Saying Goodbye to Your Travel Map Getting Harder? Here’s the Solution
Do you often find yourself thinking forlornly of your pretty scratch off map, all alone at home? Is saying goodbye to the scratch off map at the beginning of your every trip is one of the hardest thing that you have had to do? If you are one of the increasingly common fraction of travellers who are obsessed with their scratch maps and often suffer from nervous sweats because of being so far away, then Luckies of London have the product of your dreams.
Scratch Map Travel For Calming Your Nerves: Luckies of London introduced the ground breaking concept of scratch off maps in 2009 and since then have been constantly making new maps to suit the preferences of every traveller. So how was it possible that they will ignore the desperate needs of their scratch map obsessed brethren? Scratch Map Travel is another one of their ingenious travel maps with the following features.
- World Map Poster With Smaller Dimensions: The concept of the travel map is the same, you scratch off the places you have travelled to and create your own personalized map of the world. Only thing different is the size, it comes in a much smaller size of 42 x 29.7 cm so that you can easily throw it in your suitcase or even your backpack and take it with you on your trip. And no, before you get all hyperventilated with the thought of damaging your travel map on the journey, it comes rolled up in a strong gift tube so no need to stress over it.
- Gold & White of The Original Scratch Map: The glossy white with gold foil theme of the original scratch off map is followed on this scratch off map. Once you scratch off the gold foil with any coin, fingernail or any sharp metal object, you will find vivid colours ranging from red to green.
- Plan YourTrip: Flip the map over and be prepared to be amazed. You can plan your trip on the back right from marking your route to jotting down the best places on the trip. You also get to check off the different modes of transport you used on the trip.
- Learn Unique Travel Etiquettes: The back of the map also contains a handy list of travel customs from all over the world to help you transition easily and save you from embarrassment.
Summary: Scratch Map Travel is a handy travel map for those who love to keep their scratch off maps nearby.
Author Bio: Lidia Barret is studying to be an data analyst but her mind is at her sharpest when she is on her traveling adventures.