7 Security Tips to Protect Your Website from Hackers
There is a boatload of reasons to protect your website from hackers. While ecommerce sites are prone to hacking attacks, simple websites are also targeted by cybercriminals. Some major motivators include stealing data and sheer destruction like putting a sick message on your customer’s screens, destroying your records or just destroy your reputation.
While you can never undo the damage caused by a hacker, there are steps you can take to protect your website. Here are tips on how to secure your website and protect it from hackers.
1. Keep Software Up to Date
One of the easiest ways to protect your website from hacking attacks is to update your software, plugins, and scripts. Because most of these programs are open-source software, their source code is freely available to the general public including both well-intentioned developers and malicious hackers. Hackers can pore through each line of this code searching for vulnerabilities that will allow them to break into your site.
2. Protect Against XSS Attacks
XSS attacks occur when hackers inject malicious JavaScript code into your pages. The code then infects your web pages and enables hackers to get cookie data like login credentials, session IDs and credit card numbers.
The best way to protect your website against an XSS attack is to use Content Security Policy (CSP). This tool works by specifying how and what JavaScript should be executed on the page.
3. Beware of Error Messages
Fake error messages are a vexing problem for computer users. This is because the underlying malicious code locks up the browser, rendering it unresponsive. Once the code locks the browser, the error message tries to trick a user into a calling a number. The person who picks poses as a representative from a popular technology company and asks for financial or personal information to fix the bug. But don’t be duped into giving your details since legitimate companies would never intentionally freeze your browser and ask you to reveal personal information.
To fix the issue, terminate the browser by using the Task Manager to “end task” in Windows or “force quit” in macOS. If this doesn’t work, try resetting your browser.
4. Get Website Security Tools
These are essential for internet security as it’s manually impossible to monitor and manage website security. In addition to website security tools, you can also consider using Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) models that offer comprehensive website security tools. If you’re looking to build a website that is secure, try using makeawebsitehub.com. The site can help you build your own website from scratch in a few simple steps.
5. Validate on Both Sides
Validating form data on both the browser and server side is another great way to protect your site from hackers. Double validation can help block the insertion of malicious scripts into your database through web form fields.
6. Check Your Passwords
Strong passwords are important in protecting your identity and online security. Enforce strong password policies in your organization and ensure that they are followed. Implement password requirements like all passwords should have a minimum of eight characters and contain at least one lowercase letter, uppercase letter, a digit or special character.
7. Avoid File Uploads
A good way to avoid file upload vulnerabilities is to limit file uploads. While systems check files before uploading them, bugs can still get through and give cybercriminals access to your website’s data. To prevent file upload vulnerabilities, avoid unnecessary file uploads and ensure that uploaded files cannot be interpreted as script files by the web server.
Final note
These seven tips will offer protection for your website. Be sure to implement them since it will discourage cyber criminals enough to make them go looking for easier targets elsewhere.
Photos courtesy of us.fotolia.com

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