How to Increase Conversions and Engagement with Online Video
To have a successful website or online business, you need to be able to convert your site visitors into customers. This process can be through lead generation, product sales or even turning them into paying subscribers. No matter what your business model currently is, for this to effectively happen, you will need to be creating content of value and persuading your audience to take action in the process.
More often than not, websites and brands are focused on text content to deliver their message and advertising their service. While this method still works great, it’s definitely leaving a lot of money and missed opportunities on the table.
Instead, the focus should now be on video content creation and marketing. Not only is video more engaging and effective, it’s also quickly becoming the content platform of choice (especially with mobile on the rise). This is exactly what we are going to be covering in the three examples below… which are all focused on how to use online video to create better content and make even more money in the process.
Sell Your Best Content in Video Form vs. Text or PDFs
Written content is everywhere… whether it be in online articles, books, magazine, newspapers or with a good old fashion pen and paper. Colleges also use print copy to make all of their students by expensive books every year and make billions of dollars annually off this process. But guess what… it’s not the best way to learn something. Here’s a quick statistic to back this simple theory up.
90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text. (Source)
That in itself should be enough to make you want to explore different options for delivering your best, paid, and premium content through online video versus traditional text and PDF formats. Not only is the information transmit faster, it’s also obtained better and more enjoyable. Just look at the entertainment industry… how many people would rather watch a movie of a book, than actually read the book?
Even more exciting about all of this, is that creating a business around your expertise and content is now easier than ever. Platforms like Kajabi basically offer a drag-and-drop system where users can design a website, import their content and start charging a premium for access to their content. Not only is this working extremely well for millions of experts and professionals around the world, it’s also helping people consume online courses and teaching programs better than ever.
Another thing that is important to note, is that you don’t need to hire a professional video production team to create your content as well. Kajabi recently came out with a blog post and video on creating video content with your phone, while also showing how their team is actually doing this and seeing some create results in the process. So, not only are people using their mobile devices to create video content, they are also using them to deliver video content to audiences around the world as well — which results in a better user process for both the expert selling their content, and the audience consuming it.
If you really want to increase the value provided to your audience, while also scaling your earnings to a whole new level… online courses focused on video is the way to go.
Whiteboard and Explainer Videos Just Work Better
Having written over 5,000 articles and pieces of content over a wide range of sites, I know the value of being able to create a good quality article that will provide value time and time again. This is the type of content that all marketers and brands should be focusing on, as it’s one that they can reference back to time and time again. A perfect example of this can be seen on my how to start a blog site where users are walked through the process of how to choose a blogging platform, set up hosting, designing a site and also the thought process of different ways to create content and provide value for their audience. In short, the guide is well over 4,000 words and does take some time to read through and consume.
With all of that still in mind, ‘reading’ isn’t something a lot of people want to do — especially when they just want to get started with a website or blog of their own. That being said, I wanted to make sure I could provide my audience with an alternative video solution as well, which can be seen below.
As you can see, it’s a whiteboard explainer video — which are working extremely well for content sites, businesses and brands of all sizes. There is just something about a whiteboard video that really sucks people in and not only makes them want to keep watching, it makes them want to take action as well.
If you aren’t currently testing with whiteboard and explainer videos, this is a must. Find your best content, then break it down into a few actionable messages and start to plan for the creation of your video. There are plenty of drag-and-drop solutions out there for creating such videos, or you can go with a custom designer and have something built specifically for your needs — which was done in this example.
Engage and Sell Like Never Before with Online Webinars
As powerful as online video might be, what’s even more powerful is live video interaction where you have an active audience listening in on every word. This is something I’ve personally had a lot of experience with, as I often run webinars for my blog and social audiences where I show them how to complete a step-by-step process, then offer them access to my online courses or membership sites.
When going the webinar route, you are going to want to choose a reliable platform that not only makes sure you are well connected with your live audience but also one that offers full reporting, polls, and engagement tracking. Clickmeeting is a good example of a webinar solution that is doing this right. Their platform is also 100% web-browser based, which means your audience won’t need to download any software of mess with outside distractions. You can also see in the screenshot below how I was able to customize the look and feel of a recent webinar when using their platform. This is much better than the traditional boring and one-sided engagement webinar experience that you’ve probably seen from other providers.
In summary, if you have the expertise and are willing to put in the effort to start running webinars to your audience, there is definitely the potential to see a huge shift in your earnings. Webinars are great for offering value to your audience, while also selling high-ticket items and courses in the process.
If you haven’t tried running webinars as part of your marketing efforts and content creation, you should definitely reconsider.
How to Explode Your Business Growth with Online Video in 2017
Having been in the world of online marketing and branding for over 20 years now, I know the opportunities and potential it offers for everyone. I can remember a decade back thinking back how online video and mobile is the future of content creation and monetization… and now it’s already here.
The biggest difference between then and now is that it’s extremely easy to take your talents and expertise and turn them into a real online business. There is no longer a need to hire a programmer, be a tech geek or even build a team around you. With so many software-as-a-solution and drag-and-drop solutions out there, it’s simply a matter of taking action and putting everything into motion.
Make 2017 the year you committed to online video as your main source for engagement and monetization.