3 Ways Responsive Web Design Can Improve Your SEO Ranking
Smartphones, tablets and other portable computing devices have taken the market by storm. The latest gadget buying trend clearly indicates that people are more interested in purchasing portable devices for their computing jobs than laptops or desktops. Therefore, when you are designing a new website for promoting a business or a service, you need to take care of several factors related to the portal. Just designing an attractive page with complete user-friendliness is not enough. You need to make sure that the website is equally operative on laptops and mobile phones or any other smaller device.
A responsive web design, that is equally useful on smaller as well as larger computing devices have become the need of the hour. Therefore, if you want to make your website rank on the top of search engine results, you need to make it a responsive one. Many of you may find it interesting to know that major search engines are giving more value to the responsive websites than the ones which have different pages for smartphones and laptops or other computing devices. If you are planning to launch a responsive website for promoting your venture, you can glance through the five important ways by which responsive web design can improve SEO ranking of your site.
Keep Your Content Under a Single URL
As you make a responsive web design for your portal, you can keep all your content under a single URL. There is no need to design different page layouts for separate devices and add content individually to them. Just prepare your content once. It not only reduces the time for designing multiple websites but also helps you in marketing, as you need to promote only one URL instead of two. Though mobile only website designs have some advantages by helping users scroll faster, the same can be attained through responsive designs, if done in a skilled manner.
Further, when you make two different web designs for mobile and desktop, you increase the risk of getting duplicate content. Though search engines may understand that same content on two websites are meant for promoting one business, you need to act in a careful manner. You need to make every amendment in both sites separately. In case you forget to make the change in any of the site or make an error while updating, your ranking might be affected. The site that is better developed will get higher ranking compared to the other. However, if you use a responsive design, there is no need to worry about duplicate content, as you need to update the site only once. This, in the long run, will also boost your search engine ranking.
Lesser Risks of Bouncing
Many of you have experienced that some websites open easily on desktops or laptops but bounces back on mobile devices, like smartphones or tablets. If you do not want to lose traffic or prospective customers just through bouncing, it will be better for you to checkout responsive designs. With this, your website will get loaded on every device at ease, which in turn will enhance the flow of your traffic, making your page a popular one, within a short span of time.
Better User Experience
Just making an easily navigable website is not enough in this competitive market. If you want to make it a popular one, you need to make sure that it is completely functional on smartphones or tablets, as majority of the adult population now prefer to browse web on portable devices. A website with better user experience will not just gain popularity among users, it will also receive better ranking from search engines.