Journey from Lightroom to WordPress – An Overview
WordPress is not unknown to cyber professionals regardless of whether he is an amateur or veteran. It is basically a software program that drives more than 30% of the websites. In fact, the well known web portals like CNN and Forbes are “empowered” by WordPress. So, what is the connection between Lightroom and WordPress?
In the words of a layman, Lightroom is an indispensible tool for the photographers just as WordPress is indispensible to the individuals engaged in web development. In this article, let us find out how you can make use of both these tools effectively for optimum results. So, read on for better insight. Remember, just by exporting your photographs to Lightroom will not suffice, you will have to optimize the images too so that they are visible to the visitors.
What It Takes to Make Images Visible
There are a set of norms that you ought to follow if you want to enhance visibility for your images. And by incorporating the following you can better the chances. Let us see what they are.
Provide semantic information
Optimizing for the search engines means that you have to make the web crawlers recognize your stuff. And for this you have to make use of keywords.
Using keywords is alright as long as you are using text but when you use images, you have to add so called “semantic information” that will allow algorithms to match keywords with corresponding pictures. And this can be achieved by using Alt tag or texts that are embedded in the codes that help in indexing websites.
Assign suitable file names
For each photograph that you name, assign one that is related to the image and valid and easy to decipher from the huge bulk of pictures. By doing so, the chances of your pictures being visible are increased. Also, it will be easier when you try to export pictures from Lightroom to WordPress.
The HTML tag should essentially contain the title of the image. If you are writing the description, make sure the title is not very long and restricted within few characters.
It has been observed that photographers usually lack this skill of writing captions adjacent to their pictures but that does not necessarily mean that every photographer lacks the skill but most of them do.
Adding Images (Metadata) from Lightroom to WordPress
Now that you have known the requisites of SEO to get better ranking, let us see how you can fulfill the journey from Lightroom to WordPress. First and foremost, do not forget that Lightroom offers preset themes that are of immense help to photographers. In fact, these themes can be customized and used repeatedly when you want to edit images or photographs.
You can “carry forward” title and caption of images to WordPress from catalogue of Lightroom. In the Lightroom library, the panel for metadata can be found. It is here that the title and caption can be viewed. While exporting images to WordPress, every metadata has to be exported and that title and caption are saved in JPEG format.
Next step is to upload the images from Lightroom to WordPress. This can be done in the WordPress Media Library. Make sure the images are set in such a manner so that the title and caption that was set in the Lightroom metadata panel is carried forward. However, once the image reaches WordPress, the alt text has to be added manually.
Once you have updated the changes that you have made, your next job is to “resize” the photographs for the web as per client requirement.