How to Convert High Blog Traffic into Money
With so many myths and tips floating around the World Wide Web today, it is hard to distinguish between useful advice and that which is pure fiction. However, in this article we have rounded up a few sure-fire CRO tips on how to convert high blog traffic into sales
First of all, it is important to understand that the success of a blog/website or its popularity is directly proportional to the amount of traffic it generates. Hence, it is the aim of every marketer to generate increased traffic for the website, as more visitors equal more money. In reality, this is easier said than done. Getting more traffic requires a combination of hard work and targeted SEO, plus content which can help flood your blog/website with traffic.
However, the process does not end here. While this is the basic formula for success, you might experience high traffic on your blog with no actual sales. This means that you do not have a good conversion rate, or in simpler words, you are unable to turn visitors into actual paying customers. This also means that your high traffic is practically useless as it is not helping you make sales.
If this is your problem, then take a closer look at how to convert your high blog traffic into actual sales or turn visitors into actual paying customers.
Site Optimization
The most qualified source of traffic comes through search engines, be it from videos, social media or other blogs. Hence, you should focus on three aspects of your website/blog:
- Ensure that your site is mobile friendly – More and more people now use their mobile phones/tablets to browse websites. If your site or blog is not mobile responsive, then you are missing a major chance to increase traffic, a certain percentage of who might actually turn into customers.
- Ensure that your site is search engine friendly – Search engine bots or crawlers find it hard to navigate messy web pages. It is important to have a clear design which also does not distract visitors or search engine crawlers. This includes avoiding popup plugins and resisting the urge to fill your space with too many ads as they can increase your bounce rate. You can also use tools such as Google Search Console to identify other issues.
- Ensure that your site loads quickly – The performance and speed of your website/blog is very important. You can use tools such as Google Page Insights, GT metrix, etc to analyse how fast your blog is loading and identify any potential issues. Also remember that Google’s ranking algorithm takes into account page loading time, so it is important to ensure that your loading speed is good. This will result in better ranking on Google as well as improved visitor experience, which is the best way to increase your website conversion rates. If you are looking for more tips to improve your site speed, check out this site speed guide by BigCommerce.
Focused Content Marketing
A good content marketing strategy is the key to a profitable website or blog. Focusing on the right audience through targeted content is the best way to boost sales.
You can develop a good content creation and marketing strategy by:
- Posting meaningful articles over ‘fluff pieces’
- Adding links to expert sites/blogs to lend credibility to your content
- Including info-graphics to your content
- Writing creative and catchy headlines
Increasing Blog Subscribers
Building a loyal fan-following is another important method of improving your conversion rates. This can be done through creation of email lists and subscribers by:
- Including e-mail opt-in forms
- Using social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook to post ads and engage with other bloggers to attract subscribers
- Using landing pages to turn visitors into subscribers
Continue Experimenting
Above all, it is important to continue experimenting with your blog to find new ways of increasing traffic and converting that traffic into actual sales. This helps you stay updated with new trends online, while ensuring that your visitors never get bored of your blog. If you’re looking for new ways to increase your CRO knowledge, try reading up on the latest research, such as these CRO resources provided by Objeqt.
Redirect New Subscribers to Key Landing Pages
One of the fastest ways to convert traffic into sales is to redirect new subscribers to a key landing pages which has a paid offer. These pages should be based around a ‘thank you for subscribing’ message while offering a product on a discounted price.
In the world of conversion optimisation, this is known as a ‘tripwire’ as it helps ‘spark’ a customer-seller relationship.
Build Product Awareness and Trust
Perhaps the most crucial and difficult step for an online business is to build trust with customers, and spread awareness about their product. This can be done through e-mail lists and social media platforms to engage the right customers/audience and then inform them about their product without bombarding them with all that they are selling or promoting.
These are some basic tips which can be used to increase your conversion rate optimisation. However, if you are still wondering how to convert your traffic into sales, then conduct some more research and get help from your influencers.