Outsourcing as the Most Important Tool of Ukrainian IT Market Development
Outsourcing as a key tool for the raising popularity of Ukrainian programming
Outsourcing generates IT market in Ukraine. Just for today it is the most developed area in comparison to other segments. According to various estimates there are about 4000 IT-companies in Ukraine. 85% of these companies are small and medium-sized, employing less than 80 people. The biggest part of the companies is located in major cities – Kiev (44.9%), Kharkiv (18.7%), Lviv (9.3%), Dnipro (8.2%) and Odessa (5.5%).
Web-development is leading among the services, which are now increasingly offered by Ukrainian outsourcing. It is followed by the design, layout, and creation of mobile applications.
Unchanged leader among programming languages in Ukraine according to research of dou.ua stills Java. It accounts for 25% of the work. The second and third places are C# and PHP, which account for 17% and 14% of the work accordingly. The most popular Ukrainian companies deal with such service are Luxoft, SoftServe, offshore software company and EPAM.
More than 80% of all outsourcing IT-companies operate in foreign markets. Most common customers are companies entering the Ukrainian developers from Europe 67.7% and North America and Australia – 56.7%.
In 2015, among the IT-companies there exists a trend associated with increasing levels of difficulty posed by IT-projects. This entails ongoing and active skills development and professional growth.
Portrait of a Ukrainian programmer
It is easy to recognize Ukrainian developer at the following socio-demographic profile: in a 90% of cases it is a man of 22-34 years old with higher education, with an average or above average level of English language proficiency.
60% of developers are working on the outsource, which confirms the research of one of the most popular IT resources.
Achievements of Ukrainian IT-outsourcing
- 2011 – Ukraine won the prize «Outsourcing Destination of The Year» in the field of the European Outsourcing Excellence Awards.
- 2012 – according to a research of Exploring Ukraine IT Outsourcing Industry Ukraine took 4 place in the number of certified IT-specialists, after India, the US and Russia.
- 2013 – Ukraine has won first place among the countries of Central and Eastern Europe in terms of «best market value in IT-outsourcing» and «the largest number of staff employed in IT».
The development of Ukrainian IT-outsourcing
For the development of outsourcing and drawing attention to the IT-industry in Ukraine on the domestic and international level, it is creating IT-clusters in major cities across the country with the support of the state.
Clusters take the initiative to carry out systemic changes in the IT-environment of the city. Ukraine actively creates projects that are customized to make the quality of the IT-education higher and more accessible for everyone.