How to Design a User-Friendly Coupon Website to Boost Sales
With the advancement in the technology, people become much aware of the digital platform. People or businessmen are making their business through online portals. Today, globally millions of business relate store available on the web. The Billions of people worldwide are accessing the online services to save both time and money at the same time.
In today dynamic scenario, the website considered as the most powerful tool by the experts – which is responsible for making or breaking of the business. It works as 24/7 salesman, that should be the premium assets of marketing efforts. After specific time frame, the technology gets outdated therefore, it’s essential to invest money and time in optimizing the website for maximum leads.
The website design should be eye-catching and user-friendly to grab the attention of the visitors and force them to stay on the site for a maximum time; it’s just to make the goal. These 5 tips listed below clear all doubt and help you to design a user-friendly website to attract the utmost visitors and become the source of great revenue.
1. Responsive Site
Nowadays every fourth person has their own Smartphone, which leads to more than half of the online searches directly incoming from mobile handsets. That indicates website must be mobile-friendly along with the user-friendly feature. The definition of the responsive site is, “the site must be smooth that gives each user a flawless experience while accessing the site from desktop, mobile, or tablets device.” Therefore, the site must be device friendly that enhance the user experience & force them to visit again and again.
2. Set your Logo in Top Left
A logo is the premium source of branding the business or any product. According to marketing experts, the Logo is mandatory and should be placed on the top left of the website. Now a question arises – Why top left? Actually, top left a place is the most eye-catching spot where visitor’s eyes reach first. A website without logo not only down the brand quality but also baffled the customers as logo is the identity of the product or business.
3. Proper use of White Space
White space! Maybe some readers are not aware of white space in the website. The White Space can be a plain, empty space amid various elements in the site. It’s has been noted that white space is significant for making better design. Even white space helps to enhance the readability of the content and empowering users to focus easily on the surrounding text. From research, the white space close to headlines or text enhances the reader concern by 20%.
In this example, i.e. SavioPlus was known as Coupon Valley, the white space around the headline “Today’s Top Coupons & Offers” enable the user to focus their attention on the meaning of the sentence, while rest of the content support the users experience a sense of clarity.
4. Make Content Skim
We all read somewhere and hear from people that, “content is the King.” A well-designed website with optimized content plus the success rate. The catchy headlines and engaging content have the potential to extract the right customers to the portal. It’s essential to choose the keyword wisely by keeping in mind the user’s interest and to attract the right audience. Instead of writing long paragraphs try to split into short paragraphs of 2-3 lines to increase the readability of the readers. Make use of bullet points to make the content clear and concise.
For example, maximum searches received on a keyword like buy luxury products at; therefore, it’s recommendable to focus this keyword in the content 2-3 times to get the utmost customers on the portal.
5. Add Search Bar
A website without search bar functionality is like to find something from the thousands of products. From user’s experience, the website which doesn’t have a search bar feature were totally time-consuming and hectic to get the desired product from the store. Which in return force visitors to switch others sites, that completely down the sales. Having search bar functionality in the site make visitors to find the exact product in less time.
These are some key points that let anyone boost sales by updating their website design. If we missed any point, feel free to pin in the comment box.