An In-Depth Look at the Playster Subscription Service
Playster is one of the newest streaming services to hit the market. It’s based on a subscription and offers a plethora of media, ranging from music to games, movies, ebooks and audiobooks. The platform is highly optimized and is looking to overthrow competitors such as Netflix by offering a wide array of interesting content in one service.
This service is clearly looking to become the top online entertainment provider out there and, judging from what it offers and the affordable price it charges, we cannot see it doing anything but succeeding.
With a price tag of just $24.95 per month, Playster offers members unlimited access to books, audiobooks, movies, music and games. Users are also entitled to a free month after subscribing to the service for the first time and anyone who opts to purchase a year-long subscription will receive a special gift: an Android tablet and headphones.
We started by checking out the ebooks section and were really impressed. The library boasts hundreds of thousands of titles, all of which are neatly organized into genres and subgenres, and there is a whole lot of content to choose from. No matter if you are a fan of timeless classics or want to read all the latest published novels, Playster’s ebook library has something for you.
The mystery books section was particularly appealing and we found famous titles such as Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment, as well as many other great reads. The Young Adult section was super strong as well and we must say that, having browsed Playster’s full library, we would recommend it to anyone who loves reading.
Playster is available for both Android and iOS devices and its custom apps can be download from the Google Play store, as well as from iTunes. Users can also save books, movies and music directly to their device to stream offline later on, which scores big on the convenience factor. Travelling in an area with next to no Internet access can now prove to be a delight rather than a liability thanks to Playster.
Movie-wise, Playster’s catalog includes a lot of documentaries and does not offer as many blockbuster titles as we had expected, but given how much diverse content Playster does house under one roof, the movie titles they do have are a nice addition to their offering.
Having reviewed the platform in full, we can confidently say that Playster is definitely worth trying, especially since the first 30 days come with no price tag at all. A full month of unlimited entertainment streaming for $0? It doesn’t get much better than that!