How to get started with a (Virtual Private Server) VPS hosting
Are you looking forward to making a jump from shared hosting to a reliable Virtual Private Network? Getting a VPS can be the best thing to happen to any business that looks forward to having a customer-friendly and resilient website to tailor all its needs and preferences. Moreover, a VPS gives a business owner a dedicated environment for tweaking server performance and unlimited access to the server’s admin panel. If you’re running a large commercial website that requires high bandwidth, VPS guarantees unlimited traffic with zero downtime to ensure a smooth browsing experience.
However, it is important to consider the type of service provider. For the best VPS, consider s service provider with diverse payment plans for flexibility. You might also want to consider a service provider who gives you the liberty to choose your operating system.
Here is a quick guide to help you get started with VPS hosting:
- Learning how to log in and access the VPS
Whilst there are many ways of accessing a server, we recommend using Secure Shell (SSH) for a seamless connection. After subscribing to a reliable VPS plan, your service provider will issue your domain with the server’s IP address, root username, and the password to the root account. A root refers to an account with special access in a server system. Once you key in the right data, a pop-up page will summarize the server’s details and a panel to enter more commands. Don’t close up the pop-up window yet.
- Server update
Before proceeding, you’ll need to upgrade the server to beef up security and ensure optimum browsing performance. The best thing about VPS is that you can tweak and customize performance speed to your site’s needs and preferences. Moreover, you must also download any released security packages as advised by the service provider. Different updates will take varying times to complete; take your time.
- Create a user profile
Once you’ve run the update, it’s now time to create a user account, especially if you’re accessing a server’s admin panel for the first time. All along, you’ve been using a root account, which has access to advanced settings, and the one wrong miscalculated command can cause irreversible damages. Therefore, create another profile with superuser access and administrative privileges. You’ll use this account for other businesses on the server.
- Public key authentication
Public key authentication guarantees you an advanced security system that will require another private key to authenticate access. The private key is only available to the administrator. The best thing is that you can customize your private key as much as possible by moving the cursor around it. After saving the private key, no one will now login into your account unless they have both the password and a private key.
- VPS firewall
Lastly, you might also want to set a firewall VPS around your website such that you restrict and control traffic flow. This will keep you at bay from hackers and guarantee the security of your website visitors.

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