Zimag is a fully customize three columns free responsive WordPress theme. With this theme, you can customize your site appearance in ease. The theme had built in color options for top navigation, main navigation, sidebar header and footer bottom color. Most suitable for admins that run WordPress Network Multisite so their users can customize their own site inside WordPress Customizer.
Here are some of the theme features
Unlimited Site Design Colors
You can choose your own color scheme for your site based on your niche.
Mobile Responsive Friendly
With the increase of mobile usage in today society, having a mobile responsive theme is a necessity to value your website visitors. Google also favor ‘mobile-friendly’ site when ranking the search engine results.
Built in Schema Markup
Google consider snippet or schema markup as ranking factor, the theme also had built in schema markup options if you really want to boost your website search engine micro-data visibility.
Full Features
[list type=”check”]
- Logo and Fav icon setting in customizer->site identity
- Microformat ready for Google snippet
- Post and Breadcrumbs Schema for prettier search structure in SERP
- Built in social sharing buttons
- 700+ Google Web Fonts to choose from
- Homepage featured category or posts
- Google or any embed advertisement code in top header, post loop, sidebars and single post
- Custom widget – recent post with thumbnail, popular post with thumbnail, featured posts with category and Custom Post Type widgets
- BuddyPress, BBPress and Woocommerce support
- Localization Ready ( mo and po file inside language folder )
Still looking for more responsive WordPress theme? Checkout more Responsive WordPress Themes from MagPress.

I want to remove this menu Primary Menu How to remove this theme, but I would be glad to help if I can not find code that can not be reached under the theme description in part thanks
add this to customizer->theme option->custom css
[css]#custom #main-navigation { display:none; }[/css]
I am trying to remove the left blog but I want to make two blocks of homepage but the left side of this theme where slides are present has been removed and the homepage will be in binary form
add this to customizer->theme options->custom css, clear cache afterward.
[css]#left-sidebar {display:none;}
.content {margin: 3em 345px 0 0;}[/css]
How can I delete the sidebar left only in articles (single)
how to add headline??
what do you mean? if you meant the featured posts, its in customizer->theme options->home setting.
How to remove the footer widget from Zimag theme?
add this to functions.php before end ?>
I’ve tried, but the Code does not work.
Why did it happen?
Or there is the code that is still lacking?
Is it possible to add a Youtube Link in Theme Options->Misc?
Popular Posts Is Not Working
popular posts is count by comment number, if no comment detected for post, it won’t show.
is it possible change it to count by views?
best use plugin solution for custom popular widget by view. the current default one are hardcoded to show by comment count.
is it possible to remove social share buttons from some pages and change the footer copyright?
try add this functions.php
[php]function zi_remove_social_rule() {
global $post;
if( $post->ID == ‘133’ ) {
remove or edit footer copyright
function zi_add_footer_copyright() { ?>
This is my link here my <a href="#">sitename here</a>….
<?php }
edit the text anyway you like.