The Importance of Test Metrics
In the past few years, software testers have become one of the most important team members for the business involved in software development. These testers are focused on developing new products faster and less costly than ever before. So, both software testers and developers are using every chance to efficiently handle the quality of every product they make and/or the risk of introducing software that may have some issues. In order to avoid situations in which businesses release software solutions with flaws, every project team must keep a very high level of accountability throughout this process.
Organizations and businesses that are searching for the best way to overcome these issues should find the best way to use test metrics. Test metrics are here to deliver a better overview of the quality of products that are currently being developed. In addition, these metrics can also tell them a lot about the efficiency of used test methods and techniques. Organization members, starting from managers to software testers can check all the metrics and get a better understanding of the functioning of quality assurance efforts.
So, it is crucial to understand that these measurements and insights are not important only for testers. They can provide the necessary information about the current state of product development. In other words, everyone involved in the process can act in a timely manner in case they’ve noticed that something is not right or that something can be improved.
What is important to understand in cases like this is that test metrics are most important and most valuable when they are analyzed as a part of the whole. Of course, every metrics is telling us something about specific aspects of the process of development, but when they are analyzed together you can get a better picture of what’s going on and whether the product will meet the expectations and goals set in the beginning. Test software metrics should not be analyzed independently or analyzed out of a broader context. It’s good to know that there are no universal metrics that can be used by all organizations and businesses. Every business is different and these metrics depend on their structure, their mission and the current situation on the market.
Generally speaking, test metrics can be divided into three groups – company, department and project-level metrics. This categorization is centered on the things that these metrics are reporting about and where can we expect the main impact.
With the use of specially designed software tool that provides a chance to analyze these metrics, companies can significantly improve the quality of their work and the quality of their products. They can monitor and alter the process of development at a basic level without any hassles. Monitoring the quality of development and testing activities is a complex task, but with the right software tool, this process will be simplified greatly. In this way, developers and other professionals involved in this process can improve the value of the assets and share the metrics with other staff members quickly and easily.