save money tips bulk buying memory cardsMemory cards are important, no matter whether you’re a business or an individual. If you want to preserve your data you need one because an average of 70 million phones are lost every single year through theft and carelessness.

Steve Foley of says that everyone shouldn’t just have one SD card they should have a set of memory cards. But he says that buying in bulk is the key.

How Steve Caters His Business to Bulk Buying

Most people will buy a single memory card as and when they need it. The problem with doing this is that you’re not taking advantage of special offers and you’re not taking advantage of the future.

Steve recognized this problem and originally started his business selling memory cards and USB flash drives on eBay back in 2006.

Today he runs an enormous company that caters to the needs of the bulk memory card buyer. He recognized the advantages and he knew that it was what the market demanded.

Packaging Matters with Memory Cards

With most products people buy, they don’t consider the packaging. The SD card market is worth $7,953 million and most people don’t take into account how much of their money is going towards the packaging itself. Due to the size of the product, a bigger proportion of the cost is just on the packaging and the shipping.

One major reason to buy in bulk is that you can have all your memory cards placed in one single package. This vastly reduces the price.

First-time bulk buyers are shocked at the difference in price per individual unit.

Hassle Factor Down

Another reason to buy memory cards in bulk is that retailers can and do charge extra for the hassle of having to ship something so small.

It should come as no surprise because it takes a lot of time to correctly package an individual memory card. This is why Steve built his business to sell in bulk because it cuts the costs on his side and on the customer’s side.

Special Offers Everywhere

There’s always a cost advantage to buying in bulk. These are expensive products, especially if you’re buying the more modern ones, so buying in bulk can give you some incredible offers.

As we mentioned, retailers want to sell in bulk and they’ll reward you for it.

From the wholesale side, memory cards are cheap to buy, so the retailers aren’t using these special offers as a loss leader. They’re still making a huge profit, and you get to make savings all at the same time.

Last Word – The Power of Buying in Bulk

Buying in bulk can be even more lucrative with these products than with any other, due to their small size and the amount of packaging involved. Furthermore, this is a product that the retailers themselves want to sell in bulk.

So, the advantages far outweigh the initial cost.

Do you think it’s a good idea for you to buy memory cards in bulk?