Managing Overseas Clients like a Pro
The world today is one big global village. Interconnectedness is today’s theme, which is why today’s youth are more inclined towards international clients than ever before. Be it freelancing jobs, or small start-ups- everyone has the target of breaking the barrier and going international. Now, as much of a professional ring having international clients has got, it comes with certain burdens. Tackling your boss at the office and making your international clients happy – the two things are not same at all, and that is why today we bring to you some pro tips and tricks on how to keep your overseas clients happy and satisfied. Delve right in!
Communication Channel
E-mail is the most preferred way for communication all over the world. Now you can have chat services via your e-mail. You can video chat, you can have online calls. On top of this, you can use services like Trello where clients can monitor your daily progress. So, select your preferable communication channel and portray it in your basic information. Your customers should know how to reach you effectively.
Time Zone
If we are talking international clients, we are talking about time differences. Now, most of the time you will be able to keep correspondence with your client via email, but if there is a need of phone call or video chat, you must fix it beforehand in an available time-slot for both of you. You should keep up with the time difference through a world clock. You should always discuss the delivery time your work before you take the client- they might want you to contact them in the middle of the night, and if you fail, you will suffer from a bad reputation! So, think ahead and be careful about this.
To make your business flourish, you need to concentrate on making your clients happy. Clients usually feel satisfied when they feel that they are being valued. You can make them feel valued by putting in the effort of trying to speak a little in their home-tongue. In this age of internet, it’s really not a big deal. Google translate, youtube and online multimedia lessons are there to make you fluent in the customary greetings and small talk in any language. Try it, make sure you get your words correct and see the results for yourself.
Delivery System
Often times you will have to ship items overseas for your clients. While this is a hassle, this is indeed a monster which you need to tame for the sake of your own business. The best way to do this is to stick with one global delivery service. Become their premium member and let your clients know that they will have to get the delivery through this service. Tracking your deliveries become easier when you are using only one service. In case you cannot use that service in any special area, keep a trust-worthy backup service in your arsenal as well.
Customs and Traditions
One thing you need to know is that you are never the only one in your business. To be on top of your business, you will have to make your clients believe that you care. And the best way to do so is to stay up-to-date about the cultural rituals and customs of specific regions. For example, cherry blossom (Sakura) is a vital part of Japan’s culture. If you can wrap your product in cherry-printed paper and send it to your client, it will definitely create a special impact. Just like the dos, there are lots of don’ts as well. So you need to be aware of most of the things that make your clients happy or annoyed.
When you work for someone else, it always comes down to the payment you get, doesn’t it? International clients tend to pay through services like Paypal. You need to know the costs of this, the currency exchange rate and the legality of money transfer when you are working for foreigners. Mention how you want to receive your payment in the contract itself, so that no one can fool you by saying that your terms and conditions were vague in the first place. Make sure you are getting the proper value of your hard work.
International clients are often doubtful of the quality of the outsourced jobs. If you handle them correctly, you can get a pretty loyal customer base which will benefit you immensely in the long run. That is why you need to put effort to get the small, subtle things done efficiently. Attention towards the above mentioned factors will help you go a long way with overseas clients. So what are you waiting for? Start dazzling your clients right now. Good luck.