Dealing with Blogger’s Block
If you’ve started a blog already, you probably know that one of the ways that you can increase traffic is to post often. First of all, the more topics on which you write, the more likely it is you’ll hit upon something that draws the interest of a lot of people. In addition, the search engines are also more likely to reward a blog filled with lots of content, so that will also help draw traffic.
Yet as anyone who has ever had to write on a regular basis can tell you, writer’s block can paralyze any efforts you might have to get something on paper or the computer screen. And, if writer’s block turns into blogger’s block and becomes an ongoing issue, the traffic to your site will dwindle as a result.
If you’re using your blog to promote your business and need some help, there are SEO services in Canada that can take care of your online marketing needs. If blogger’s block is a problem, there are some potential remedies you can try.
Read the Newspaper
One of the hardest things to do while blogging is to come up with ideas for what to write about each day, or however often you post. A good way to come up with those topics is to simply stay abreast of current events. In the course of a day or a week, topics will likely present themselves, and many of them may be of interest to your readers or, better yet, relevant to the theme of your blog. Just be careful, if you are using the blog to promote your business on your website for SEO purposes, to try and avoid topics or opinions that might alienate your customer base.
Blurt It Out
If you have an idea of what to blog about, it can still be tricky to find a way to put it up on the screen in terms of how you want to shape it. A good idea, in this case, is to simply sit at the computer and start typing words and sentences relevant to the topic, whatever pops into your head. Don’t worry if things don’t hang together completely right off the bat. What you’ll generally find is that once you have something on the screen, you can start to edit it and add material until it starts to resemble a coherent post. SEO services in Canada can also help you incorporate keywords to lure in the search engines.
Don’t Force It
There are times when even the above techniques won’t do the trick, and you just can’t seem to get rolling with your blog, which will grind your SEO marketing to a halt. Sitting there trying to make it happen can only make things worse. It’s best to take a break of some kind. Maybe get up and go for a walk or take care of some errand, or, if you stay on the computer, surf the web for a while. Just that little hiatus should be enough to loosen you up and start the words flowing.
So don’t be intimidated by blogger’s block. Know that it happens to everyone, isn’t permanent, and can easily be handled so you can produce a wonderful new post.