilla and Opera, the theme takes the background just outside the page layout as I want in IE appears in black on the inside of the layout, changes to the bottom of the single.php and comments.
Is there a solution?
Hai. If you want to change the background color of content box area, edit background-color of #main in style.css. Comments layout css can be edited inside comments.css in css folder.
Thank you very much for this excellent theme. I am having an issue with “Read More” showing up next to each post. I have tried placing the following code below on the following PHP pages, but no luck.
main =
page =
Hai. If you don’t want to show the ‘read more’ tag on post. Please open the functions.php and under Standard Post Excerpt change these variable to:
Please try it out and let me know if you need more help..Thanks.
Hi, I actually want to show the Read More link. It only shows up on one post, but does not for the rest. Thanks
I have this code under functions:
function the_featured_excerpt($excerpt_length=25, $allowedtags=”, $filter_type=’none’, $use_more_link=true, $more_link_text=”Read More”, $force_more_link=true, $fakeit=1, $fix_tags=true) {
This code is for the slider. Don’t need to edit that. For standard post, it’s the function below it under the_post_excerpt…
Hai do you have a manual setup excerpt on post before using this theme?
Yes, I found it out. I removed the text and it works.
How can I also make my posts feed into an RSS reader?
Thanks again
How can I also make my posts feed into an RSS reader?
Hai, George. I believe you can make your posts feed by burning them using Google Feedburner, it compatible with all kinds of reader.
Hi Ronald,
Thanks. I get the following error when trying to use FeedBurner:
The URL does not appear to reference a valid XML file. We encountered the following problem: Error on line 23: The reference to entity “source” must end with the ‘;’ delimiter.
Hai. May I ask how and where are you trying to use the feedburner? Thanks.
I place my RSS URL in feedburner and the message comes up that there are no RSS.
When you’re trying to burn your feed through feedburner website, you just need to enter your site url, it will automatically search your rss to use on.
If you’re referring to a feedburner setting on this theme’s options page, I don’t think this theme have that feature, maybe you’re using an older version of this theme.
Ronald, thanks for help, problem solved 🙂
http://ruidosonoro.com/ This is a Metal Webzine and use this template. Thanks for all.
Greetings, Ricardo
Hi Ronald, thanks for the great theme..
I have a problem with slideshow. I had categorized 5 posts to popular post category. I also had put “feat-img” code in custom field and then sets into theme option.However, it still didn’t work well. What it was happened?
I too am experiencing this exact problem. My feature News section is blank in Firefox and IE
sorry.,…i rite you from rome…i need help while i’m using zendpress theme for wp 2.9.2
this is my header php
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="; charset=” />
IT’S WELL DONE OR I HAVE TO CHANGE SOMETHING:…i wait your response..thanks
Hai. I’m not sure what you want me to look at but basically there’s nothing to change in the header.php unless you want to manually insert code in it.
Hi, I really like this theme, for me there is one issue, I need to be able to publish pics in the main page article, but this theme will not allow this. Your Glossy theme allows for this. Is there a way to make this theme to allow this?
i will try this wp theme! thank yoy for sharing
First Of All ,, Thanks For All Great Themes,,
i have a question
when i am using zendpress theme ,,
on this blog – http://watchonlinemovies.1by1hits.com/
…. tags are appering on main page of each post with the summary of post ,,,,, I want to delete these tags ,,,
How i do it
and how i show more than 2 featured categories
Firstly, GREAT theme… Really enjoying working with it and really happy with it. I wish to use the theme for an internal company blog site but the main problem is that on occasions, in IE7 and IE8, sometimes when you link from post categories to post categories, the post preview boxes go invisible. So the top few posts have no title bar, no text or anything… then if you scroll the page down then back up, or if you click and drag over the area sometimes, the text re-appears.
THe same thing is happening here on the demo page, so i was wondering if you were aware of this issue and if you have any idea on what might be causing it?
If i can get this one little thing sorted then i am happy to use the template and will of course use the contact button to purchase it from you to use it in the way i need to on our internal system but i can not comit to it unless i can resolve this small issue as it just leaves me open to critisism.
Richard Williams
Hai, Richard. We have fixed the bug on this theme. Please check out the demo page again and let me know if you see anymore problem on this theme. Please contact me if you’re interested in purchasing a developer’s license for this theme. Thanks for letting me know regarding the bug.
nice themes here. i like more
Hallo mr Ronald, i used this themes at hotnews.muktiblog.com but why i can not display adsense? please help ceck it
I can see the adsense now..
Touche. Solid arguments. Keep up the great effort.
I need this theme for wordpress version 3.8
should be working with latest version of wp, what’s the issue you encounter?