Custom Written Papers: Advantages and Disadvantages
If you are a student, the chances are pretty good that you’ve run into at least one paper that you’ve had a bit of difficulty putting together. When you are running short on time or are having problems finishing your essay, you have probably stopped to consider your options. First, you may have had considered whether to ask your instructor for help, or you might also have considered visiting your school’s writing center or a professional tutor, if you are able to get an appointment on short notice. If time is running short and you have run out of options, you might even have considered ordering a custom written paper from the internet. Today we’re going to take a look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of choosing to purchase a paper online.
Advantage: Professional Expertise
Professional expertise is the key advantage that you receive when you purchase a custom written paper from an online source. A reputable writing firm will assign your paper to an expert who has an advanced degree in the field. This means that the paper that you will receive will have the expertise of someone who has studied this subject in great depth and understands the topic in detail. These expert writers are familiar with the latest research in the field and know where to look to find the best material. They also have been through the same types of courses that you are currently taking, which means that they know how to write essays that meet the specific needs of your courses.
Disadvantage: Anonymous Writers
When you order from a website, you don’t know who is really writing your paper. While sites promise you native speakers of English and experts who hold advanced degrees in the field, there is generally no way to verify these claims because the writers are anonymous. In many cases, you get what is advertised, but you always run the risk that a specific service might not live up to its promises. Many students have encountered writers who were clearly writing in English as a second (or third) language and who had very little understanding of the topics they write about. It’s always best to seek out a reputable firm with a reputation for quality.
Advantage: Seeing How a Professional Does Things
When you order a custom written model paper from an expert writer, you see how a specialist with skills and knowledge approaches your subject, and you can learn from their years of experience. By seeing how they incorporate research and put together the essay, you can discover the best ways to do the same in your own. Sometimes it helps to learn by observation, and seeing a clear and well-done example can be easier than memorizing a hundred abstract rules, especially if you’re not sure how to develop and document an essay yourself.
Disadvantage: The Temptation toward Plagiarism
However, even the best-written model essays are meant to serve as a model to show you how best to approach your own work, not a substitute for work that you should be doing yourself. Many students take these custom essays and try to turn them in as their own work, either in part or entirely. Using other people’s work as your own is a serious academic offense, and students can receive failing grades or even expulsion from school for knowingly using someone else’s essay as their own. When you use a model essay, you should be sure that you are writing your own essay completely in your own words, even if you are inspired by the approach the custom essay took. A reputable firm will advise you on how to cite a custom-written essay to avoid plagiarism. Remember: Anything you borrow from someone else’s work needs to be cited and documented.
Overall, custom written papers can be a great supplement to help you develop the essay-writing skills that you need to succeed in the fast-paced world of college. But like any tool, they have positive and negative uses, and it is up to each and every student ordering a custom essay to make sure they use them for the right purpose. When done right, these essays can help you to improve your writing skills and thus achieve higher grades on all your future papers.